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I dont have a day job..

but I have a all night job.. so I work and sleep work and sleep.. otherwise I probably would have finished it by now :(

and yeh sentinels is what i was talking about ;)

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whoa, do u have any time for recreational stuff...apart from games? i mean judging by ur schedule, seems like ur the full on busy sort

You mean there is more to life than work and sleep ???

I thought that was just in the movies, not that I get to see any movies, I just read reviews while I am at work.. so ...yeh..

I have played halo 3 times so far.. for about a total of 1.5 hours :D so I dont even have time for games these days :)

BUT! my mate is back from the army this weekend, so im getting totaly shit faced at the pub all weekend :(

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Meh.. everyone went to the city, I forgot to dress up so I didnt end up going :).. plus I cant afford city drinks anyway. so now me and a mate are sitting back.. and playing halo2 all night :)

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I have more problems with Mongrels getting me with the power sword or snipers..

Seriously, whats a good defence against the powersword.. Run backwards whilst dual wielding shooting like crazy? Or.. Dying.

Any other ways?

I usually get picked off by snipers when I'm running around hooking in like a maniac.

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Just had a good game then, all of us were level 6,7,8.. Me only being a level 6...;) But was really good, didn't get that many kills but all in all I played it alot smarter then what I usually do.. The, run in and kill two and then get slaughtered technique..

Anyway, mine is mmmBax

Please add me, Finding a good Australian crew is hard to find sometimes.

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Hey if you wanna add me, do it.. I might not get on this week, so most likely I will forget to add ppl :D

Gotta pick up a headset now aswell :D


and yeh, I love the run in and kill then get slaughtered technique aswell :D..

only problem I have is when other people get a hold of the sword and shotgun.. then im goooone ;)

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