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im the same, parents always hasseling me to sell.

i tell them "would you sell your first born?"

main reason y they dislike is coming home all hours of the morning with a 3" zorst and 5" muffler and parking it in the garage below their room


Sounds like you should move outta home!

lol, im in with this guy, ma parents gave me the lectures about evrything... so i moved out,

got ma 'line and now they reckon ma car isnt practical coz i dont let them borrow it... as if! go grocery shoping in ma baby ..... yea right.

dunt worry dude, enjoy it while u got it.

if they hassle u about ur car and tell u to get sum else, tell them ul sell if they pay the diff for a AMG hardtop conv.. hahah

Great reply's people. The only ammunition he keeps using is the always spending money on it to fix it. But in reallity, the only money I spent on it to fix it was recently when I blew the head gasket. I coulda fix'd it for $500 but I spent $3000. I said to myself...I love this car more than anything and if I'm gonna keep it for another 3 years, I'm gonna rebuild it and do it properly. There is no use just fixing it to have the same thing happen to me again. So I put in some Ross forgies and rods, moly rings and race bearings. Ported the head and threw a 4 puck button clutch in it. I keep telling him, the work I did on it would have cost around $5500 so it's not that bad really. I did all the work myself and like PHATR32 said...I'll never forget it. I did the absolute best job ever, learnt a packet about my engine and why nissan designed them the way they did, and poured hours and hours into her. I love her even more now, even though there are a couple of things I need to iron out. I think my dad is like all of us in some way or another. How many times have you offered advice to a younger person knowing the exact outcome...because you had gone through it yourself sometime? I know that my car is a money pit, I know that I could probably use that money to go towards a deposit on a house. But the truth is...I will never replace her, because when you watch something grow from something beautiful into something magnificant...and know that you made it the way it is...there is a connection there that can never be broken.

Great reply's people. The only ammunition  he keeps using is the always spending money on it to fix it. But in reallity, the only money I spent on it to fix it was recently when I blew the head gasket. I coulda fix'd it for $500 but I spent $3000. I said to myself...I love this car more than anything and if I'm gonna keep it for another 3 years, I'm gonna rebuild it and do it properly. There is no use just fixing it to have the same thing happen to me again. So I put in some Ross forgies and rods, moly rings and race bearings. Ported the head and threw a 4 puck button clutch in it. I keep telling him, the work I did on it would have cost around $5500 so it's not that bad really. I did all the work myself and like PHATR32 said...I'll never forget it. I did the absolute best job ever, learnt a packet about my engine and why nissan designed them the way they did, and poured hours and hours into her. I love her even more now, even though there are a couple of things I need to iron out. I think my dad is like all of us in some way or another. How many times have you offered advice to a younger person knowing the exact outcome...because you had gone through it yourself sometime? I know that my car is a money pit, I know that I could probably use that money to go towards a deposit on a house. But the truth is...I will never replace her, because when you watch something grow from something beautiful into something magnificant...and know that you made it the way it is...there is a connection there that can never be broken.

you brought a tear to my eye

group hug :grouphug:

I never had any hassels from my parent when I bought my line, they supported me but just to be safe they signed me up for a defensive driving course (I love the skid pan). All my friends had a go at me with the usuall crap, one of them tried the jap crap saying until I pointed out that his VL turbo had a nissan motor in it. However now all my friends that have been in my line tell me they wish they had one.

I never had any hassels from my parent when I bought my line, they supported me but just to be safe they signed me up for a defensive driving course (I love the skid pan). All my friends had a go at me with the usuall crap, one of them tried the jap crap saying until I pointed out that his VL turbo had a nissan motor in it. However now all my friends that have been in my line tell me they wish they had one.

Yeh its pretty funny really, Holdens only cult car has a nissan engine inside it :D F#cking bogans in their VLs thinking they're true blue aussie hero's in their Holden with a Jap engine inside! hahah

damn man, my skyline cost me 20k, all that woulda done was possibly been a deposit on a house in sydney. probably not even. I'm too young to be buying a house and settling down.

Mum doesn't really understand the car thing but dad never really minded. Might as well have some fun before some crazy broad makes you sell your soul to make a home.

Besides, if i bought a house now and ended up killing myself in the skyline that i purchase later in life...then what the hell was the point of buying the house???? hahahah please noone try to follow that logic.

Also about the vl fetish. I own a vl as well, and i won't hear anything bad said about them!! it lasted me well, drove 30 thou kms with a cracked head and never broke down. its a good old girl.

people are always going to have a go at you for the choices you make. its up to you weather you take notice of what they say. buying a skyline is the best thing i ever did, even though im lucky to still have a licence and still be alive...at least its safer than a motor cycle

WHY do "Aussies" perpetuate 70's bullsh*t urban legends??? God it shits me.


Does it make them feel good? More like "Aussie crap" with all the bad press about Australian built "quality" (I use that word loosely).

Yeh for sure,

In the time ive owned my car, dad has spent more money fixing stuff on his VT commonwhore than i have on fixing stuff for my car.

And im fussy, IE change fluids all the time and buy this and that.

Not to mention the holden isnt modified, ide like to see how long parts last on a holden when its producing twice its factory power :rolleyes:

Jap crap is just the saying of people who know nothing about japanese performance, or even better, they do know, and they are jeleous and cant give it credit when credit is due ;)

I know that whenever I get into my car and go for a long drive...I am free. No-one to hassle me, no-one to tell me where to go or who to be.

