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Legal Drag Strips: Victoria says its unlikely

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this is so moronic I cant even to begin to comprehend the idiocy of not building a dragstrip....but this is what u get for putting a leb in power

LOL... what you want one for every day of the week :D

Hmm, i like to enjoy a beer, i think the state govt should build a free pub for me in my living room. That way i dont have to pay for booz, travel there and back, and the alcoholic Roy (what a menace :( ) will be rmeoved from roaming the streets smiling at reflections of himself in shop fronts:alcoholic:

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Why do you think the government doesnt want to do it? because it will cost money for them...

Why do I think you dont want to go to Calder? "because it will cost money for them..."

Reminds me of a friend of mine who is half Scotish and half Aussie. Half wants to get pissed and the other half doesnt wanna pay for it!!

this is so moronic I cant even to begin to comprehend the idiocy of not building a dragstrip....but this is what u get for putting a leb in power

Since when have politicians ever been honest and smart? cops fly towards the rising sun when that happens. I meant real cops :P

LOL... what you want one for every day of the week :P

Hmm, i like to enjoy a beer, i think the state govt should build a free pub for me in my living room.  That way i dont have to pay for booz, travel there and back, and the alcoholic Roy (what a menace :rofl: ) will be rmeoved from roaming the streets smiling at reflections of himself in shop fronts:alcoholic:

if you dont build drag strips for the public, they will get their jolies on the street, plain and simple, its quite a copout by the state government to not build them, because it has already been proven to curb illegal activities in other states. Imagine if there were no pubs, people would just drink in the streets, or at home. And considering most peoples driveways arent 1/4 mile long, they just take it to the streets

if you dont build drag strips for the public, they will get their jolies on the street, plain and simple, its quite a copout by the state government to not build them, because it has already been proven to curb illegal activities in other states. Imagine if there were no pubs, people would just drink in the streets, or at home. And considering most peoples driveways arent 1/4 mile long, they just take it to the streets
What a load off parrot-poo. The irresponsible ones might. The ones who don't give a rat's about other people's safety might. The responsible ones will use the facilities that exist right here, right now.

Which one are you?

It's also been "proven" that night curfews reduce the number of P-platers killing themselves. Based on your logic, you'd have to support that initiative too, wouldn't you?

well I usually dont waste my time dragging, but when I do its at the lights, thats right, on the street. Can you honestly say you always drive at the speed limit, never run a red, never drag at the lights? Well if you are seriously like that, you should sell your car and get a mazda 121. Calder and heathcote are both far from metro melbourne, and Calder is quite a wank, 55 bucks or whatever for 5 runs? thats a joke. If they built even 1 more strip that was closer to or in melbourne itself it would definately encourage people to keep it off the streets, and as far as night curfew goes on p platers, Im all for it, most of them cant drive...so unless ur mr model citizen all the time cut out this holier than thou crap

if you dont build drag strips for the public, they will get their jolies on the street, plain and simple, its quite a copout by the state government to not build them, because it has already been proven to curb illegal activities in other states. Imagine if there were no pubs, people would just drink in the streets, or at home. And considering most peoples driveways arent 1/4 mile long, they just take it to the streets

LOL.. i dont get what you are trying to say:confused:

Repeat : there are two dragstrips already in Vic. Have you ever participated or even spectated at a drag event?

Do the govt build pubs? No. So why are they all over the place. Because ppl frequent them! And in turn they turn a tidy profit and make the whole venture worthwhile.

So what about track facilities, hell the ones we currently have arent properly supported by all the ppl who claim to be enthusiasts. Can you imagine in order to get a beer poured for you, you have to rely on a volunteer!

There are two sides for every argument:) But i cant see the merit in your thinking. :P

all Im trying to say is another track, government or private funded, closer to melbourne, would drastically reduce drag racing/street racing related mishaps on the road, ie - why would you want to risk getting fined and possibly injured for doing it on the street when you and your mates can go somewhere locally to prove to each other how big your balls are?

well I usually dont waste my time dragging, but when I do its at the lights, thats right, on the street. Can you honestly say you always drive at the speed limit, never run a red, never drag at the lights? Well if you are seriously like that, you should sell your car and get a mazda 121.

LOL...never been booked for anything and im 27, i wonder why that is:confused: Car ownership means different thing to different ppl. Saying someone who doesnt speed or run red lights (speed i can understand...run red lights is farken stupid:() shoudl sell their car is rather obtuse.

The guy that cant keep it in his pants when driving is perhaps the ine that should buy the 121.:P

Calder and heathcote are both far from metro melbourne, and Calder is quite a wank, 55 bucks or whatever for 5 runs? thats a joke. If they built even 1 more strip that was closer to or in melbourne itself it would definately encourage people to keep it off the streets, and as far as night curfew goes on p platers, Im all for it, most of them cant drive...so unless ur mr model citizen all the time cut out this holier than thou crap  

Dont tar me with the same brush mate. Sure i enjoy my car, and im willing to drive for 2 hrs to enjoy it. Hell, come sunrise i enjoy the 2 hr trip early in the morning to get to places like Wakefield and Winton for a 9am kick off.

