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Going for My P's Driving test on Wednesday. Advice Plz

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K i already passed the computer test and still have to do the Driving test. Now i got no choice but to do it in the skyline since i have no other manual car available...

I have learnt to drive with my parents and have never had a lesson. What i need to know is how much of a goodie goodie i have to drive with the assessor and the do's and donts, in a manual car of course. Thx guyz


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Just drive slower then a granny dude.

Wear a cap so everytime u check your mirrors they can easily notice ur head check etc

Check ur rear view mirror every 20 seconds...wear the cap so they cna see ur head move etc...

Thats pretty much it lol

I also heard that i have to be on a gear at all times? even when sitting at traffic lights. Is this true? cuz i normally just leave it on Nuetral and wait for the light to go green. Also when going in round abouts do you guyz shift it in a lower gear before the roud about or in it. When i drive now i shift in the round about, which means i have one hand on the wheel while turining which i think they wont like.


I also heard that i have to be on a gear at all times? even when sitting at traffic lights. Is this true? cuz i normally just leave it on Nuetral and wait for the light to go green. Also when going in round abouts do you guyz shift it in a lower gear before the roud about or in it. When i drive now i shift in the round about, which means i have one hand on the wheel while turining which i think they wont like.  


only be in gear when approaching the red lights until you have come to a stop. just leave it in second until you have stopped and then neutral it. as for the round about, i never encountered one in my test so never thought about it....but it sounds the most logical...i doubt you will get a roundabout....

good luck mate...i was more afraid of failing the computer test than the practical...

Yeah i know the damn computer test is confusing. Its like playing a 10year old video game, hated it. Only got like 64% lol. Also i might have to do a 3 point turn or a reverse parallel park in the skyline. Damn lol

Guest jimmyd17

when you are stopped at lights or something, have your foot on the clutch in first gear.. they dont like you to leave it in neutral i dont think. and yeh, check your mirrors every time before you indicate, make it obvious too. dont speed, leave heaps of room than u really have to if you have to go around parked cars, keep your hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel and u'll be laughing.. oh and with a 3 point turn, indicate right, headcheck, etc.. headchecks while turning lanes... i know all that sounds stupid and it is i reckon.. but its what they mark u on pretty much. i never had lessons either but ive spoken to lots of friends who have. btw, the test is rediculously easy too, ull be fine.

and LOL @ the stupid computer game they make u play.. i did it over 2 years ago, and got 57%.. it was a joke!

ahhh ok thx Jimmy for clearing up a few things :( Yeah, the comp test is practically pointless.

Just went through your Gallery.....your car looks nice shinny and clean...i bet you must spend lots of time cleaning it ^^

Most of them pics are after cleaning it so yer ;)

think of all the people that shit you up the wall, with the way they drive on the road, then copy them and be like them. You'll pass no probs.

What I found was testers in VIC don't give a rats arse if you ride the clutch till the cows come home, as opposed to Syd where they failed me for it. Mind you this was like in 1998.

think of all the people that shit you up the wall, with the way they drive on the road, then copy them and be like them. You'll pass no probs.

Thats gold. Thx monkey!! :(

headchecks all the time man!!! always have two hands on the wheel (10 to 2), only ever take your hand off to change gears. check your mirrors a lot, when you brake, always look in your rear view mirror. look over your shoulder to check your blind spot wen leaving a roundabout. Just look and check your mirrors ****in heaps!! and always be a 2-3 k's below the speed limit. The thing instructors are looking for predominantly is safety, not actual skill. This is because it is expected that you will be doing far more hours driving on your own then on your l's they give you some lenienancy if you lack a few skills. But safety they come down heaps hard on, if you dont have the right safety habits, your dead in the water. Thats what my instructor told me when i was going for my p's. I mean i totally screwed my reverse park, and came out of my 3 point turn in third gear, and i passed with flying colours, coz i looked all the time, and checked my mirrors all the time all through the test.

I HIGHLY encourage that you get at least one lesson before attempting the test. Regardless of how much experience you have, an instructor will pick up any bad habits you have and will tell you exactly how to pass the test. And if you get one locally, they'll familiarise you with the routes the assessors take. It might cost a bit more, but you'll have a considerably better chance of getting your P's. And because you're doing it in an R33 (that exceeds that power to weight ratio), you'll be scrutinised considerably by the assessor, just because it's an R33 and you're going for your P's in it.

It really depends on the assessor, which is why an instructor is good, because they usually know who the good assessors are.

I would advise doing the test in the instructors car... consider this: you roll into the test centre on Ls nice and legal, get your Ps and drive off in a P-plate illegal car?

Yeh i know about the 'only-car-in-the-family' rule... but won't sit well with Vicroads :(

I HIGHLY encourage that you get at least one lesson before attempting the test. Regardless of how much experience you have, an instructor will pick up any bad habits you have and will tell you exactly how to pass the test. And if you get one locally, they'll familiarise you with the routes the assessors take. It might cost a bit more, but you'll have a considerably better chance of getting your P's. And because you're doing it in an R33 (that exceeds that power to weight ratio), you'll be scrutinised considerably by the assessor, just because it's an R33 and you're going for your P's in it.  

It really depends on the assessor, which is why an instructor is good, because they usually know who the good assessors are.

Yeah i will be having 1 lesson before the test, n i would also love to take the instructors car for the test. They said it would cost $150 which is not bad for 1 lesson and to use the car for the test, which includes insurance and all that crap. The skyline will be a last resort for the test because we all know they will get impressions when they see me driving an r33.

I would advise doing the test in the instructors car... consider this: you roll into the test centre on Ls nice and legal, get your Ps and drive off in a P-plate illegal car?

Yeh i know about the 'only-car-in-the-family' rule... but won't sit well with Vicroads :(

hehe yeah, arrive legally and depart illegaly ;) gotta love it lol

We also got a nissan pathfinder, but its an auto so wouldnt be good to use for the test lol.

chris i strongly advise u not to take the skyline....ull basically be starting ur test on the wrong note.....take a 1 hour lesson and use that car for the test.

I did my test in Sydney and they were really stringent (ie ride clutch slighlty and you fail), although maybe thats cuz i got my p's when I was 17, nevertheless the key thing to remember for me was to change the gear BEFORE you make the turn.....eg ur going 60k's on fourth gear and approaching a left turn, slow down and change into second before you make the turn

good luck man, hopefully we'll cruz soon!

Ok, i did my test 2 weeks ago at 7:05am wednesday

Drive at the speed limit or below for starters!!

I made it obvious to do the dude that i was checking mirrors every so often....

I.e. before u goto round-a-bout check ur rear vision mirror...

ALWAYS turn any corner in 2nd!!!!!

You downshift to 2nd, check your right, if its clear, go for it.. dont forget to indicate as u exit off the round-a-bout

when they ask u to park, make sure u only straighten up ONCE... i lost mark for straightening up twice

i double clutched in the test, which they also frown on so i lost marks...

and man screw you... you have my dream car and you only 17?? far out.. some people have all the luck

Hang on... i have read all these posts about you owning HSVs etc, and you dont even have a licence...LOL:) Being such an experienced 'L' racer you wont have any probs passing your test....sorry in advance, but ive had a bad day and have perhaaps had too much to drink:(

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