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Alesis Q-Cards for QS series synths- Latin, Eurodance, Stereo Classical Piano

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Alesis PCMCIA expansion Q-Cards for QS Series synths. Plug and play, no wiring or soldering.

I have the following cards:



The 8 Megabyte EuroDance QCard™ offers every sound you need to create maximum- power dance productions and remixes. Whether you’re into Techno, Trance, Ambient, Industrial or House music, the EuroDance QCard offers an intense collection of flowing drum and bass grooves, mind-blowing noise bursts and filter sweeps, smooth and resonant synth waves and much more.

You’ll find almost 300 high-quality drum/music loops, swirling synth pads and instrument/noise samples that are guaranteed to inspire your creativity. Taking you from the trendiest clubs of London and Berlin to private all-night raves, this card gives you dozens of fat synth waves, house pianos and organs, smooth FM bass sounds and vintage drum machines.

As soon as you plug in the Euro Dance QCard, you’ll find 128 Programs and 100 Mixes laid out and ready to use with Alesis’ QS Series™ or QuadraSynth® synthesizers. This QCard is completely self-referencing, so it’s 100% plug-and-play. Plus, since all its sounds are hand-crafted using 16-bit, 48kHz linear, master-quality samples and state-of-the-art synth voicing, it delivers the better-than-CD sonic quality you’ve come to expect from Alesis synthesizers.

0 Percolator

1 Phobe

2 DataFrogs

3 Darshan

4 Nebulous

5 Omen

6 Cybot

7 Kronosis

8 GrooveTrek

9 Caravan

10 CyberCrime

11 Bungee

12 Cryogenics

13 UB Riddim

14 LiquidDub1

15 LiquidDub2

16 Echo Dub

17 Dub Church

18 HardTrance

19 Propulsion

20 UseModWhl!

21 3oh3SawMW

22 3oh3SqrMW

23 Rave03SwMW

24 Rave03SqMW

25 BsLineSwMW

26 BsLineSqMW

27 Euro Bass

28 Attk Bass

29 PhutureBas

30 Deep Bass

31 Unit Bass

32 Rogue Bass

33 MegarzBass

34 TresorBass

35 SquareBass

36 JungleBass

37 Organ Bass

38 Thwap FM

39 Klub Kore

40 Technozid

41 Technodrom

42 House Jam

43 HouseJelly

44 Techniac

45 Volt Stack

46 SimplySaw

47 Strate Saw

48 Reson8

49 Saw Rez MW

50 HPSweep MW

51 HiPasSeqMW

52 OhTreeVel

53 Squareman

54 SineOfTime

55 HP Comper

56 Flange Hye

57 Nasty 5th

58 VoxMachina

59 Perc Choir

60 MinorChoir

61 HouseOrgan

62 HousePiano

63 MinMajSwps

64 Syn Chords

65 Oh3SwSeqMW

66 Oh3SqSeqMW

67 Swp Seq MW

68 Vintag2600

69 ModularOne

70 Warm Pad

71 MightyBras

72 VinStrings

73 Slo Choir

74 Oxygene

75 Gemini

76 Altair IV

77 Megalith

78 Xenakis

79 Hose Me

80 Moon&Womb

81 Viscera

82 GlimmerPad

83 Nature Pad

84 Space Eko

85 Debris

86 PhaseArray

87 Treatment

88 Romulux

89 Strafing

90 HousePno1

91 HousePno2

92 KorusPiano

93 VirtRoads

94 VirtWurliz

95 HouseDrwBr

96 HouseOrgn1

97 HouseOrgn2

98 HouseOrgn3

99 LatexOrgan

100 Crystaline

101 Glingdongs

102 AdditvBell

103 Trinidad

104 PentaTone

105 Jam Guitar

106 Gittar

107 Guitar Pad

108 Strummers

109 DirtGitarr

110 Rave Kit

111 Techno Kit

112 House Kit

113 Jungle Kit

114 Trance Kit

115 Loop Kit

116 Club Kit

117 8oh8 Kit

118 Sear78 Kit

119 E-Drum Kit

120 NoiseShots

121 Cyber Wars

122 Blackdrop

123 X-Ray Pad

124 Adrift

125 Submariner

126 Fishery

127 Cricketry




The 8 Megabyte EuroDance QCard™ offers every sound you need to create maximum- power dance productions and remixes. Whether you’re into Techno, Trance, Ambient, Industrial or House music, the EuroDance QCard offers an intense collection of flowing drum and bass grooves, mind-blowing noise bursts and filter sweeps, smooth and resonant synth waves and much more.

