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one thing i dont get it why are falcons and commodores banned..

ie falcon xt is about 1694kg and has 182kw

125kw per tonne means 125 times 1.694 = 211

so the falcon could have upto 211kw before being on the banned list..

am i thinking completely on the wrong track or something? explain?

EDIT = sydneykid just deleted his post so my post is not relevant..

but i did read it in one of the news articles (falcons/commodores banned) but maybe they were reffering to hipo models.

Sorry siks11, I was working on the HSV/Tickford/FPV vehicles, one of the things that rattle their cage in Victoria (and I understand the reason why it was P platers only) is that Holden/Ford were worried that they might see headlines like

......................HSV VEHICLES UNSAFE FOR YOUNG DRIVERS................

Subaru doesn't have much clout and Nissan would like for Skylines to dissappear from Australia completely, but Holden are NOT impressed. It would damage their market for new HSV's and kill off the used HSV market rather rapidly.

So pop into your local HSV dealer and ask if their cars are OK for young drivers. The dealers complain to Holden and Holden lobbies the Govt. I dropped into Suttons on Saturday, I had 3 sales guys arguing over whether a GTO was OK for a 21 year old not on P plates. Bet they made a few calls to HSV on Monday.

Might drop into an FPV dealer next weekend and try the same on a XR6 turbo.


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Yep,  thats the way to prove to the country young people are mature enough to make the right decision based on little practical experience.  


HAHA fair enough you can't tell tone over the net but :)

Seriously though I have submitted my thoughts to the RTA site, I thought I had some valid opinions perhaps if I'm lucky they'll contact me.

I might write to the pollies also .. Ask them to make an 11th hour amendment to the proposed legislation (when it's drafted) to decrease politicians pay and pension - seems to me the most effective way not to get it passed :)

(and again, I'm not actually being serious for those with text tonal difficulties, however I am pointing out all the logic in the world won't matter if this is seen as a huge cash cow).

I don't think that's possible. You need a physical address to register a car.

Good idea though but if you kept getting the same cop after a 3 month period you probably got some explaining to do.


We have 25 guys at work who drive Vic registered cars, they are here for 6 months every year. Never had a problem, been doing it for 20 years.

Next time you are in Qld on holidays pick up the forms. The Sunshine Coast is good as it is considered "country". On the licence/registration/insurance application forms it has provision for a residential address (where you are staying on holidays will do) and a postal address. All the correspondence goes to the postal address. So you get a post box in Qld (~$25 per year). Share it amongst a few friends if you like. Then you get a redirection from the Qld post office to your "temporary address" interstate (costs about $10 for 6 months). They onforward all the mail (licence, rego and insurance renewal for example) to you at home. You pay/renew via the post.

So you get a cheap Qld licence, rego and country insurance. Pays for the Post Office Box and redirection 10 times over.

I, of course, would never do such a thing.:cheers:

If you dont want to accept that there is a risk you might die every time you step into a car, WALK to work.

And get hit by a bus! Probably just as much chance of that happening.

We have 25 guys at work who drive Vic registered cars, they are here for 6 months every year.  Never had a problem, been doing it for 20 years.

Next time you are in Qld on holidays pick up the forms.  The Sunshine Coast is good as it is considered "country".  On the licence/registration/insurance application forms it has provision for a residential address (where you are staying on holidays will do) and a postal address.  All the correspondence goes to the postal address.  So you get a post box in Qld (~$25 per year).  Share it amongst a few friends if you like.  Then you get a redirection from the Qld post office to your "temporary address" interstate (costs about $10 for 6 months).  They onforward all the mail (licence, rego and insurance renewal for example) to you at home.   You pay/renew via the post.

So you get a cheap Qld licence, rego and country insurance.  Pays for the Post Office Box and redirection 10 times over.

I, of course, would never do such a thing.:cheers:

OMG I think you're onto something. That way I can get a personalised plate and actually keep it :)

they can try and try again but they are not going to stop people speeding.

i think this has already been brought up but id think id rather be doing 160 in a sky than 160 in a echo....not because its actually a decent car(although it is something to consider) but if something would go wrong(which it prob will) it would be alot easier to get out of with PERFORMANCE brakes and susp, not just little tiddly discs and drums and ulta soft and sway-y springs and shocks.

if this were to pass through rice would take over and true performance would be less common....and i HATE rice. and seeing we cant get most decent "hot hatches" like the starlet GT here anymore the aus performance scene would be pretty dull..

this also has been brought up, but how the hell would the tens of thousands of performance car owners sell them? with one of the biggest parts of the market gone....

i know these points have already been brought up but i agree with them strongly and i think the dickhead who though this up should go * himself and actually have a look around at what is going on and not just taking in what shit the media tells them.

Problem is though, that Scully must be seen to do something, otherwise all the dimwits that take the Telegraph's sensationalist drivel as a gospel, will create a public outcry and he will lose alot of support from the electorate.

And I wouldnt go so far as to say It'll be the end of the modified car scene, because im guessing there are alot more fully licensed drivers that own "performance" cars than there are P-platers.

Ok guys...

I have been asked to go out and find some P-Platers and let you all have your say...

I have about a fortnight (I have been told) and am wanting to get some guys/girls on video talking about your thoughts on all the new P-plate laws that may be comming in...

I have just been told this now (5 minutes ago) so am just making a quick post at the moment.

I am thinking it would be a good idea to have a meet some where to do this but will have a think about it and post more details soon...

Please reply, PM if you may be interested...

This will be shown on channel Ten in a half hour special.....


As long as you get kids with the right attitude, not the "**** the government assholes!" type attitudes, you should be right.

Yeah... Thats what I am looking for...

