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Dude in a Commo went crazy at me!

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Story Time.....

I had a funny incident many years ago in my VS Commodore..

It was a mild 5ltr 5speed, bilstein suspension etc. So it handled and accelerated/stopped fairly well. (for a commodore) :D

I was driving along when a bloke in his red VN commodore stopped in the middle of the round about for no apparent reason.

It caught me off guard and I went a little close to his arse (of the car). :P

He dropped a huge arsed wheely and took off..

Once over the bridge he slowed right down to 20km/h.

I sat behind indicated and went to over take.

He dropped it back and took off.

He hugged the right lane and pulled up next to me (I was in the left).

He pulled out a base ball bat and said some thing along the lines of i'm going to smash you or the car up.

I can't really remember exactly what was said it was close to 5years ago now :D

Any way... At this time we were doing about 60km/h so I dropped it back to second and left his pos for dead.

Up in to an 80km/h zone and single lane. He tried to overtake I wouldn't let him...

Then I new the area so as he began to over take and got side by side I slammed the brakes (luv'd the ABS) and darted off in to a side street which left him locking it up and hitting the dirt.

Was funny too see... :(

He had no chance.

I simply looped back around and went upon my way on the single lane 80km/h road.

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Thats y u should always carry protection in the boot :D

I only had an experience when i went infront of this guy to cross through the lanes,  to the right lane from the sidestreet because i had to turn right right away. When i was waiting for traffic to clear the guy stops in the middle of the road and starts going spastic. I turned on my hazard lights, got out of the car, went to the boot and bulled out Bluey (my good old crow bar) went towards him and his car. (im scary when i go spastic) Once he saw me coming towards him with a crow bar i dont think he wanted to stick around so he drove away.

i wonder if he still carries his golf clubs in his boot

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The club/crowbar thing always reminds me of that scene in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' where the big dude with the scimitar threatens Ford, and he just gets out his gun and blows him away. Crowbars don't equal guns, I reckon the GTFOH [Get the F outa Here] is the best way, otherwise u could end up D=E=A=D, or very second hand.

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The club/crowbar thing always reminds me of that scene in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' where the big dude with the scimitar threatens Ford, and he just gets out his gun and blows him away.  Crowbars don't equal guns, I reckon the GTFOH [Get the F outa Here] is the best way, otherwise u could end up D=E=A=D, or very second hand.

*scared* ok maybe not dont feel like being shot today im too young to die!! hehehe

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MWAHAHAH :devil2: someone is scared of me..

...seriously though, if someone did anything like that to me (chase me I mean) I would prob get so scared and just drive to get as far away as possible, I hate people like that who jus go nuts :cuss: for no reason.. funny how its usually someone in a crapper car than yours huh?

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I had some dero lady/family that never brush their hair in the passenger seat of a 120Y call me a "F*ck head" for no apparent reason after pulling out of a side street once (2 laned road) who knows maybe they were going to change lanes or something and didn't indicate.

I accelerated up next to them and said "Excuse me". She had her other half driving and kids in the back seat. I asked her why she swore at me.. she ignored me so I began giving them a little bit of shit calling them dero's and if they wanted their kids to grow up like the low lifes they were they should keep swearing and abusing other people they come across.

I was very calm and smiling the whole time.. Enjoyed it thoroughly.....


The driver didn't like me calling them 'bums' and freaked out at this point trying to get me to pull over..

As if I would have pulled over especially with them having their kids in the car.. stupid ppls.

Whats to say I wasn't going to jump out with the club lock, loose the plot and smash some knee's up or even in todays society pull a gun on them....

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Hahah nice story -Joel-, keeping it kool, i've been lucky & never had road rage really. I've had some jealous commodore pricks up my ass but i've slowed down instead to piss them off then just booted it @ left'em for dead.

I Had a commodore with car load of idiots yelling out "wog, f#cking wog" after i booted it in 2nd behind me. Ummmm im actually an aussie dudes..... Tossers, ends up i knew the guys & they didnt know it was me my new car... lol Bloody idiots.

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Said wanker from Amaru's and my own story above had their kids in the car also, with the wife going rank at us while the hubby behind the wheel tryed to steer his boat after the GTR.

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Said wanker from Amaru's and my own story above had their kids in the car also, with the wife going rank at us while the hubby behind the wheel tryed to steer his boat after the GTR.

Ahaha you just reminded me about the falcon at calwell shops :P another priceless incident although you egged on that situation quite a bit :D

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