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The Wasteland - ACT Style


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What do you girls and guys think about people warning others about RBT's?

You saw the thing on Tysons huh :D

I couldn't give a shit. Warn people if you want to - don't warn them if you don't want to. Who cares? I don't know why people get so fired up, especially the name calling about it all :blink:

I do appreciate it on the highway when someone flashes me :D

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You saw the thing on Tysons huh :D

I couldn't give a shit. Warn people if you want to - don't warn them if you don't want to. Who cares? I don't know why people get so fired up, especially the name calling about it all :blink:

I do appreciate it on the highway when someone flashes me :D

Could make a boob comment. But.......

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Nah didn't see the thing on Tysons actually but I should go check it out.

Old pedo Pat posted something on FB warning sydney drivers about an RBT and I told him I hope no one he knows dies from a drink driver.

My feeling is that if you do it then you deserve to get caught, I normally do warn people about speed traps though.

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Someone posted asking why people put up RBT locations etc, and that if you hadn't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. You can imagine the sort of response he got on that page :rolleyes: People were calling him a maggot and all sorts of stuff...

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I dont at all condone drink driving but I warn others about booze buses, RTA set ups, speed cameras etc because I like to be aware of their presence and avoid if possible.

Also on drink driving, how many people will have a beer or two after work and head home? I know some people are super against any alcohol in the system and somre know when to stop.

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I'm the same, I'll have one while I'm finishing off for the day, occasionally two, but they will be spread out.

There is a difference between a social drink then driving home and drink driving, as long as people stay aware of their consumption and the time I think its fine.

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I'm the same, I'll have one while I'm finishing off for the day, occasionally two, but they will be spread out.

There is a difference between a social drink then driving home and drink driving, as long as people stay aware of their consumption and the time I think its fine.

^^ this. The problem seems to be the more people drink the more they think they are fine to drive.

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