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Well what can i say! Im finally here.. living in japan!

It was quite a trip.. a nice long 12 hour delay inbetween flights.. but we wont go there.. But now living in the nice country town of Tsuru, in the Yamanshi prefecture. Its pretty decent. Clean and just lively enough, so i quite like it.

ALready visited a few shops and places. Went to Gotemba, and the Outlet shopping centre thing there. was quite cool! Who wouldve thought that Versace and Dolce and Gabbana had a factory outlet store. =| Strange.. lol.. Was hoping to drop into Fuji speedway while we were there though, but that didnt happen. =$ lol.. Also went to my first autobacs store the other day in Fujiyoshida. Its pretty cool.. decent range i guess, but either way, way cooler than the local Supercheap Auto back home.. I also grabbed my ticket to Autosalon 2005 from Lawson the other day.. Hanging out for that.

So ive been having a pretty good time, and quite liking Japan. The only downers.. One.. the shoes here only go upto size 10, not really useful when your a size 12 lol.. and two.. My host family only has dialup internet access, and i dont think theres a internet cafe in the area, but oh well no biggie.. My host family still rocks and im enjoying myself..

Anyway, hope to meet some of you guys come autosalon time or before then, and hopefully by then i can find my own place and a full time job =) I should have a mobile phone soon aswell so if anyone drops past this way (fat chance) it would be cool to say hi!

Thanks guys!!

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