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Come home today from work...been working since 5am arrive home at 5pm....cruising at just over 55clicks 2 streets away from my house...pass a cyclist in riding in the middle of the road...dont think anything of it and pull into my driveway.

Anyway i get out of my car, and im confronted by the cyclist - an older guy about 40 years old and he starts swearing at me. He says "why the **** were u ****ing speeding down that street etc" after hes finished his first rant i look at him and calmly say...mate i wasnt speeding and dont swear at me - he cuts me off and starts swearing at me again, i then try to get in i was doing just over 55km/h and he says Bullshit u werent...

"anyway ive got ur rego im calling the police now" and i say go for it ur word against mine...

He starts swearing at me again my blood pressure is rising i dont need to listen to this guy...he has no ****ing right to be on my property swearing at me for no reason, he then procedes to put down my car

the starts the personal put downs and says "and your car is ****ing slow" "its a piece of shit" "its an imitation GTR (like **** it is...its 100% sleeper)"

I had no come back and just said its not an imitation its a skyline it isnt slow get off my property go away you old blah blah blah lol...then he rides off and says "i live around the corner"

at the start i was speechless...like i wasnt thinking straight i was just like wtf hes got serious issues?!?!?!

I dont think he had any right at all to do that to me? if he does call the police...will they come check my car out? Im am really really angry now that ive had time to think about the whole situation, i just hope he doesnt call the police or come back and scratch my car or do something evil...i dont deserve it im not a street hoon especially at 5pm in the afternoon with kids running around the streets

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omg what the hell is that guy's problem? i had a similar sort of incident : http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=53574

someone actually said that they had peeople screaming at them from the street to slow down even though he was driving under the speed limit. People just assume that because your driving a hot/loud car that you must be speeding. Pathetic. I like the "your car is ****ing slow" pfft.... I doubt the cops will rock up, sounds like an empty threat to me... this guy sounds like he needs some serious anger managment. If the cops do come, like you said it's his word against your and they have nothing to prosecute you with and i don't think that they're aloud to check your car for defects if it's sitting on your own property so it should be safe. I know how angry you feel but you'll be cool when you wake up tommorow morning again. Don't worry about the ****heads.

peace out.


was he wearing a helmet? you could get him for that. and whats he doing riding recklessly in the middle of the road. and how the hell is he supposed to accurately know how fast ur going unless he was magyver or something. you should have just ignored him, give him a blank happy look with a smile and see how long he goes at it before he realises hes talking to himself.

he lives around the corner? the first thing you should have done was follow him to find out where exactly he lives cause he obviously knows where you live. or reply back "yeah i know" so you make him paranoid too. but if u really want to be anal about it you could go to the cop shop and file a complaint and give a discription so its on record incase anything in the future happens. would help if u knew who or where he lived though. were there any witnesses??

dont loose sleep over it though. unfortunately there are people like that out there.

yeap i agree

looking back on the whole situation i should have laughed at him and walked off, i mean its sort of a good experience i know what to do next time this happens,...seriously in the heat of the moment im not good at comebacks and knowing what to do lol...this has never happened to me before :D

i was a bit timid at the beginning just listening and telling him to calm down but when he put me down and my car i gave it back to him and stooped down to his level which was a bad move but i was just really really angry and i still am :)

my sister saw him riding up the street above ours on her way home...so he must live really close around especially if he bragged that hes just around the corner... its a pity my garage atm doesnt have doors but i doubt a 40~ year old man will damage it "touch wood" but he seriously had issues

Their were no witnesses aswell :( i was hoping my dad would hear wat was going on and come out but no luck (psycho alert lol)

Its just really annoying i dont like being hassled especially when im innocent, if i knew where he lived id probably called the police for him trespassing/threatening me/abusing...

What you do is get in first !

I had a similar problem a few years ago and what I did was ring the police ASAP.Give a description of this road rager and a formal complaint,so if the guy rings the police YOU got in first and they ask him to come to the police station to answer some questions LOL

It works like a charm.

imitation GTR? so he knew his Skylines?

Similar thing happened, i had just turned into the street, still in 2nd (in a 1.6 pulsar) doing bout 45, so it's revving it's little head of, and this lady in her driveway was shouting at me to slow down!! :D - I was too surprised to stop, reverse, and tell her i wasn't even close to 50, i was just still in 2nd. Not that she would have understood anyway :)

Where bouts do you live Tim, in case we "run" into this cyclist? :(

  INASNT said:
dont forget  

driving without a license = dipshit!!

making up bs stories = mines_datsun

my area is a blocked off area atm and there is no entrace :D road work haha believe it or not there is only some hours of the day you can get in for this week>

which means.. NO COPS during those closed hours :wavey:

So typical of this happening in Melbourne.... I can't think of ANY other city in the world that has d!ckheads like that cyclist!

I cant speak for the rest of Australia, but 99.9% of motorists (or any dick on the road) in Melbourne are F#$*ED in the head. I cant stand driving in this state, everyone has a f*&%ing attitude problem! It's not only people like that, but people not giving you way when you indicate to change lanes, people speeding b/c they *THINK* you might overtake them, and the list goes on!!! For F$%^ sake get over it!!! I don't get what the big deal is if you let some other C%^T in front of you if he is indicating... I do it all the time without giving it a second thought... Or if some other motorists is exceeding the speed limit by 5 - 10km/h, I don't speed up, go behind him and point to him that he is a F^&KWIT so he can see me though his review mirror - GET OVER IT! Who the F%^K am I to follow every prick exceeding the speed limit and lecture him!

I didn't realise how F*$%ED up we all are until I was driving in Europe for 2 months. I could not (and still can't) believe how stuck up we are here! Melbournians are SOOOOO uptight it is not funny!

And the thing is, I know we have our F*%CKING government to blame for all of this, and not just Bracks that tool, but ever since they started clamping down heavily on speeding (which is about the same time that the road toll - per capita stoped decreasing as rapidly). Most motorists are SOOOO frustrated that they cant even speed by 1km/h that they vent those frustrations elsewhere, and don't be surprised if people start to carry guns around in 5 - 10 years. Our roads will be just like that movie L.A. Story.

Rant over for now....

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