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OS = Exedy ??


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hi guys :)

ok, i have an OS twin plate clutch, and i was wandering about something..

whats rate on that? how much could it handle..

also, and this is the important Q :

a while ago i heard that u can rebuild ur OS clutch by Exedy!

is that true?? iive been trying to remember where i heard that but no use :D

any idea???

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mate there is an OS dealer in Aus too. www.otomoto.com.au

Rebuilding your OS clutch with exedy bits will not give you a new OS clutch. Just like rebuilding your HKS turbo with Garret parts does not = a new HKS turbo. If (when) I need to rebuild my OS twin plate, I will buy the new OS parts for it. no stuffing around.


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hi guys :D

ok, i have an OS twin plate clutch, and i was wandering about something..

1.whats rate on that?

2.how much could it handle[/b]..

also, and this is the important Q :

3. a while ago i heard that u can rebuild ur OS clutch by Exedy!

is that true??

ive been trying to remember where i heard that but no use :D

any idea???

1. there are two types of OS Giken twin plates, one is rated at 550 bhp and the other 700 bhp in a GTR (4wd and extra weight) so slightly more for GTST (2wd and less weight).

2. lots, we have had 650 bhp for 2 years in a circuit race GTR using the 550 bhp OS twin plate.

3. my local clutch shop put new linings on the OS Giken clutch plates, no problems.

Hope that helps

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Hey SK, how did they reattach the clutch plates, and what material?

No one down here has the 1mm thick plates.. or know how to attach it?

The OS Giken clutch linings are bonded onto the disk on the road (lower power rating) spec multi plates, they also have coil springs for taking up the shock loading. The race (higher power rating) specs have no coil springs. The splined centre is rivetted to the disks. So the process is to drill out the rivets, keep the spined centres and replace the disk and linings with new parts. The equivalent Daikin parts fit pretty well.

Hope that helps:cheers:

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