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3 people die on central coast - R34 GTR ripped in half

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OK, I really must vent my anger, if anyone objects to what I am about to post, pm me, and I will alter it, or delete it.

My deepest condolences to the 30 year old guy, the girl, and their families, bfs, gfs. Also to the fmaily and closest to the kid.

What I am not aware of, is whether the owner of the r34 let his son drive it? or whether his son just took it out for a fang. regardless, the speeds he must have been going were ridiculous. Save that shit for wsid/wakefield/ec, whatever

the amount of shit they were giving young people on the 11:30 news was abosolutely ****ed. There was mention of 1. young driver 2. hi powereed cars and all that shit about the curfew, restrictions on drivers etc.

I have absolutely no feelings except for anger for that stupid mother****er.

I'll tell you fellars a little about myself. I'm currently 19, almost 20. I got my 33gts-t about 6 months ago. I always take it really easy on the street. I have not actually gone to the track yet, but I would like to some time in the future.

The gvt gets freaked out by stupid acts like this. let me give an e.g. some little kid gets run over outside a school. now 40 k zones are everywhere.

I read their stupid article about the restrictions and curfews. How much of a pain would it be not driving between 10pm and 6 am. and the power restrictions. I DON'T WANNA SELL MY SKYLINE. IT'S A PART OF ME!!!!

sorry about the long post fellars, but i'm really pissed off. hope this stupid idea never goes into action.

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OK, I really must vent my anger, if anyone objects to what I am about to post, pm me, and I will alter it, or delete it.

My deepest condolences to the 30 year old guy, the girl, and their families, bfs, gfs. Also to the fmaily and closest to the kid.

What I am not aware of, is whether the owner of the r34 let his son drive it? or whether his son just took it out for a fang. regardless, the speeds he must have been going were ridiculous. Save that shit for wsid/wakefield/ec, whatever

the amount of shit they were giving young people on the 11:30 news was abosolutely ****ed. There was mention of 1. young driver 2. hi powereed cars and all that shit about the curfew, restrictions on drivers etc.

I have absolutely no feelings except for anger for that stupid mother****er.

I'll tell you fellars a little about myself. I'm currently 19, almost 20. I got my 33gts-t about 6 months ago. I always take it really easy on the street. I have not actually gone to the track yet, but I would like to some time in the future.

The gvt gets freaked out by stupid acts like this. let me give an e.g. some little kid gets run over outside a school. now 40 k zones are everywhere.

I read their stupid article about the restrictions and curfews. How much of a pain would it be not driving between 10pm and 6 am. and the power restrictions. I DON'T WANNA SELL MY SKYLINE. IT'S A PART OF ME!!!!

sorry about the long post fellars, but i'm really pissed off. hope this stupid idea never goes into action.

i hear u on the that 1. stupid govt. on wanting to ban young drivers in the early hrs. of the morning. ppl would just drink more cos they don't have 2 drive and when they go home they will still b over the limit, ppl will take of their p plates. and what about shift workers how r they gonna get home???

My heart felt sorrow for the Families, Freinds and especially for those who lost their lives in this horrific tradgedy. I feel the loss in our very special community. I was with 10 or so Skyline owners in Canberra tonight when I heard. Having read this thread I cant describe my feelings right now.

Be safe ppl. Unity guys and if we can help with our support - Holler. Pls post any planned assistance that we may help.

awful news...especially when it has happened to a family whose car was "known" to most of us, whether we'd seen it driving around or seen it at the show n shine this year or just seen pics of it...it just makes it a bit more real :(

condolences to the family, especially the father/owner of the car...can't imagine how he must be feeling right now :D

Do not stand by my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on the snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I did not die….

respect ur life guys - u only get 1 shot.

Check out the front page of the paper this morning.

They reckon he was doing 200km/h.

Poor guys didn't have a chance.

It makes me think, what am I trying to achieve with my high horsepower GTR.

Terrible news....

