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NENGUN Performance - Need to Contact.

GZ R33

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After going over some of the threads,it seems I'm not alone in the service vs. price thing.It's great to hear from people like Bass Junky,someonestolecc,Blitz,MLCrisis,Knore and lwells.It's easier for me to front to work every day knowing that some people have the right attitude!None of this thread was directed in mean spirits at GZ R33;did you finally get Nengun's number,A.?I hope it's all resolved.Me?I'm just working out what I need to order next!

The money was refunded yesterday............. :)

If you have complaints to make then make them through private messages to nengun, my dealings with Brent were done that way. I don't think it's fair to publicly criticise a company on this forum for the simple reason that you only get one side of the story. Given the way I was spoken to by Brent I am reluctant to make any future orders with his business.

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You will receive your BOV. If it has gone astray in AUS Then I will send you another one. It was insured

Now Now people.  

I think its about time I make an apperance.  

As for Threateing Brent, I never did that. However, saying that people in my country get killed for shafting people, is very true. Its just a fact. I never ever threatened the guy.  

My simple issue is this -> My parts were sent to the wrong address, Never was I told, Instead I had to make all the follow ups. In my line of work, when you promise someone that they'll get something in 10days time, and it stuffs up, you let them know.  

Ask brent, I was extremeley nice to him via email, even told him I dont mind if it takes ages, but just let me know. Im not upset cuase I think he shafted me, for gods sake its only $250, who really cares?  

But when he's sitting there telling me that Its been sent to my house, and maybe i just wasnt home is garbage.  

If most people are like me, then they dont like being lied to, and I told brent this, I advised that i just want to know whats going on.  

And what? You're gonna start whinging cuase you get 100 emails a day, tough titties, you opened up that line of work, so learn how to deal with it!!! Dont start whineing cuase you got too many customres.  

Oh and another thing, Ive heard so much more negative feedback on Brent than good feedback. I could have went to greenline.jp, however Brent's a sponser, and I thought I'd help out a sponsor...but I know now.  

As for my cousin In Japan, hehe, Im not gonna ask him to waste his time getting me a BOV when he deals with much larger things and has alot more to worry about.  

Now all this stuff about having taliban Links...heeh lol. Makes me laugh, cause I never ever implied that..hehe...all becuase I have an 'arab' name, you wankers (you know who are) instantly think that when I tell you that 'you dont know who you're screwing over' you instantly think "OMG he's gonna blow us up". Get a life you tossers....Its wankers like you who generalise the whole arab community and take it out on any one whos from the middle east.  

We're in australia for f*cks sake, and If my name wasnt so "arab" then instantly, it would have just been a simple statment and not some arab getting angry...

Any way, Im over it, Cant be bothered dealing with Brent any more, I've written off my $250, cut it as a loss, I'll just purchase the BOV frome someone else. But the way he's running his business. I dont expect that he'll be too popular.  

FOr all the people who have bought off him before and its gone well, Im happy for you, but in this instance, it hasnt worked out. Im entitled to my opinon, and Im entitled not to spend my money with him.  

The post on NS.com was not a bitch session, I was asking about this guys credibility and if anyone else out there had the same issues. It seems alot of people have, (ie.This post)

which im entitled to do.  

And another thing, with the net, You really dont know who you are dealing with and what type of people they are, so great caution always needs to be taken, I'd never screw someone over that I didnt know who he was and where he was from, Its just not worth it these days with all the crap goin on.  

Any ways, I've said what I have to say. To this date I still havnt recived my stuff from brent. And I cant be bothred wasting my time sendig him emails back and forth...and now that he's reported me to ASIO??: hehe what a laugh.

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Brent... dont spose u want someone to help u out with orders do u? :) wouldnt mind living in japan :)

i know i know... was worth a try tho lol

dont forget hes also got idiots emailing him 10x a day with questions... btw i will stop that now ;)

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Now offence here, but if I was running a business and somebody started a thread llike this with all the crap that went with it, I'd probably speak to that somebody in a fairly gruff manner too.


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Yes I need some help real bad.

The problem is I need someone who can speak and write English Fluently, Also they need to be able to speak, read and write Japanese aswell and know something about parts. The latter always seems to be a problem.

