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R.I.P.:an SAU'er & their R34?


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damn straight NXTIME, its the driver's attitude that needs to change....why prohibit other responsible drivers when only a handful of idiots would be smart enuf to end their lives?

how would the govt handle this? making driving courses mandatory isnt gonna b effective...kinda like being conscripted back to highschool, wont do anything

prohibiting the use of high powered cars for p platers, wat bout the p platers who already have a high powered machine? wat? sell it? dont think any of u's would like the idea of selling ur 'line just cos sum1 crashed their one...and why on earth are the media making a frenzy of this now? there were other p plater motor fatalities, why make an issue of it after the 'evlr34' had crashed? why? its cos the media was waiting for a chance like this.... exactly the same shit with violent videogames. every1 is treading on thin ice atm, just hope that the govt wont change the laws and make p platers drive shite cars, or im gunna b so p1ssed!

Well sorry nxtime......but I'm afraid I am sick to death of you young punks driving high powered imports. My sister is lucky to be alive after one of your silvia turbo driving mates ploughed into her car at an intersection. Facts of the accident...highly modified silvia turbo-19 yr old P plater....estimated speed before he hit the picks was 150kph according to police. I am sick to death of turning on the news and seeing these high speed accidents and seeing the remnants of some sort of high powered import or hotted up commodore/falcon. Everyone on here seems to proclaim how they would never do such a thing and to keep it on the track blah blah blah. In a weeks time it will all be forgotten about and you will all be back to your "I own this road attitude". Every time I look in my rear vision mirror and see some sort of jap import (skylines in particular) I always expect something from these punks. If I happen to see a P plate and the driver wearing a cap, I am especially cautious. I am rarely dissapointed. If its not speeding past me or weaving through the traffic or dragging from the lights or speeding throughmain city streets letting everyone know what a blowoff valve sounds like or showing everyone how they like to remove rubber from their tyres whilst at the same time sharing their doof doof with everyone in a 1km radius. I am over you. I dont care if you have small penises and have to prove your manhood. Every time I hear a blow off valve it triggers something inside of me that says "dickhead alert". Plenty of people I know also think this. The number of times I have seen you dickheads flying through city streets at 100kph or more astounds me. I am waiting for the time when they make you do some slammer time for doing 20kph over the limit. It's generally you know it all punks that are the ones that get done at these speeds. I dont care if you get done up the ass in the slammer. I dont care if you and your P plate mates will "be pissed" because you cant drive your 400hp weapon through the streets at warp speeds. Dont tell me that an 18 yr old P plater guy with too much testosterone flowing through his veins is not going to do anything stupid with 400HP. The sooner the government gets you cap wearing little boys out of these high powered cars the better. This may not be the thread to say all this but I dont care....because a lot of the culprits that this is aimed at will be reading this thread.

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Well sorry nxtime......but I'm afraid I am sick to death of you young punks driving high powered imports.

...offensive drivel cut...  

wow... generalise much? Also - thanks for messing up a thread about a very sad passing of three individuals with your offensive, intolerant and largely irrational post.

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Every time I hear a blow off valve it triggers something inside of me that says "dickhead alert".

Congratulations, you just triggered a "dickhead alert" in my mind.

For the record I am on my silver license and don't have a blow off valve and never do more than 10kms over the limit on city streets.

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definately condolences to all thier family and friends.

it doesnt matter how it happened or whose fault it was, its a huge loss and the families and friends need only support and strength, not critisizm.


Can you people not read or understand good logic which was clearly posted by kwazza11?

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please wld808 get your facts straight mate before you post stuf like that up ....especially when you can't be bothered to read it all

his son was allowed to drive it while he was overseas but only a few days a week....he left on monday night to go down the road to get smokes from the servo and saw the other 2 passengers by chance.....the other male had alwaws envied the car and asked for a lift home...

if any of you guys have doubts about it ask me...dont just assume things.....sorry but i hate gossip when it about delicate issues like this....i hope you can all relate


my facts are pretty straight as it was the guys at croydon that tell me this stuff. no need to get shitty anyway nothing bad was said.

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Well sorry nxtime......but I'm afraid I am sick to death of you young punks driving high powered imports.

as per the previous post.... leave it for another day and take your views elsewhere...... preferably a different forum actually as all you will find in here is alot of imports with BOV's.... have you tried the Street Commodore forum, they may be a little more sympathetic to your views.....

