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gtr front bar on gts-t


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hey peoples

i have asked this before but i did not get much feedback, so i did a search and couldnt find much on the topic, so i thought id try again:)

i want to try and fit a genuine gtr bar onto my gts-t. ive heared that this can be done but there is a little over hang in the wheel arch.

i was looking through some old hpi mags and in the gts special, there was a harlequin coloured gts-t with a gtr bar on it, it looks like it fits good but if you look closer, the bar is slighty odd shapped under the headlights, as if it has been sqeezed on or something.

im just wondering if anyone has actually fitted a gtr bar to their gts-t, or knows if it works???

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Hey Rodney,

Yeps. Fitted a GTR Veilside front bar to my R32 GTS-T. I bought it from UAS for around $500. The best way to fit, in my opinion, is take a small section out of the centre. That's what we did with mine. It wasn't much (1-2") but it fitted soooo good.

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yeh i dont see why it shouldnt fit on, the gtr guards arnt too much bigger, its just thta this pic in the magazine looked bad, like he had used a gtr bar and squashed it into place makeing the top of the bar sorta bend under where the lights are.

also, does anyone know were u can get gtr lips? fibreglass or plastic, it doesnt bother me really?

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Ive seen 2 r32 gtst with genuine gtr front bars that fit pretty well with no modification. They over hang into the wheel arches about 1cm maybe.

The main benefit of getting a genuine gtr front bar is that they are plastic, not fibreglass, and therefore much stronger and resistance to smashing.

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I.ve got a gen gtr bar on my 32 and all you have to do is put 2 slots in the bumper support and fold it up a little where there is that little rise for the number plate. Don't lissen to anybody who says they won't fit because there to wide.

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sounds good, but im still worried about buying a bar that doesnt fit and needs extensive work.

if any of you have the hpi skyline special edition that was out a few months back, take a look at the green r33 in it, he fitted a genuine gtr bar, and it looks like its weird under the lights

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hey well if i get this guys bar, all i need is a bottom lip, anyone know were i can get them?

Here you go, only one more :D

However, there is a R33 on the Envy imports site with a GTR style front bar, but its not genuine, but looks very good.

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If I may put my two cents in here, I don't want to step on anyones toes here but i have to say that the comment from xrhettx about original bars being stronger is simply not the case. I make the GTR bar out of fibreglass to fit R33's and i have this to say. after makeing fibreglass spoiler kits for cars for some time now, it becomes aparent that people who make boats and kidies slides don't seem to think that its nescessary to think about what happens to front bars when they hit gutters and stuff. Understand this there are a few things to consider about a bars structure and they are,

any material that is bent slightly and returns to its original shape has the property of being elastic, if it doesn't return to its original shape then it is a plastic material. A hard material is more resistant to wear then softer materials and a tough material can withstand a large force without breaking where as its oposite state is a brittle material.

an original bar being made of a plastic material has a much greater ability to act in an elastic manner then a fibreglass bar, which idealy is what you want in a front bar, basically the more elastic the material the better. However there are other things to consider in a front bar. such as paint and once the bar becomes plastic then you will never get it back to its original shape. it remains eternally deformed and then fitting it properly and or fitting indicators back into place becomes next to imposible. A fibreglass bar can be repaired no matter how many peices it comes in. the most costly bar that i have ever repaired cost $150 and yes it was ****ed. none the less it was still cheaper to repeir then the cost of a new plastic one.

fibreglass is a hard material unlike your standard polyurathane bars which means that it doesn't wear as much as standard bars, this does'nt mean much because we are not subjecting our front bars to wear. except on the bottom of the front when you do gutters and shit. a good example here is the GTR lip on an original bar. its made of a highly elastic material which is actually different to the rest of the bar and can flex a whole 180 degrees except for a few hair line creases and thats about it. the best part is that its not painted so it still looks brand new. the fibreglass side is that you can lay the fibreglass in certain ways so that it has a considerable amount of flex in certain points. this makes the paint stay in tact and if it comes right off your car it wont try to rip the front guards off with it, which can become costly too.

The other good thing about fibreglass is that it is a tough material which means it can handle a harder hit then a standard bar. its a good property to have because it means that the paint wont crack when you hit something like some ****s foot. As a matter of fact when i make my front bars i am so confident inn there toughness that i have kicked one around the backyard for a bit, full pelt until i got tired (smoker) and it looked exactly the same as when i started. if i were to do that to a standard bar it would cave in.

the other thing about fibreglass bars is that they apear to be lighter then original bars. true and not true. you can make a front bar out of fibreglass and it can be half the weight. the only problem with that is it cracks very easy. this is the usual method that most manufacturers use because its cheaper to use less materials. if you count all the ribbing that supports a standard bar which is needed to reduce elasticity(looks like ribing on your gearbox) then you can have a front bar that is about the same weight as a properly made fibreglass bar.

to sum up in my opinion, an original bar is the better option if you cant find a fibreglass replacement of good quality or if it does not need to be painted like the original GTR lip.

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sounds very true bogdan

i was under the impression that plastic bars were better, plus this guy on the forums has a genuine bar thats painted the colour of my car for a price i can afford at the moment, so this is why i am curious as to weather it will fit on my car.

the only thing is that his bar doesnt have the bottom lip on it, and i dont know if i will ever find one that i can afford either, escpecially around christmas!

so i might even have to just buy a full fibreglass bar unless i can just get a lip, or find sumone who can paint the bar for cheap:)

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