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Turbo Timer and QuikTrak compatible?

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Guest schuminator

hey people, i'm new to this forum, well i've been a member for a while, just haven't been in here too often.

anyway, i own an S15 200sx GT and i have quiktrak installed and i was wondering, if i installed a turbo timer, would they (quiktrak and turbo timer) be compatible with eachother, like, if i set the TT for 1 minute and i got out of the car, would quiktrak let me activate the alarm with the engine still running?

i rang quiktrak and asked them and i swear, the guy i spoke to had no ****ing idea what he was talking about, he sounded really vague and said to me that turbo timers were illegal! (this may be correct, but i don't think so, correct me if im wrong)

(XCUZME, you may have seen me around my area, i speak to RR8TED every now and again, i know i have seen you around, but you may not have seen me, this is irrelevant but just thought i'd let you know :))

anyway, any help on the above matter would be cool

thanks :(

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I have Quiktrak installed and it is not too difficult to integrate a turbo timer however Quiktrak ( the company ) will not support this modification to their system. When it comes down to it they are not willing to modify their product whatsoever and probably don't have the expertise to make it happen anyway.

Basically you need to get used to the idea that after any spirited driving you'll have to sit for a while until the temps come down before you can alarm the vehicle.

It's a small price to pay for the peace of mind that this monitoring gives.


The first information you should be finding out, is whether or not it's legal to do this where you live.

In Victoria, you can't leave the car running if it's not attended.

I don't know about the laws on this in other states.

I'd also be checking with the insurance company, because if someone hits your car (while the motor is running) it could get very messy with a lot of grey areas about 'who was in control of the car at the time'


I had quiktrak fitted and asked them if I could fit a t/timer. They said I would have to bring the car in to have it "calibrated" to suit the alarm. I rang Bogard turbo timers and they sold me one that fitted perfectly between two plugs in the ignition. It has never played up with the tracker and I have left the engine running while I turn on the alarm constantly since January. The steering locks if you try to turn the wheel with the timer on and I even turn on the car before work ends, set the timer to 5 minutes and come out to a warm engine with the alarm on for security. I'm not sure if it messes with any of the immobilisers but the alarm is fully functional as I have been rung by quicktrac on a few occasions.(false alarms)

Hope this helped.


Theyre not compatible, and making your alarm activate when your turbo timber is on is a big security loophole and one that shouldnt be left open in my opinion. Its probably the easiest way a thief can get in.

what you mean your area? where bouts? whats ur plates? narrow it down mate, how do ya know stevie wonder?

Guest schuminator

haha sorry dude

i don't have any special plates....yet, but i was referring to bondi, i've only ever seen you once, but stevie wonder told me to keep an eye out for you, he said "if you see XCUZME, tell him i said hi" or something like that

there is no relevance here, but i saw your name and the pic of your car and thought it might be you

anyway, im over this subject, too many varying opinions, i'll just do without it like i have been doing, no biggy, i was just wondering

thanks anyway people

The actual fitting of a turbo timer itself is not illegal

The law reads quite funny, but if the police want to be anal - they can (and have) book/ed people.

The action of leaving a car parked, whilst not in gear (or Park, for an automatic) and the handbrake firmly applied is the law that is being broken.

Obviously a manual Vehicle with the engine running, is not able to be left parked in gear. - hence the "legality issues"

I know two people that have been booked for running turbo timers, and strangely enough, one of them was an automatic transmission.

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