I have a new homepage ready to go live in a few days so this should change my situation for the better I hope. This is why a lot of e mails are not being answered of late I went to bed at 4am this morning and I was up again at 7am It has been like this for weeks. I am not complaining I love what I do.

Brent... dont spose u want someone to help u out with orders do u? :) wouldnt mind living in japan :)

i know i know... was worth a try tho lol

dont forget hes also got idiots emailing him 10x a day with questions... btw i will stop that now ;)

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hmmmm english isnt an issue... parts arent an issue... im going to a tafe course at the start of next year for japanese... hold out for a few months for me!! :)

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truth is... its hard for anyone to comprehend the ups and downs of running a business until he/she actually started one... imagine yourself in Brent's shoe... and we're talking about running a business OMO style including emails, locating parts, ordering, posting, accounts, etc.

I have just ordered and paid for a ORC clutch with Nengun because of all the good feedbacks i get from my mates. Brent may take a little longer with his emails and postage but nevertheless, parts always get to the customers' doorstep.

The same thing can be said about Greenline because i have dealth a few times with Jason before as well :)



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What  are you people on about? No one has ever mentioned that to me. Not one e mail with your complaint.  If I think who it is You just sent it back because you said it was faulty and I am using the warranty to get you another one.  I would never change part for something else. Never!  

Nismo do there own testing on the fuel pumps that is why they smell of fuel when you recieve them. Hence people think they are used.  

Weird man! People will say or do anything for their 15 minute Flip

I have made MANY transactions with you brent and I never had any issues (except for when your suppliers cant supply but thats to be expected)

Keep up the good work and thanks for servicing us the way you do.


[email protected]

PS: Where is my RX7 Computer :)

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Yes I need some help real bad.  

The problem is I need someone who can speak and write English Fluently, Also they need to be able to speak, read and write Japanese aswell and know something about parts. The latter always seems to be a problem.

I have a new homepage ready to go live in a few days so this should change my situation for the better I hope. This is why a lot of e mails are not being answered of late I went to bed at 4am this morning and I was up again at 7am It has been like this for weeks. I am not complaining I love what I do.

If only i knew japenese well, the english and parts section is all good :)

Man how i wasted japanese at school, if only i realised ide come to love japan :)

How fluent does the person have to be in japanese?

And yeah, keep up the good work, thanks for providing us with such a great service ;)

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Yes there is a lot more to this story. If anyone has doughts about my honesty please e mail at [email protected] and I have proof what really happend with that pump.

There is no way I would send a Used part and pass it off as New.  

As one reputable performance dealer mentioned it would win a Darwin Award  what this crew has done.

NO WHERE has anyone said except for you that we were claiming you sent us a "second-hand" pump in a nismo box. Go read through your emails, and all the posts, on all the forums. The only person who has said that is YOU.

We received a BRAND NEW pump in a nismo box. Installed it, realised it was not performing as it should, and removed it. OUR MISTAKE was that when we removed the "nismo" pump, we used the bottom filter bag and wiring loom to use on an Australian sourced fuel pump, that doesn't come with these items. It makes the installation a whole lot easier!

We then informed Brent, he advised us to send it back for testing/warranty. NO worries.

OUR SECOND MISTAKE was to take the stock 1999 factory 34 GTR filter bag and wiring loom, and attach it to the "nismo" unit for TESTING in Japan. SADLY we did not inform Brent of the swap before he went off to nismo for "testing" of the unit. Little did we know that Brent would of received a direct swap for the unit, so when they first looked at it, they told him to piss off, as it appeared to be a second-hand unit, NO WARRANTY.

We never said the unit didn't work, it just didn't do what it was supposed to! That’s when we assumed it must be a BRAND NEW STANDARD UNIT in a nismo box, as it had the same performance/flow of the original stock unit. WE gave Brent the benefit of doubt and still assumed it was a nismo pump, so we sent it back for testing. WE HAVE NEVER SEEN A NISMO FUEL PUMP BEFORE!

I collected the item personally from customs, there is no-way someone at customs would have a 34 GTR pump sealed in a unopened bag and swap if for the nismo one. We can only assume somewhere at Brent's end that their was a mix-up. WE NEVER EVER ACCUSED BRENT FOR RIPPING US OFF, OR THAT IT WAS HIS FAULT FOR WHAT WE RECIEVED. I have ordered parts of Brent in the past, NO PROBLEMS!

