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Today exiting carpark I scrapped my exhaust, now i have a screaching metal like sound when on boost.Im thinking its an exhaust leak, its only when im on boost. Also if i built up boost slow the noise cannot be heard.Its holding 14psi fine all the way through so i dont think its my intake piping. Anyone have any ideas what it could be or how to find out

Edited by B-rice

Another bright spark!


Cross-border efforts lead to car seizure

Release Date: Tuesday, July 23 2013, 10:19 AM

ACT Policing has seized and impounded a grey Nissan 200SX after NSW Police spotted the driver doing a burnout in Theodore during the early hours of Saturday morning (July, 20).

About 12.10am, a NSW Highway Patrol Officer travelling north along the Monaro Highway saw a Nissan 200SX travelling in the opposite direction in Theodore, ACT. The Nissan entered the Johnson Drive roundabout and began to slide sideways, completing two full revolutions before exiting the roundabout in front of the NSW Highway Patrol vehicle.

The NSW Highway Patrol Officer conducted a traffic stop on the Nissan on Tharwa Drive, Theodore. ACT Policing Traffic Operation Officers were advised of the incident, attended the location and seized the Nissan under the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

The driver of the vehicle, a 23-year-old Conder man, will be summonsed to appear before the ACT Magistrates Court at a later date.

“This is just one example of the benefits of a cross-border relationship between ACT Policing and the NSW Police,” said Acting Superintendent Rod Anderson.

“Motorists who think they can get away with dangerous and menacing driving should remember that police are able to seize vehicles.”

Under Section 5 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999, police may seize vehicles for offences of unauthorised street racing, speed trials, burnouts and menacing driving. Vehicles can be seized for up to 90 days for a first offence and may be seized and forfeited to the Territory for a second offence if ordered by the Courts.

If you see any anti-social behaviour or dangerous driving in your area, contact ACT Policing Operations immediately on 131-444.

Qtrly whinge on Canberra drivers

Motherless puss licking shit eating infested vaginas - EYEHATECHUALL

If there were traffic lights along Parkes Way, I'd have hurled some serious f**king abuse at some of the incompetent kunts I had to deal with this morning. f**k my blood is boiling.

I'm deadset livid this morning. I would give anything for some poor soul to do something that would excuse me from criminal proceedings when I belt the life out of him.

Please, someone send me such a person. I'm desperately in need lol

Nothing in particular, just one of those days where every single flamin mongrel on the road is exercising their apparent right to be a braindead f**king moron lol. Just f**kheads sitting in the right hand lane at the same speed or less than those in the left, particularly when there's no car next to them (f**kING MOVE OVER KUNT!!!), stupid ass f**king 457s in their taxis thinking that they have right of way to force into the tiny space in front of me just because they indicated (albeit halfway through their bullshit manoeuvre), and my goddamn phone playing all the wrong songs on the way in haha.

Compounded by yet another f**king horrid night's "sleep", no caffeine, and hungry as hell.

And morons at work the moment I get in.

It's all f**king rainbows, fairies, and unicorns up in this bitch today! hahaha

Hahaha oath Princess, sounds as if you're a ticking time bomb :P Those people who stay in the right lane whilst doing / under the speed limit annoy me too. But what I keep in mind is that it's actually "Legal" to do so unless told otherwise "Overtaking lane in 300m Keep left unless overtaking", so I just suck it up and overtake at the next chance. As wrong as this may seem but I tend to think that the left lane is the slow / speed limit lane and the right lane is the "Fast" lane; by fast I don't mean 120km/h in a 90km zone but more so going 100km/h in a 90 zone, speeding is speeding though :(

It would have been interesting if one of those *********** went verbal on you :P

Seems it's only "illegal" in NSW (or at least NOT in ACT), or so the rumours tell me. It may be legal for them to sit in the right hand lane, but it's also perfectly legal for me to hurl abuse while making particular hand gestures - within reason haha

Yeah, I'm a bit of a time bomb lol. Most of the time I deal with these little annoyances quite well, but unfortunately my methods just cause them to build up haha

As long as whoever cops it when I snap deserved it somehow, then whatevs. Canberra drivers ALWAYS deserve it though :P

Careful for those "Snaps" though. Don't want to bash someones head in at the lights and then do time for manslaughter :( This has happened quite a lot in particular in Sydney. I'm a fair relaxed driver, but I do admit I bottle it up. Takes a lot to annoy me :P

Careful for those "Snaps" though. Don't want to bash someones head in at the lights and then do time for manslaughter :( This has happened quite a lot in particular in Sydney. I'm a fair relaxed driver, but I do admit I bottle it up. Takes a lot to annoy me :P

I haven't resorted to physical confrontation since yr8 (2003), and even then it was effectively "self defence" since the dude was provoking the living shit out of me day in day out. Other than that I've been on the receiving end of ~6 punches to the head while in Estonia, and that's the extent of any and all physical confrontations I've been part of haha

I'm VERY good at avoiding violence when coming from others, and resorting to it myself is the absolute last thing I'll do (as shown by my track record lol). I might get really really worked up and abusive, but ultimately if you're on the receiving end of these situations there's next to no chance I'll get physical unless whomever I'm abusing does so first :P even then I'll likely back down, coz you know, I'd hate to seriously hurt someone bahahahaha

I'd actually really like to know what I'm capable of when shit hits the fan. I've never even felt the need to "fight back" in any situation as I'm just worried about any potential ramifications of what I'd do - legal or otherwise.

the rule keep left unless overtaking does not exist in the ACT. they are 100% within their right to do whatever they want in the right hand lane.

Yeah as I though, still common sense and courtesy say they should get the f**k out of the way. If they choose to remain in the right hand lane, I'll let them know exactly what I think of them with no regard for their feelings lol

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