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The Wasteland - ACT Style


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If anyone sees my skyline or knows who bought it text me on 0423402784

mum kicked me out of home and I got a text from my aunty saying that mum sold my car

Without my signature on the rego papers

if anyone sees him or knows him get him to call me ASAP

Unless I can get my baby back mum will never hear from me

I will rightly/wrongly assume you are involved with drugs.

(if not I will apologise) - If yes then burn in eternal hell.

For a parent to kick their child out then "stuff" is extremely bad.

beyond their breaking point !

Edited by Sinista32
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Yeah confused with ozdaz I think haha he was on drugs for sure.

But for your mum to kick you out then you must have done something pretty bad. Just go and apologise, it doesn't matter if you did or didn't do anything wrong. Apologise because she's your mum

This^^^ Highly unlikely the car has gone. If the reason you got kicked out is truly that bad, then you know it and should have the remorse.

There is alot more important things in this world and your Family / Mum is one of the most important.

As I have met her twice, She seems like a nice and good lady. You also seem like a reasonably good and smart Kid.

Make peace with her. :thumbsup:

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I will rightly/wrongly assume you are involved with drugs.

(if not I will apologise) - If yes then burn in eternal hell.

For a parent to kick their child out then "stuff" is extremely bad.

beyond their breaking point !

Alcohol is a drug. :nyaanyaa:

Just being cheeky.... dont take me too seriously.

But remember this one?

"I wish i listened to what my mother told me when i was young." says arthur "Why? What did she tell you?" asks ford "I dont know, i didnt listen!"

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i was sexting with girls, no drugs.. having sex with underage girls after being told not to, my car had no rego, so she couldnt have driven it anywere.. and she messaged my dad saying it was sold, and my aunty offered me a free car for it.. well i hope it is just in the back yard!

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That is NEVER ok. no matter age nor circumstance


^ get the idea ^

one day you may be lucky enough to be a parent

and if it happened to your child how would you feel (one would hope disgusted and wanting to terminate the life of the perp)

have to be off to even post an admission like that

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The term underage can be used for 16 and under. Given he is 17, if the chick was 16 then it isn't so bad... But then again... I think having sex at such a young age regardless isn't the way to go. I'm sure the chick wasn't 12... Or was she.... Where's my bucket?

Good luck nonetheless :x

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like jeremy said he could be 17 an she could be 16 still underage but not a pervectic crime like some of you are thinking. But if your over 18 mate you really need to use your mind not your shlong or you will end up in prison.Im not condoning it at that age too. Remember a guy came to eddies just to give us this lecture for this stuff, first week of year 11.

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I dont think its as bad as it seems. He is 17. Any girl his age is underage. As long as he isnt banging 14 year olds, we were all young too, I remember beening 15 and bedding my 15 year old gf.

Cut the guy some slack and get the details before we all start coming down hard on the kid

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