Now i work in the RA department, when something comes in for testing, you test it. Simple! We sent the unit back for TESTING. Assuming it is a nismo pump, they would test it!? They supplier should be able to identify what the actual unit is by its serial number/appearance, correct Brent? The problem is, the supplier has sighted it with the old bag/filter and loom attached and told Brent he is an idiot for even trying to claim warranty, and that it must be 2 years old etc.THATS OUR FAULT FOR NOT INFORMING HIM. And intern, has pissed Brent off, as its made him out to look like a fool for trying.

So basically if this WAS a nismo pump, they would test it, tell us its rooted and replace the unit. The fact that the unit has attached to it a USED bag/filter and wiring loom, shouldn’t stop the actual TESTING of the unit. If they were to use some logic when they replace the unit, TAKE OFF THE OLD FILTER/BAG AND WIRING LOOM and attach it to the replacement unit, done. You don't lose warranty on your engine if you change the mags on your car. The wiring loom and filter/bag have no effect on making this "nismo" unit flow as little as it did. The bag/filter is discoloured from age, not blocked with a small child that made its way into the fuel tank.

But this won't happen of course, because its not even a NISMO fuel pump. Where did it go? (Someone show me an actual picture of one ((34GTR))!!) Brent told me he documents the serial items of the parts that come through his office. Now I believe that Brent did not document the serial number directly off the unit when it passed through his hands. I assume he has seen there is a pump inside the box, taken the serial number off the warranty card, and sent it on its way to us. Its not like you go and match the warranty card or box serial number with the unit inside for every product you purchase! I know I don't!

So after all this confusion, Brent is assuming we are trying to screw him for a $500 pump and has gone off the deep end. NOT THE CASE! WE DON'T GIVE A SH!T! We just wanted it tested and proved that in the back of our mind that it was a factory unit sent to us, and not a the nismo item we ordered. People make mistakes! Somewhere at Brents end, unknown to him a mistake was made, and we ended up with the incorrect product. I knew the return of this item was going to be difficult from day one, because honestly, how often does this kind of thing happen?

Everything written here is as genuine as it comes. We are not telling anyone to stop buying from Brent's business. Mod away bitches!


Luke. :wassup:

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The bottom line is I wanted to get you a new pump with the warranty. But it was a bit hard if half the parts from the pump are still in your car. LOL

I didn`t think you were trying to rip me off $500. If I thought that I wouldn`t have taken the pump to Nismo.

I was angry when I opened the box at Nismo and I saw this makeshift pump. They looked at it, I looked at it

They said What?

I said AhhhA Warranty Please

They went off.

They were angry because they thought I was pulling some kind scam.

NO WHERE has anyone said except for you that we were claiming you sent us a "second-hand" pump in a nismo box. Go read through your emails, and all the posts, on all the forums. The only person who has said that is YOU.

We received a BRAND NEW pump in a nismo box. Installed it, realised it was not performing as it should, and removed it. OUR MISTAKE was that when we removed the "nismo" pump, we used the bottom filter bag and wiring loom to use on an Australian sourced fuel pump, that doesn't come with these items. It makes the installation a whole lot easier!

We then informed Brent, he advised us to send it back for testing/warranty. NO worries.

OUR SECOND MISTAKE was to take the stock 1999 factory 34 GTR filter bag and wiring loom, and attach it to the "nismo" unit for TESTING in Japan. SADLY we did not inform Brent of the swap before he went off to nismo for "testing" of the unit. Little did we know that Brent would of received a direct swap for the unit, so when they first looked at it, they told him to piss off, as it appeared to be a second-hand unit, NO WARRANTY.  

We never said the unit didn't work, it just didn't do what it was supposed to! That’s when we assumed it must be a BRAND NEW STANDARD UNIT in a nismo box, as it had the same performance/flow of the original stock unit. WE gave Brent the benefit of doubt and still assumed it was a nismo pump, so we sent it back for testing. WE HAVE NEVER SEEN A NISMO FUEL PUMP BEFORE!