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Well sorry nxtime......but I'm afraid I am sick to death of you young punks driving high powered imports. My sister is lucky to be alive after one of your silvia turbo driving mates ploughed into her car at an intersection. Facts of the accident...highly modified silvia turbo-19 yr old P plater....estimated speed before he hit the picks was 150kph according to police. I am sick to death of turning on the news and seeing these high speed accidents and seeing the remnants of some sort of high powered import or hotted up commodore/falcon. Everyone on here seems to proclaim how they would never do such a thing and to keep it on the track blah blah blah. In a weeks time it will all be forgotten about and you will all be back to your "I own this road attitude". Every time I look in my rear vision mirror and see some sort of jap import (skylines in particular) I always expect something from these punks. If I happen to see a P plate and the driver wearing a cap, I am especially cautious. I am rarely dissapointed. If its not speeding past me or weaving through the traffic or dragging from the lights or speeding throughmain city streets letting everyone know what a blowoff valve sounds like or showing everyone how they like to remove rubber from their tyres whilst at the same time sharing their doof doof with everyone in a 1km radius. I am over you. I dont care if you have small penises and have to prove your manhood. Every time I hear a blow off valve it triggers something inside of me that says "dickhead alert". Plenty of people I know also think this. The number of times I have seen you dickheads flying through city streets at 100kph or more astounds me. I am waiting for the time when they make you do some slammer time for doing 20kph over the limit. It's generally you know it all punks that are the ones that get done at these speeds. I dont care if you get done up the ass in the slammer. I dont care if you and your P plate mates will "be pissed" because you cant drive your 400hp weapon through the streets at warp speeds. Dont tell me that an 18 yr old P plater guy with too much testosterone flowing through his veins is not going to do anything stupid with 400HP. The sooner the government gets you cap wearing little boys out of these high powered cars the better. This may not be the thread to say all this but I dont care....because a lot of the culprits that this is aimed at will be reading this thread.

Didnt know that I was sharing our great city with a whinging bitch.

Got an issue - put it on rant.com, not here.

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Here is another one. The guy that got killed on McMillans Rd two weeks ago, how bout the seriously injured young girl or her friend? What about that one - any comments?? Does it change things because it was a "high powered commodore" instead of a high powered import? Book yourself in for a reality check sonny - imports arnt the only fast things on the road.

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brettinoz, ur just unlucky to encounter these fools on the road everytime...dont stereotype every1 as hooligans on the road plz, i see plenty of skyliners that drive safely!!!!

being a recent p plater, i know wat its like, very tempting to speed, and maybe more so with a high powered vehicle, but sure as *** i wouldnt do such a thing, and i believe every1 else here wouldnt do such things either, especially with other passengers on board

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Well sorry nxtime......but I'm afraid I am sick to death of you young punks driving high powered imports

Blatant generalisation at is best - by the way what do YOU drive?

My sister is lucky to be alive after one of your silvia turbo driving mates ploughed into her car at an intersection. Facts of the accident...highly modified silvia turbo-19 yr old P plater

Who the fawk are you exactly to come on here, and trash a thread dedicated to paying respects to the victims of a tragic accident - and then pigeonhole every performance car owner as a hoon?

As for silvia driver, well perhaps you are venting on the wrong forum.

It makes me wonder why, when you seem to have such an issue with every single import/performance car owner, that you are part of this forum at all?

Im sorry for what happened to your sister, but you have absolutely no right to get on this forum and imply that every single import driver is an irresponsible hoon. Its unfortunate that out of all the motoring enthusiasts out there, a small minority seem to drive with no regard for the safety of themselves or others - but this is only the minority.

Labelling the rest of us as crazy speeding, blow off valve weilding, doof doof pumping hoons is not the answer in preventing these sorts of tragedys from happening.

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This isn't really the place for flaming and arguments, BUT.

For those people saying that everyone is making "general" comment's about P-Platers and the like, lets look at the statistics. Now I hate stats at the best of times, but when you look at it, young male drivers between 18 and 25 (not just P-platers) are grossly over represented in the road toll.

That's a FACT.

Take it whatever way you want.

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]']it's only a percentage of young p platers that spoil it and the rest takes the flame

exactly. and if the government has it there way its only going to make life harder for everyone, and i mean everyone..... suddenly we will have old people driving drunk cause their 19yo son on his "P" plates cant drive the family HSV home cause the street lights are on, there is to many passengers and the cars to powerful..... i dont think they have really thought of how many people it will be put out by placing curfew's and power restrictions on younger drivers.....

I mean, my girlfriend drives a 200SX with an RB26 in it.... does it suddenly make her like the minority of bad under 25 drivers..... no it shouldnt..... she has the utmost respect for the car and totally understands how fast things can go wrong.. she saves it for the track but because of her age there is a chance that her ability to drive the car will be taken away and that sucks ass big time ;):(:P

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