You sound a bit like Vin Diesel "I live my life a quarter mile at a time, nothing else matters, for those ten seconds or less, I'm free."

My mum didn't understand why I'd lay down >$15k for a 12 y.o. car, but she didn't stop me cos she knows I like cars. She says the usual shit that most (older) women say when they don't understand the finer qualities of the car i.e. it's too loud, it's two low, it's only got 2 doors, it's nauseating to sit in (good ol' boost)...

My dad had it better than me when he was my age. He drove a brand new RA22 Celica when he finished Uni :rolleyes:. I'm driving a 12 y.o. car in comparison. But he also understands that I'm into cars ;).

I simply wanted something to identify my youth with when I'm much older. The Skyline was the only thing worthy. So I bought one.

We're on this planet for a very short time.

I'd be kidding myself if it's another 50 years... like most of you middle aged guys, we're not getting any younger.

You're not taking your money with you.

What makes you happy? What DRIVES you to coin a phrase?

This is my first truly high performance car. It's not over... I'm after a 34 GT-R sooner rather than later.

Why compromise with a lesser automobile when you can drive a Skyline?

I'm committed to driving manual RWD cars or GT-R's for the rest of my life as health permits. Other people can stand driving Camrys. That's their choice, this is mine.


Only person who gave me a hard time about buying my skyline was my financial advisor, everyone else loves it.

You only live once, why else do we live but to have fun and be happy, my skyline makes me very happy, a never ending source of amusement as far as I'm concerned, best toy I ever bought.

If you want something, work hard and get it,

How pissed off would you be if you were lying on your death bed thinking, I wish I had done that.

great thread :cheers:

I agree.. saving money and being a scrooge is not going to make you happy. Its the things you do with your life that will make you happy.

I agree that you should enjoy cars like these particularly in your youngers years. Your also more likely to have similar minded friends at a younger age.. once you start getting over 25 most of your friends will start settling down and having families and they are more concerned about which private school they are going to send their kids to than what their next mod or set of wheels is going to be.

One of the greatest enjoyments I get from owning a great car is not only the gratification when I step behind the wheel, but sharing the experience with my friends and others around me.

In regards to not buying a house, I disagree. I always promised myself and my parents I would buy at least one property before buying a $20k+ sports car, so I drove s13s until I bought my first two properties, which I have done, and my r32 GTR is on the boat as we speak.

I was lucky enough to buy just before a rise in property values, and now I could afford an R34 GTR. Without investing this would not be an available option. Its nice to know that you can.

But once again, I would be stretching myself way too far, so once I have more assets to balance out my liabilities, I will be doing the upgrade. :wave:

The reason you see a lot of people driving camries at 30 is because they spent absolutely every last cent in the earlier part of their life on going out partying, cars, women, and without investing or saving they couldnt afford a better car if they wanted one.

If you are serious about your hobby you need to spend some serious time thinking about how your going to afford it :D

buying a car of a boat is an emotional thing to do. cars are liabilities - they cost you money and unless it's something like a ferrari F40 or some limited edition car, it's going to sell for less than you bought it.

just keep in mind that when your dad is giving you a lecture, he is doing it from his perspective. he might say buy a good value for money car like a corolla - cheap to run, cheap to insure and relatively in expensive.

the decision you need to make (which you have) is that you are happy to forego opportunities the money spent on your skyline would have given you (deposit on a house, etc).

i have purchased a relatively expensive car and i don't really own any assets. i have thought about it and chosen to forego owning a property. my main reasoning behind it is that my income will increase significantly over the next 2 years so i will be in a position to more easily afford the car i'm in as well as a property.

so i'm sacrificing the capital gain on a property in these two years so i can have the utility of having a nice car now, which in the current sydney market is arguably 0% capital gain, so the net effect for me is not that much.

appreciate your dad's point of view, and he will appreciates yours. just agree to disagree about it, but come to the understanding that this is emotional and you wanna have fun in a cool car when you're young.

My old man was happy when I sold my VS V8 5speed for the Skyline. (He's a converted Holden to Ford) In his day he owned - Ford Capri, 351 Fairlane, 308 HQ Monaro Coupe, LH SLR5000 and the rest I forget.. All up by the time he was 21 he had owned 21 cars :D

The Commodore in 9 months of hardish (no harder than I drive the line) driving cost me $4500 in repairs.

Then after engine mods (cam, ecu, exhaust etc) my old man still said... "My HQ would have given this a damn good run" lol

Bought the skyline wound the boost up to 1.1bar, exhaust fmic and my old man said... Shiet.... Leaves the V8 for dead doesn't it.

I've owned the Skyline for 3 years now.

Its heaps better on fuel goes much much harder, is so much more fun to drive and has only cost me $90 for a radiator top tank & clutch master cyclinder in repairs.

The money I've saved I've been able to build up a 6k rb30det and am soon on my way to 450-500hp :D

My old man is pretty stoked about me doing up a car that is going to haul so much arse, only concern was "Make sure you don't write your self off"

When I first took the RB30DET down the street I walked up to the car to see my old man sitting in it all buckled up. lol...

It's a sad fact your parents will always figure they know more than you.

I've mad a lot of life decisions my parents never agreed with. Christ, I don't even live with them and I used to hear it too. One day, I got mad and said to them:

"Look I'm gonna do this - with or without you. You can either be supportive and help me or not. It's your call. But at the end of the day, I'm gonna do this."

This applies to just about anything. I said this line once. To this day, my parents will let me know if they disagree on a decision and why, but I don't cop lectures anymore if I've made up my mind.

- J.

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