You’ll find almost 300 high-quality drum/music loops, swirling synth pads and instrument/noise samples that are guaranteed to inspire your creativity. Taking you from the trendiest clubs of London and Berlin to private all-night raves, this card gives you dozens of fat synth waves, house pianos and organs, smooth FM bass sounds and vintage drum machines.

0 Percolator

1 Phobe

2 DataFrogs

3 Darshan

4 Nebulous

5 Omen

6 Cybot

7 Kronosis

8 GrooveTrek

9 Caravan

10 CyberCrime

11 Bungee

12 Cryogenics

13 UB Riddim

14 LiquidDub1

15 LiquidDub2

16 Echo Dub

17 Dub Church

18 HardTrance

19 Propulsion

20 UseModWhl!

21 3oh3SawMW

22 3oh3SqrMW

23 Rave03SwMW

24 Rave03SqMW

25 BsLineSwMW

26 BsLineSqMW

27 Euro Bass

28 Attk Bass

29 PhutureBas

30 Deep Bass

31 Unit Bass

32 Rogue Bass

33 MegarzBass

34 TresorBass

35 SquareBass

36 JungleBass

37 Organ Bass

38 Thwap FM

39 Klub Kore

40 Technozid

41 Technodrom

42 House Jam

43 HouseJelly

44 Techniac

45 Volt Stack

46 SimplySaw

47 Strate Saw

48 Reson8

49 Saw Rez MW

50 HPSweep MW

51 HiPasSeqMW

52 OhTreeVel

53 Squareman

54 SineOfTime

55 HP Comper

56 Flange Hye

57 Nasty 5th

58 VoxMachina

59 Perc Choir

60 MinorChoir

61 HouseOrgan

62 HousePiano

63 MinMajSwps

64 Syn Chords

65 Oh3SwSeqMW

66 Oh3SqSeqMW

67 Swp Seq MW

68 Vintag2600

69 ModularOne

70 Warm Pad

71 MightyBras

72 VinStrings

73 Slo Choir

74 Oxygene

75 Gemini

76 Altair IV

77 Megalith

78 Xenakis

79 Hose Me

80 Moon&Womb

81 Viscera

82 GlimmerPad

83 Nature Pad

84 Space Eko

85 Debris

86 PhaseArray

87 Treatment

88 Romulux

89 Strafing

90 HousePno1

91 HousePno2

92 KorusPiano

93 VirtRoads

94 VirtWurliz

95 HouseDrwBr

96 HouseOrgn1

97 HouseOrgn2

98 HouseOrgn3

99 LatexOrgan

100 Crystaline

101 Glingdongs

102 AdditvBell

103 Trinidad

104 PentaTone

105 Jam Guitar

106 Gittar

107 Guitar Pad

108 Strummers

109 DirtGitarr

110 Rave Kit

111 Techno Kit

112 House Kit

113 Jungle Kit

114 Trance Kit

115 Loop Kit

116 Club Kit

117 8oh8 Kit

118 Sear78 Kit

119 E-Drum Kit

120 NoiseShots

121 Cyber Wars

122 Blackdrop

123 X-Ray Pad

124 Adrift

125 Submariner

126 Fishery

127 Cricketry


0 Percuneb

1 Cybot Trek

2 PhrogPhobe

3 Kronomen

4 LiqdChurch

5 UB Bungee

6 Propulsor

7 Organic

8 Syn Chord

9 WithChoir

10 Euro Mod

11 Stereo MW1

12 Stereo MW2

13 Stereo MW3

14 Wheel Tek

15 FuzzBuster

16 ThickJelly

17 Very Hairy

18 RogueAttak

19 Sqr Kore

20 Saw Thing1

21 Saw Thing2

22 Saw Thing3

23 Pluk/Vel

24 RezBusters

25 Chorpano

26 Choir Fizz

27 AirTron

28 Orgaga

29 Intervalus

30 Oxy Comp

31 Oxy Pad

32 Distance

33 Digivintge

34 Nexus Six

35 Zshimmers

36 Gemulux

37 Brighter

38 Warm Array

39 WarmDebris

40 WheelSplit

41 Brightnez

42 Bug/Buzzy

43 Plk/Buzz

44 Cool/Coolr

45 Grit/Grate

46 Big/Air

47 Big/Fifths

48 Fat/Thins

49 Banj Ohs

50 StrumSplit

51 Step Split

52 Geld Split

53 Psye Split

54 Swel Split

55 Soli Split

56 Saww Split

57 Zizz Split

58 Paff Split

59 Airr Split

60 Kinder Pno

61 DiamondPno

62 Rez Pno

63 Pianolina

64 Organo Pno

65 SuperCheez

66 Buzzville

67 Airgan

68 Warmorgan

69 Wet Organ

70 Warm Bell

71 Fizzibell

72 Brethibell

73 WithStrngs

74 CleanStack

75 DubbleGuit

76 SparklGuit

77 Guitaria

78 GuitStrngs

79 Guitorgan

80 Dirty Kit

81 Spash Kit

82 Meaty Kit

83 Spang Kit

84 Maddy Kit

85 Tubal Kit

86 Fubar Kit

87 Tappy Kit