From a a few of the posts on here I might get a few people... :)

The good thing with low power cars is the time it takes them to speed up. Yeah people will drive like idiots no matter what car but it will help reduce those who want to open a powerful car up quickly for a short period. That will help.

26 is a bit old imo but older than 21/22 I would go for. Experience is crucial at that age and another year makes a massive difference.

Just my 2c worth

mate its all bullshit to me...

Australia will have its own terrist groups if this ban comes into place. not like iraq, but more like the liberation of freedom of choice, and CARs! obviously

we will see cambera in high alert coz car lovers aint gona stand and do nothin bout this ban!....

government gota look at the long term solution rather than the short solution.

driving schools, power cars training, breaking, turning, emergency stops and turning. etc etc

this way young ppl like ma self will have the expirience, not to speed and drift, but the skills to stop suddenly, avoid side,front and rear collitions, controlling a high powered car.....  

hopes it all make sense....

The biggest problem in this country is that the stupid politicians *think* they know better than you or I do because apathy is something we are all afflicted with.

How many times have you seen someone complain about something and then when they say "we're gonna....", someone always shrugs their shoulders and says "what can you do about it?". This is true - what *can* you do about it??

At the moment, all we have, as car people, is numbers to force the politicians to listen - but what do we get? Drunken turds in the back of V6 Holden utes yelling abuse at everyone and screaming at the girls to show them their tits! Yeah - great going guys - real good way to build credibility!!

I don't own a Skyline *yet* but I'm working on it. Still have the American muscle + a hotrod on the way (and yes: I like and respect Skylines because they go hard!) and I'm am sick to death of being lumped in the same group with the deadheads who are flat out counting on their fingers and shouldn't be allowed to breed or speak on behalf of any group of people. The problem is that the media seeks them out because that is part of *their* agenda. Just like it is should there be a UFO sighting? :ufo: Does the media looks for the doctor or lawyer or someone with credibility? NO! They grab the pair of blokes with shoe-size IQ's and 4 teeth between them to speak for the community!!

The sooner we stand up for our rights as citizens of this country, and STOP talking to the media and giving them the ammunition they need to make us look bad, then the better it is going to be all 'round!

All we need to do now is to stop the really young ones who go out with mummy & daddy's money to buy a high-powered car (instead of working for it like most of us do!) and then promptly wrap it around a tree or kill someone else because they couldn't keep their hand of their (or someone else's) **** for 15 seconds while behind the wheel!!

The Government is not doing enough, but it can only do so much - people have to take responsibility for their actions sometime.....

If they ban P platers driving high powered cars and dont do anything about driver training, whats the next step... banning low powered cars???

And why is it every time i see a P plater crash a commodore or falcon there is no shout out to stop P platers driving these cars. The fact is that any car can go fast.

The two speeding fines have recieved were in my mums mazda 626 when i was 18, and a year later in my EA falcon. I am a much more relaxed driver for 2 reasons.

1) i respect my car

2) Defensive driver training

We cant keep blaming the cars for deaths of young people on the road, although it can be a factor its not the only one.

I'd have to agree with a V8/Turbo/Rotary ban for anyone not on their full unrestricted licence or under 22 (21 is too much of a stupid alcoholic year).

Alot of you guys are taking the emotional ground thou, being directly effected would hurt if they do bring in the rules. But seriously, its pretty sensible.

Proof is too ask the holders of unrestricted motorcycle licences and ask them if their power restrictions for P platers work....

All we need to do now is to stop the really young ones who go out with mummy & daddy's money to buy a high-powered car (instead of working for it like most of us do!) and then promptly wrap it around a tree or kill someone else because they couldn't keep their hand of their (or someone else's) **** for 15 seconds while behind the wheel!!

Excuse me for a second, but now you're the one generalising and speaking on behalf of a group you can't speak for!

I'm 18, i won't lie, my parents paid for my Skyline. Does this make me a dickhead/revhead driver simply because i didn't pay for the car myself? NO. I appreciate the car, i respect it's power and i'm well aware that the car far exceeds my own limitations. So i didn't work hard for it? Big deal.

I've been taught to respect the car and drive it sedately on the roads. Hell, my Skyline was the car i learnt to drive in when i was only 17! And i'm yet to 'wrap it around a tree or kill someone else'

Like everyone else said, driver education is the single most important thing to a new driver. It shocks me how easy it is to get your P plates these days, and as a result i think many young driver are poorly skilled and approach a car with the wrong attitude.

Excuse me for a second, but now you're the one generalising and speaking on behalf of a group you can't speak for!  

I'm 18, i won't lie, my parents paid for my Skyline. Does this make me a dickhead/revhead driver simply because i didn't pay for the car myself? NO. I appreciate the car, i respect it's power and i'm well aware that the car far exceeds my own limitations. So i didn't work hard for it? Big deal.

I've been taught to respect the car and drive it sedately on the roads. Hell, my Skyline was the car i learnt to drive in when i was only 17! And i'm yet to 'wrap it around a tree or kill someone else'

Like everyone else said, driver education is the single most important thing to a new driver. It shocks me how easy it is to get your P plates these days, and as a result i think many young driver are poorly skilled and approach a car with the wrong attitude.

and wats the bet if he got a skyline bought for him, he wouldn't be complaing. i for one would love to be able to buy a 20-000 buck sports car for my child when hes got his p's.


All because of the recent incidents of speeding missiles. Now everyone who speeds under 30Km/h are effected by the wankers who speed x2 the limit like the wanker in the GTR, rexes. We should be targetting driver stupidity not with rules, with harsh jail time, they no the rules but they don't care. If there is deaths make there family bear full responsibility and be liable for $ for the pain, suffering, services involved like high-speed train suicides. (cleaning up etc..)

We aren't all brain dead and drive like we stole it.

Hope they all go to hell.

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