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Haven't seen a stagea in months over in Perth, then I see 3 in 24hours. Met Chris (footo) yesterday on a cruise, greenish c34 in doubleview, and silver, maybe an autech?? At the lights,marmion/burns beach road.

  On 09/12/2012 at 5:11 AM, GoldZilla said:

I've been thinking of leaving an SAU business card on the car, but everytime I see it I'm either in too much of a hurry to get somewhere or too tired to do it.

You live down Targo or on Targo? I'm on the other side of the station in Toonie, but my car also spends 95% of its home time in the garage.

Clean car? Mine? LOL! :D

Yeh I live on Targo, in a villa near oramzi st. I'm not sure I've seen your car gettin around, is it a dark c34? I've seen a white one getting around nearby a few times and there is a red one owned by an old bloke that I pass near Abbott rd in the mornings a lot but he never waves.

  On 09/12/2012 at 9:19 AM, DaveM35 said:

Yeh I live on Targo, in a villa near oramzi st. I'm not sure I've seen your car gettin around, is it a dark c34? I've seen a white one getting around nearby a few times and there is a red one owned by an old bloke that I pass near Abbott rd in the mornings a lot but he never waves.

Yep, mine's a dark green s1 C34 with the V35 GT premium 18" wheels on it. I've got relatives who live right up the highway end of Targo Road near the park, and I'm there fairly often.

StageIan lives not far off Darcy Road in Wenty, in a red s2 C34 - probably not the same one you've seen on Abbott Rd.

I've also on occasion seen a silver s1 C34 parked on Targo Road, maybe the owner was going to Tony Shaw's Swimming Pool? Same car has also been spotted in Pendle Hill just off Darcy Road near the Binalong Road end.

  On 10/12/2012 at 7:41 AM, Waino99 said:

White s2, black bonnet, had a wave but you were to busy going pppffffttttt sssshhhhhh! Hahahahahahaha

Turning off regency onto hampstead.

That would have been Health... but I'm not sure he comes on here much...

Spotted 2 white C34s in Newcastle today. One at about 930am near the stadium heading toward the city. I was heading the other way. And another parked just after as i turned up toward the old hospital at waratah.

I just spotted a silver M35 AXIS on Station Road in Seven Hills about 10mins ago, I was heading the other way in mine.

Also, travelled in convoy with StageIan today to the SAU Picnic and saw Theo and met Craig.

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