88 Fat Synkit

89 Metal Kit

90 RedOctober

91 Vortex

92 What The?!

93 Psi Corps

94 aBitofGrit

95 Z'Ha'Dum

96 Sweepster

97 Wraith

98 VorlonHart

99 SuperNatur

Stereo Classical Piano


The Alesis Stereo Classical Piano QCard™ captures the rich, authentic tone of a world-class grand piano. It’s ideal for any musical style that demands superb piano sound. The QCard is multisampled from a European concert grand over ten feet in length – an instrument famed for its commanding presence in great symphony halls around the globe.

The QCard provides 64 variations (including bright and dark versions, doubling, detuning, octaves, and concert hall reverb) of this essential piano sound. Each variation is offered in both stretch tuning and standard tuning. All programs employ 16-bit, 48kHz uncompressed digital samples for exceptional clarity, dynamics and detail. This 8 megabyte QCard offers 100% plug-and-play convenience for use with any expandable Alesis synthesizer.

000 Full&Clean

001 Big Stereo

002 World Wide

003 Clean Velo

004 ClasscVelo

005 UprightGnd

006 On The Air

007 PianoTails

008 GinsengPno

009 BrtGrndPno

010 Classical

011 LarjClassc

012 VintagePno

013 ClearGrand

014 LittlGrand

015 Swim Grand

016 ConcrtHall

017 72” Grand

018 DampedGrnd

019 ShimmrSust

020 Sharp Velo

021 A+ Classic

022 Recital

023 Squint Pno

024 ProudPiano

025 ClasscSoft

026 ElGrandish

027 Tremble

028 SideToSide

029 64NoteGnd1

030 64NoteGnd2

031 64NoteCls1

032 64NoteCls2

033 64NoteVel1

034 64NoteVel2

035 64NoteHall

036 64NoteBrt1

037 64NoteBrt2

038 64Spinster

039 SpinsterSt

040 Octaves 1

041 Octaves 2

042 Parallel

043 OctaveClsc

044 OctaveWarm

045 Honky Lite

046 H.Tonker 1

047 H.Tonker 2

048 H.Tonker 3

049 The Player

050 Riser

051 Plaintive

052 Pure Pad

053 Deep Swell

054 Rock Box

055 SpareChanj

056 ModWheel 1

057 ModWheel 2

058 Springtime

059 Hail/Sleet

060 Overloadio

061 Same Split

062 1FingrHaus

063 RaveMaster

064 Full&Clean

065 Big Stereo

066 World Wide

067 Clean Velo

068 ClasscVelo

069 UprightGnd

070 PianoTails

071 On The Air

072 GinsengPno

073 BrtGrndPno

074 Classical

075 LarjClassc

076 VintagePno

077 ClearGrand

078 LittlGrand

079 Swim Grand

080 ConcrtHall

081 72” Grand

082 DampedGrnd

083 ShimmrSust

084 Sharp Velo

085 A+ Classic

086 Recital

087 Squint Pno

088 ProudPiano

089 ClasscSoft

090 ElGrandish

091 Tremble

092 SideToSide

093 64NoteGnd1

094 64NoteGnd2

095 64NoteCls1

096 64NoteCls2

097 64NoteVel1

098 64NoteVel2

099 64NoteHall

100 64NoteBrt1

101 64NoteBrt2

102 64Spinster

103 SpinsterSt

104 Octaves 1

105 Octaves 2

106 Parallel

107 OctaveClsc

108 OctaveWarm

109 Honky Lite

110 H.Tonker 1

111 H.Tonker 2

112 H.Tonker 3

113 The Player

114 Riser

115 Plaintive

116 Pure Pad

117 Deep Swell

118 Rock Box

119 SpareChanj

120 ModWheel 1

121 ModWheel 2

122 Springtime

123 Hail/Sleet

124 Overloadio

125 Same Split

126 1FingrHaus

127 RaveMaster

Perfect condition, as new. These are no longer in production and are becoming very hard to get. These were the last stock the Australian distributor had.

$250 each ($200 for Latin) including postage to anywhere in Australia. Worth $500 new. Will swap one card for Classical Instruments Plus Q-Card.

PM Me, email me at [email protected] or phone me on 0427 4145747 after 12pm.

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