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hi, just wondering if the window motors on a R33gtst are a sealed unit or not?? bcoz my auto elect said he can replace the brushes in it if its not a sealed unit?? can anyone help with this. (ive read all the post on window motors) and by the way does any1 know how much it costs for a secondhand motor if they are a sealed unit and i cant do it that way??

no theyre not a sealed unit...very easy to open. my old one looks like it only needs the bush replaced to work again. prices vary from 120 -150 and u can interchange the passanger/driver motors with each other by swaping the gears around.

just for reference.

the r32 motor is the same as the r33 motor, but the unit connected to it with the plastic cogs in it is not. I found this out on the weekend when i scored a r33 unit for free from a mate only to find it wasnt my motor that was munted, but the plastic cogs :cheers:

so if anyone has the unit, you have a buyer right here!


thanx guys for your help. i got quoted $285 for a secondhand motor 2day for the passenger side door!!!!!is that way to expensive for a secondhand motor?? or is that around what they sell for. if any1 knows let me know a.s.a.p plz. if my auto elct cant fix it his way, il have to get 1, and that price wasnt from him, but if they are that expensive, i wana know if im getting ripped by any of them thanx again.

i have a spare one at home which is a mates, i will contact him today.

He will most likely want around 100-150 for it as he bought the whole window unit that lifts the window up and down aswell.


um i read that u have to change something in the driver side to the passenger side one if u swap sides. and also i just bought 1 today! for $285!!! damn!!!!!! bcoz my auto elct said he could only get one through his supplier and it was $365!!!!!!!!! and thats just the motor with no window regulator (have 2 use old stuff) so i thought i had a good deal!!!! so i went and got the one for $285 and it has a window reg and all with it. damn seciondhand parts should be controlled by someone, the wreckers are going out of control with pricing! one will sell you something for a good price and up the road there charging 100's more. its crazy. oh well, thanx for trying anyway. it goes in on friday to get fixed. hope i never have to fix one of these again. xpensive buggers!!!!!!!

i got it off demon who was wreckin his gtr and it was only the motor that i needed, he gave me a very good and fair deal, it would have come with the attaching arms but i didnt need it ......why replace everything else when it aint broke..thats my logic:D:D someone esle here on the forum picked up one from a wrecker for $120 just the motor.

well mine is all fixed now. but when i went to pick the car up the auto elct said he had bad news for me?? i said what is it?? and he said i think your master switch on your driver side is stuffed too, coz he couldnt get the passenger side window to go up or down on either switch, but the driver side one was still going and the door lock thingy. so i took the car and started to drive home and when i was a the lights round the corner, i seen the lock button for the passener window was on!!!!!!! so i went back and told him , and now he is kickn him self, he spent hours trying to figure out why the was no power going to the passenger window, and all it was was the lock button cutting off the power supply to the window! classic!!! he didnt even think of that, but he tried everything else!!! so im glad i didnt go and buy another part for the drivers window.

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