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sometimes i think we should have more rights as motorists when it comes to being pulled over for a "random checkup"

i bet about 5 rusty old fords with drum brakes all round went past and he didnt even batter an eyelid.

dude u are right there, althought (touch wood) i havent been pulled over from what i hear it would be nice to have more rights...

i saw this VL driving around had no back window total rust bucket was supprised it was even driving exhaust about to fall off and he went straight past a cop and as you said mate "didnt even batter an eyelid."

The only advantage of not having my line on the road for the last year is becoming apparent.

Dont know how he did not get you for that anti revenue raising front plate tucked under the front driverside bumper.

Why not put it in front of the FMIC on a loose door hinge at the top so the faster you go it just tucks back under without obstructing air flow :P

Why not put it in front of the FMIC on a loose door hinge at the top so the faster you go it just tucks back under without obstructing air flow :D

I busted the bolts that hold the centre bracket in the threads... and haven't got any easy-outs yet so can't bolt anything back there :Oops:

I got pulled over at about 11:45 on Wednesday night, for a random breath and license/reg check. I was a tad concerned that I was going to get a canary for the 13" steering wheel and harness I had in my car. And the fact that I didn鈥檛 clear the EPA notice, for the BOV. He didn鈥檛 even ask to look under the bonnet. Nice bloke, polite, and even laugh at a funny I cracked!

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