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Before Xmas, like way before as I am sure alot of ppl are going away on holidays and don't want to miss out on having there say about the future running of the club, and as for a resturant I don't think that is wise, as I am sure there will be some "raised voices" and why do want to pay to go to a meeting, I suggest someones house with a big yard, and make it a BBQ insted.

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:P Good call Ben. Yeah I'm good with any day/night.

I know Gary was going to try to organise something like this for late November?

I think a casual dinner setting is a great idea. A busy restaurant may not like having someone stand up and talk about club stuff at a level in which everyone can hear properly, so might be easier to just have a meeting somewhere where there is sufficient room, kind of private (so we don't disturb other people), and easy to get to.

I would think that a quick run down of the journey up to now by the current exec's would be great, good to show all the members just how much effort went into that time. Also a run down of what issues the club has at the moment and what other things need to be addressed in the future.

It would be really good to have a list of responsibilities for all the exec's and committee members, that way when members do want to contact any of them, they can always go to the right one, rather than having either the buck passed around or getting lost in the system, NOT that this happens at all at the moment! I personally am actually curious to know what is actually involved in carrying out the roles of one of these positions.

Then open up the floor for nominations and voting followed by discussion on direction and suggestions and the motioning/seconding of actions to be taken, as I am sure there are a lot of good people with great suggestions.

From there the new exec's then can go away and have another meeting after that to make a plan of attack for ways to achieve the direction in which the club has decided on going and start to make things happening.

I don't want to sound like too much of a Nazi, but I really think that this should be open to anyone to attend, but the chair to only recognise members of the club for nominations/voting/motioning/etc. That way all those who aren't members yet can get a further insight into what is happening with the club and maybe want to make that step into becoming a member.

Just my two cents worth (ex GST) :)

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I don't want to sound like too much of a Nazi, but I really think that this should be open to anyone to attend, but the chair to only recognise members of the club for nominations/voting/motioning/etc. That way all those who aren't members yet can get a further insight into what is happening with the club and maybe want to make that step into becoming a member.

I agree...

I also reckon the option to pay / join on the night and then be involved in the voting, etc would be a good idea... A bit of incentive for those that want their say but haven't joined...

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I agree...


I also reckon the option to pay / join on the night and then be involved in the voting, etc would be a good idea...  A bit of incentive for those that want their say but haven't joined...


I don't agree,

join on your own time.

This should be a Club Meeting only.

And should be organised by the current Club President.

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this will be a club meeting, but will be open to anyone who wishes to attend. Gary said that.

but when time comes to nominate and vote only financial members will have the right. What if 50 members came who were ready to pay then and there?? thats the cams license in the bag. If they wanna join on the day let them, they have every right to. and for the president organising this?? hahahaha slip hasnt been on for a whilel last time i checked. This has to be done soon, get the new execs and commitee members in and get this thing going.

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Why should the power and future direction of the club be decided by those who have all the money? I thought democracy was for all.

So you wouldnt mind if I invited 100 of my mates along, non of which are members, get one to nominate me and then all vote for me?

Hey that really is not too bad an idea, only problem is I dont have that many freinds, although I reckon I could get 100 people to vote me in, if paid the right amount :rolleyes:

JK, but that is exactly my point, then any old bastard off the street with heaps of people voting for him could potentially run the club, I am sorry but I do not want that to happen.

As a paying member I have the right to a say in what happens in the club, I right I do not think should be extended to the general public.

If you want a say, join, only costs like $50 (without the t-shirt) how hard is that?


I don't agree,

join on your own time.

This should be a Club Meeting only.

And should be organised by the current Club President.

Sorry Mud I dissagree, why not let people attend the meeting, let them see what is going on and be totally open, but they just do not have a say on nominations or voting or anything to do with the club.

Just like parlement, we can go and sit and watch the polies in Canberra, but that doesnt mean we are alowed to make up laws.

If people want to join there and then I would love to encourage them to do so! But they must be members before they can have the right to participate in club votes and the like.

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no no no,

you miss understood.

My thoughts

* Anyone can attend.

* It is a meeting only not a membership drive, no joining up on the night (waste of time).

* Only paid members can vote.

* Should be organised and chaired by current president

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Sounds good, still think people should be able to join if they wish so before the meeting starts, but yeah it is up to the execs I guess.

And slip does not have access to the internet so how is he supposed to organise this? Chaired yes it is his responcability to do so, but organise, he might need a hand, which is why I think this thread was started for?

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