Im not saying you cant enjoy your car hoever YOU like, i am saying you got no cause to 'take it to the street' when there ARE places around.

fair enuff, maybe running red lights is an extreme example, but my point being that unless you obey 100% of the road rules 100% of the time, you have no place to talk, yer its dangerous on the street, but thats the thrill of it, now I havent been booked for anything for at least 6 months, still have 9 points on my license, never get pulled over etc. but I still enjoy the occaisional squirt, and in a careful controlled manner there is nothing wrong with that, in fact I get people trying to run me more often than I try to run other people

fair enuff, maybe running red lights is an extreme example, but my point being that unless you obey 100% of the road rules 100% of the time, you have no place to talk,
I don't proclaim to obey 100% of the road rules 100% of the time; and I resent the implication that just because I might break a road rule now and then precludes me from passing comment. I have been caught exceeding the speed limit, but that is all. I keep ALL my racing off the street. I enjoy the drive to and from the event just as much as I enjoy the event itself. If you can't cope with having to drive more than 10 minutes to get to an event, then maybe you should sell your car.
yer its dangerous on the street, but thats the thrill of it, now I havent been booked for anything for at least 6 months,
18 months, and that was on the highway
.still have 9 points on my license, never get pulled over etc. but I still enjoy the occaisional squirt, and in a careful controlled manner there is nothing wrong with that, in fact I get people trying to run me more often than I try to run other people
How many of you young whipper-snappers killing themselves in street races is it going to take before you accept that the street is NOT the place for it? The facilities are available, use them!

As far as the night curfew, I oppose it, on the grounds that it is "effective by omission" - how are P-platers supposed to get the experience if they are banned from participating. Teach them properly in the first place, and you don't have a problem. That is where I object to the penny-pinching of the government.

And you still haven't answered my original question - which one are you?

well I wouldnt go as far as to say I care about other ppl's safety, but I certainly dont want to harm anyone...

This is a very childish statement. By 'street racing' you are putting many other people at risk. When will you (royal 'you', directed at 'street racers') take some responsibility for the stupid actions your (royal 'your') underdeveloped minds choose to participate in?

everyone repeat after me "Street racing is not cool"

I believe we deserve it... at a projected $489 Million dollars in "Revenue" (Or Loot more like it), from fixed position speed cameras alone, the lousy government, (that should have never been in power in the first place) owes us.

This is on top of the massive money made from rego, rates, parking fines, and various other theivings.

The obvious response is that we already have blah blah blah, and/ or the money would have to come out of Health or Education (OR the 98% of the budget that lines their pockets).

If legal and assecible drag tracks were available, street racing should go down, and conversely the amount of people being hospitalized for car accidents.

Accessibility is also a problem, as I live in North/ North Eastern Vic, and Heatcote is on the way to melbourne... 2 hours away... on a good run. @ $1.13 per litre and 12-16 litres per 100 kms, it is not a cheap excercise.

They owe us

i think there are a few enthusaists like myself who are responsible enough to keep it on the track/strip but find the drive up to heathcote and calder abit of a ball breaker. that being said if i cant take it to the limit on the track/strip then i wont do it at all but then again not everyone thinks like me. u cant deny the idea though that if there was a venue on the eastern/S.E side of town then people there would use it. i dont know if sandowns set up for it but even if they opened that up to the public on a regular basis it might help. a big part of this debate i think is "convenience" and each individuals interperetation of the word. is it more convenient for me to drive +1hr to calder, i cant be stuffed ill just drag on the streets and take the risks, or i could go to the local drag strip and do things legally. these are just the opinions of someone living on the S.E end of town.

a hypotheical here: lets say that instead of cars were talking about guns cause theyre kinda in the same context as they are only as dangerous as the person using them. now if in victoria guns were as popular as imports and everone wants and has one. now the only place to go shooting is calder and heathcote. there are the responsible ones that will make the trip there to do things legally, then theres the people that cand be ****ked driving there so they just shoot things in their backyard and around their street. then theres the responsible ones who find the drive inconvenient so they restrain themselves and make the trip once a while when its convenient for them. now if the government decided to open up another shooting range on the other side of town for the shooters there, wouldnt you think that it would reduce the amount of accidental shootings from the people who take it to the streets, even if it was just a small percentage. same i think would apply to street racing.

anyhoos, thats probably a stupid way of looking at it but thats how i see it.

i should probably dust off my flame suit and see if it still fits:D:D BRING ON THE PAIN!!..LOLZ.

Canberra drivers can growl about no facilities since the 1/8th was closed down (with a massive and immediate increase in street racing and subsequent hoon laws) but in Melbourne you have no right AT ALL!

Unfortunately the idiot street racer culture is so ingrained that people will drive from Epping to Dandenong for the illegal drags on a friday night because it is cool, when Calder is so close. In this case I suspect the only choice is to cancel licenses and impound cars for offenders who are caught.

It is much like drift in that there is no regulation of the event with clear win/lose criteria. Both participaants could come away thinking they "win" regardles of who is in front when they finish (yeah cos I wus catchin him dude but he backed off when he saw me coming). It reflects the society that doesn't impose failure criteria and the consequences and the cowardliness of the youth of today who don't want to be found out if they fail. There is no fail if you give it your best, and learn from mistakes, and try again.

Street racing is crap. Join us at the track (even in a stock car) and get some real cred. We respect that, and the volunteers who make it happen (thanks blind-elk) and have a real community that doesn't really have disrespect for others or the brand they drive, as they are out there having a go. Just don't look for an excuse to rebel against authority as it effects all of us who drive modified cars.

don't know bout you guys, but my car is going to a REAL track, you know, the one with turns :D anywho..

F*ck the night curfew for P Platers! Proven to reduce the number of deaths?? I think also heard that if they ban everyone from driving their cars, any time of the day/week, this will also reduce the number of car deaths :P - It's such backwards, draconian thinking to bring out a curfew - government sponsored or subsidised education is the only way, and that goes to all drivers.

Anyways, the gov just throws these ideas out to the media whilst it's in the public eye, to show that they are doing something, but once the next story hits it's all forgotten.

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