Its sad event yes the 20 year old man was driving it (the son) and he picked up 33 year old Paul Homer and his GF who was the female in the back who is only 15 and had a baby on the way ( i think thats digusting) but its still a sad situation that it happened, but also no common sense obviously doing that speed in a 50km zone .... jesus ...

200km in a 50km zone hit a dip then was airborn for 40m ... fark

I have to say, I think its great to see the huge amount of support and condolences that people of this forum & club have offered.

It really shows what SAU is about - especially in sad times like this.

OK, I really must vent my anger, if anyone objects to what I am about to post, pm me, and I will alter it, or delete it.  

My deepest condolences to the 30 year old guy, the girl, and their families, bfs, gfs. Also to the fmaily and closest to the kid.

What I am not aware of, is whether the owner of the r34 let his son drive it? or whether his son just took it out for a fang. regardless, the speeds he must have been going were ridiculous. Save that shit for wsid/wakefield/ec, whatever

the amount of shit they were giving young people on the 11:30 news was abosolutely ****ed. There was mention of 1. young driver 2. hi powereed cars and all that shit about the curfew, restrictions on drivers etc.

I have absolutely no feelings except for anger for that stupid mother****er.

I'll tell you fellars a little about myself. I'm currently 19, almost 20. I got my 33gts-t about 6 months ago. I always take it really easy on the street. I have not actually gone to the track yet, but I would like to some time in the future.  

The gvt gets freaked out by stupid acts like this. let me give an e.g. some little kid gets run over outside a school. now 40 k zones are everywhere.

I read their stupid article about the restrictions and curfews. How much of a pain would it be not driving between 10pm and 6 am. and the power restrictions. I DON'T WANNA SELL MY SKYLINE. IT'S A PART OF ME!!!!

sorry about the long post fellars, but i'm really pissed off. hope this stupid idea never goes into action.

True that

RIP to them

But **** me its a GTR and he Flying at 200 wtf was going to happen

Why should all P platers Get put shit for this and other crashers it always this P plater Bullshit and the car was to much for them Take the foot off the gas and u r right

I didn't do the 200 i never did anything near that but yet cause a few ppl Kill them selfs and others

All must take the bame

Drive a Silvia Na and wanting to Turbo it Soon I ain't happy by this that Cars is my Dream car

No Papers said it wasn't his car wasn't In his name he borrowed it Most likey never driven it b4 and coundn't just drive

Can we have a stay for yourselfs as import drivers Why should we take the bame he

RIP to all sorry for the waste

could someone who has the paper please scan it or take a picture for me, being in melbourne. i'm interested to see what the media besides news.com.au has to say, and i don't think it is in any victorian papers



cars dont kill people, people kill people. the government is going about it all wrong like usual and as someone mentioned, jumping to rediculous solutions. but u must remmeber, they do that to keep the ignorant public happy. they think that by doing 40 outside a school zone means no accident.... if that is the case, have they thought about the amount of children have be killed by reversing cars in driveways?> im pretty sure they are doing under 40!

anyways, to my point... kids should b kept off the roads, becuase roads are meant for cars, and kids should be kept out of high powered vehicles. - to an extreme case, when you learn to fly a plane, do u jump straight into a 747 (ie GTR) or do u have HUNDREDS of hours of flying lessons and experience in little properlor planes (ie Barina) - eh i hope u get my point and its bascially to say - the kid shouldnt have been driving that car in the first place.

there is always and older person watching over the minor - and he.she must take responsibility for that child and his/her actions. you cannot go around telling other people to slow down, or whatever!

Todd Zemek, a psychologist at Melbourne's Swinburne University, said computer games like Need For Speed were purposefully blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

extracted from http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story.js...storyid=2288500

seriously. these idiots need to take a good long hard look at themselves. if you cannot distingusih the difference between reality and games - then u shouldnt be operating HEAVY MACHINERY... what is wrong with the world today? why are people so naive and ignorant.

why does it take something like this, where a work of art and four (the baby) lives have to be taken away for people to open their eyes.

J E B I G A (f*ck)

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