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  ronin6 said:
I was gonna head out and watch a flick at the cinemas, but why head out when I can be entertained at home with this thread!!!

Me, I'm heading out the door to the workshop to finish making the Stagea air deflector. Doing work on the car is much more rewarding.:rofl:

  tomj said:
BTW- thanks for the pm entitled stupid ****. it went alot like this.

hahahahahaha. thanks for this awefully funny pm, i nearly cried laughing.

TJ SHUT THE **** UP!!!!! Seriously man just shut your fingers down(only because you never say it in person to ANY of the guys) and relax.

You know i am a neutral person as does everyone but seriously man, shut the **** up, you have dribbled more shit in the last few posts(and weeks) than more assholes output in their entire lifetimes...

Leave Steve and SST alone, or i will have words, you are just going beyond reasonable and your being a ****ing child. What you are doing is called "slander" and a good lawyer could have your ass for it. Look it up if you dont belive me.

Nice cut and paste above about the injectors by the way, very informative shame its not your own writing.

If you have something as bad to say as you can say on the internet maybe you should pop down sometime and have a say in person like a real man and not some internet ****ing hero.

Just relax, take your pills and calm the **** down, no one wants to hear it. I have always been nice to you no matter what other shit was going on but looking at this, dude your just being a **** head.

Im not going to check this for a reply as i dont have a skyline anymore but feel free to pm me or come see me in person about anything i have said as i will tell it to your face. Pull your head in

- Jack Campbell :flamed:

Ps. Aidwin says he isnt going to change your spark plugs for you anymore...

  d_unltd said:
Leave Steve and SST alone, or i will have words, you are just going beyond reasonable and your being a ****ing child. What you are doing is called "slander" and a good lawyer could have your ass for it. Look it up if you dont belive me.

Jack, please check my posts carefully. I have NOT bagged SST anyhwhere, i have merely said its wrong to come on, brag, then refuse to share the info. Steve just happens to have done that. If it was Lumpy, AJ, Mick Munro, Lane, or anyone i would be saying the same. That isnt slander, as slander cannot be based on an opinion. I did law at uni Jack, but thanks for that either way. Oh yeah, that and my godfathers son is one of Perths best lawyers. Feel free to sue. Court allows me an open arena to say everything I wish. :rofl:

Nice cut and paste above about the injectors by the way, very informative shame its not your own writing.

I never professed to having the knowledge, but at least im trying to help. Sure means alot then someone who does have the knowledge and refuses to share it. Its very obvious people want to know how this works, why cant we even get a simple explanation?

If you have something as bad to say as you can say on the internet maybe you should pop down sometime and have a say in person like a real man and not some internet ****ing hero.

I cant. Im "banned" - Give me special permission and ill come by.

Just relax, take your pills and calm the **** down, no one wants to hear it. I have always been nice to you no matter what other shit was going on but looking at this, dude your just being a **** head.

The number of pm's professing support for me beg to differ. End of the day my only two issues are this

1- Why use customers as pawns to promote your business without permission and then throw them into a shitfight that they didnt want to be in.

2- Why not share the knowledge - Id rather see 20 Skylines around Aus doing this much power and times, then 2 in Perth and 100 other V8's because sharing the info is refused.

Ill say this again, I would have bagged anyone regardless of who they were if they had of posted in this manner. We are all performance enthusiasts, im sure it would be of great benefit to share the info.

It shouldnt be us versus them (perth vs east) hell it shouldnt be anyone versus anyone in this sort of angry mood. But I havnt been the starter of this.

Like I said id be willing to apologise but whats it going to achieve?


Expert coments from a guy that cant even change his own plugs or or pads eh tj?

tj works his way around workshops trying to get freebies and when they dont happen when he says this stuff .Tj started the bagging about Hyperdrive calling them Dypercry etc till he needed them so dont fell good about tj being pro hyperdrive Lump unless you keep his freebies up to him.Sour grapes eh tj.

Lets keep the personal attacks out of the thread guys. I think in the interest of diplomacy and maintaining a good forum the guys doing the mud slinging from both sides should delete their posts that contain nothing but 'hate mail'.

  Steve-SST said:
Expert coments from a guy that cant even change his own plugs or or pads eh tj?

tj works his way around workshops trying to get freebies and when they dont happen when he says this stuff .Tj started the bagging about Hyperdrive calling them Dypercry etc till he needed them so dont fell good about tj being pro hyperdrive Lump unless you keep his freebies up to him.Sour grapes eh tj.

my how the bullshit flies

1. i happily paid ken for dyno time

2. i go to most shops because thats how i find cars to feature.

3. the rest i wont quantify with an answer. ive got the balls to tell ken to his face the real story.

  Sydneykid said:
Me, I'm heading out the door to the workshop to finish making the Stagea air deflector.  Doing work on the car is much more rewarding.;)

I would but my gtr is sitting there in pieces, waiting for my engine builder to finalise all his other obligations first. GRRR!! I might go and sit in it just to remember what it was like ;)

well i think on one thing TJ is right ,we all would like to further our cars and this is the place to do it by sharing information ,i would like to think i practise wot i preech as anyone of my threads would show and i have talked to many very helpful knowledgable people on here and i'm greatfull for that ie sydneykid,wreckedhead,gtrken,lumpy etc etc BUT if you come on here and post something and dont want to share the imfo the only motive i see is for bragging rights and well GROW UP

AND JUST FOR THE RECORD I DONT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT STOCK INJECTORS ITS THE PRINCIPLES THAT SHIT ME (plus i got apexi pfc that can drive large injectors all date long idle to full throddle)

  Steve-SST said:
Expert coments from a guy that cant even change his own plugs or or pads eh tj?

tj works his way around workshops trying to get freebies and when they dont happen when he says this stuff .Tj started the bagging about Hyperdrive calling them Dypercry etc till he needed them so dont fell good about tj being pro hyperdrive Lump unless you keep his freebies up to him.Sour grapes eh tj.

Interesting....... We dont give any freebies. Workshop ****s must pay! It's also interesting that people can bag a premesis that they have only ever used for a quick dyno pull or plug swap........I mean that really is a good indication of a shops potential isnt it! Notice to all that I didnt mention any names here. Jeese, now I've started....... :headspin:

  Steve-SST said:
This forum has showen the bad side of me and very much so some of you guys and the shops that have been feeding some ppl from WA so they can have their say with out putting their name to their words so i am going to log off SAU for good and thank the many ppl that have sent me support and if those ppl need help they can email me and ill leave you guys to it.

No big loss, entertaining old wive's tales though. Might tell the grandkids one day.

PS... arent you gone already? Ive seen more posts from you since you said this.


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