I collected the item personally from customs, there is no-way someone at customs would have a 34 GTR pump sealed in a unopened bag and swap if for the nismo one. We can only assume somewhere at Brent's end that their was a mix-up. WE NEVER EVER ACCUSED BRENT FOR RIPPING US OFF, OR THAT IT WAS HIS FAULT FOR WHAT WE RECIEVED. I have ordered parts of Brent in the past, NO PROBLEMS!

Now i work in the RA department, when something comes in for testing, you test it. Simple! We sent the unit back for TESTING. Assuming it is a nismo pump, they would test it!? They supplier should be able to identify what the actual unit is by its serial number/appearance, correct Brent? The problem is, the supplier has sighted it with the old bag/filter and loom attached and told Brent he is an idiot for even trying to claim warranty, and that it must be 2 years old etc.THATS OUR FAULT FOR NOT INFORMING HIM. And intern, has pissed Brent off, as its made him out to look like a fool for trying.

So basically if this WAS a nismo pump, they would test it, tell us its rooted and replace the unit. The fact that the unit has attached to it a USED bag/filter and wiring loom, shouldn’t stop the actual TESTING of the unit. If they were to use some logic when they replace the unit, TAKE OFF THE OLD FILTER/BAG AND WIRING LOOM and attach it to the replacement unit, done. You don't lose warranty on your engine if you change the mags on your car. The wiring loom and filter/bag have no effect on making this "nismo" unit flow as little as it did. The bag/filter is discoloured from age, not blocked with a small child that made its way into the fuel tank.

But this won't happen of course, because its not even a NISMO fuel pump. Where did it go? (Someone show me an actual picture of one ((34GTR))!!) Brent told me he documents the serial items of the parts that come through his office. Now I believe that Brent did not document the serial number directly off the unit when it passed through his hands. I assume he has seen there is a pump inside the box, taken the serial number off the warranty card, and sent it on its way to us. Its not like you go and match the warranty card or box serial number with the unit inside for every product you purchase! I know I don't!

So after all this confusion, Brent is assuming we are trying to screw him for a $500 pump and has gone off the deep end. NOT THE CASE! WE DON'T GIVE A SH!T! We just wanted it tested and proved that in the back of our mind that it was a factory unit sent to us, and not a the nismo item we ordered. People make mistakes! Somewhere at Brents end, unknown to him a mistake was made, and we ended up with the incorrect product. I knew the return of this item was going to be difficult from day one, because honestly, how often does this kind of thing happen?

Everything written here is as genuine as it comes. We are not telling anyone to stop buying from Brent's business. Mod away bitches!


Luke.  :wassup:

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The comment is not on these forums  

The bottom line is I wanted to get you a new pump with the warranty. But it was a bit hard if half the parts from the pump are still in your car. LOL

I didn`t think you were trying to rip me off $500. If I thought that I wouldn`t have taken the pump to Nismo.  

I was angry when I opened the box at Nismo and  I saw this makeshift pump. They looked at it, I looked at it  

They said What?

I said AhhhA Warranty Please

They went off.  

They were angry because they thought I was pulling some kind scam.

If your referring to the post Burt made on Nissan Silvia; Thread http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...showtopic=63467

Another guy I know orded a nismo fuel pump off him for his 34 GTR, when it finally arrived it was a factory fuel pump for his car in a nismo box...

It says "factory fuel pump" not second hand. Even if he did say it was second hand, he in no-way represents what we have said anywhere. So my advice is, please don't go insinuating we ever made that claim unless you have facts to back it up. If you have a quote in an email i sent you, copy and paste it, i would like to see it also.

Lets say hypothetically we did send you the item in its original condition, with the new bag/filter and wiring loom. What would it of been replaced with? Another new standard nissan replacement? We would of then been back to square one again anyway.

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Blah blah blah

Bleat bleat





Guys, riveting as this might be for some, I get all the soaps I want from the TV. I suggest you take this off-line again and talk to each other nicely. We really don't need it in public. Let us know when you are friends again.

Oh, and by the way, the first mention of "second hand" was in a post earlier in this thread, where someone was referring to something else someone said elsewhere. It is not surprising it all got messed up. Stop arguing about other people's emails, leave us out of it and I am sure you can sort it out.

Then sit down and have a beer.

Cheers. :(

P.S. I think it is time this thread was put to bed!

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