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sorry net been down for a couple of days.

Agh that photo is very unflattering .... i deny all knowledge of being at this so called event and id wish my evil ugly twin would stop braking out of her cell!


breakfest tix dunno price yet :rofl: will know soonish

agreed nights raves are better, but at the end of the day it's just another silly excuse to get messed up and listen to some awesome moosic :rofl:

adiran :rofl:

yas you suck, lol i wanna go to japan dammit :rofl: them heated toilet seats intrigue me, and so do the never ending amount of vending machines they have with weird things in them :rofl:

adrian :rofl:

i'm guessing they are too (from sweden) ... or else u can buy a volvo, theyre also from sweden... :rolleyes:

i wont be going to tokyo though, i'll be in my dad's parent's city (Kochi, in the shikoku island) for most of it then check out Osaka (for the first time) for a day or two. Bought a couple of trance CDs over there last time, i'll see if i can find some again. :D

how bout you guys go raving for me :P

oh yeh apparently in japan they have a vending machine for vending machines... :wassup:

i wanna go to this club called 'agaya' (spellcheck) in tokyo where carl cox played once, he said it has the best sound system he's ever played :D that'll be nice...

hmm me do after party with the ITM guys an see no picks of gav or mr lion or did i jus look like someone else all that evening peeps if yas see someone in a lion backpack at raves or big day out pretty much garanteed to be me come up an say hi wont say ill be coherent but its worth a giggle teehee think me an lil sis might do breakfest mmmm breaks aaagghhh

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