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Hi all

Following on from my post about buying an R34, I thought it might be an idea to see who would insure it. I assumed someone like RACV would but apparently not! I called them and they wont touch R33, R34, Silvia or WRX but do currently insure my 270bhp cossie! I am a rating 1 driver but that made no difference, it is the cars themselves.

Short of driving a lada (no offence Jamezilla!), what performance vehicle can I drive and get insured on?

Any suggestions appreciated guys and girls.

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Hey Ronin 09,

Yep RACV will insure R32 because Nissan did import for Oz market, and RACV does insure Import R32 i don't know why it does that... but RACV will insure Cefrio even though i'm 17

RACV are weird...



RACV is a VERY weird one... they WILL insure imports, BUT they wouldn't insure my car because it has after market rims. NOT for the increased stealing factor but because it was a certain amount WIDER than the factory rim. Bcos it affects the performance of the car..... hello?? hello?? /waves hand in the air - wider rim, more rubber, (255's) more contact to the road, safer car?? Pricks.

Alan, you will NOT beat Just Cars. They have just set themselves right up for this market, and are actually pretty reasonable. Rating 1, for R34 i reckon, $1500? Which is bloody good i think. I reckon maybe a touch less. They want $2467 for me, full comp, with exhaust, suspension and wheel mods mentioned. Rating 4, drops to about $2000 for rating 3. Yeah, pretty steep, but relatively? It's not too bad for a P plater and car being a GT-T.



Thanks guys for all the replies. SS8_Gohan - may have to take the option. They insure my girlfriends RX Liberty and said alloys and exhaust are fine if they are put on but the wheels must not exceed 7"?! I assume that is width but goes with what you are saying as well. I didnt really want to have to change companies as I have only just taken the policy out. Its $1000 fully comp for the cossie which I am not complaining about at all!

Hey saff_cossie,

Is your Cossie imported from Uk or Oz delivered (i doubt this) if it's Uk spec, then RACV are weird...

JCI is reasonable because i shopping around for my RB30 Patrol, RACV 3rd party, $717; i asked JCI, my quote was $710 3rd party... the most strange thing was... when i said i got turbo package RACV tought mine was diesel, JCI asked me if this is Modification, i said yes...

I'm 17 btw, young ppl get the most expensive insurance estimate because they are highly likely to be involved in accidents... You know insurance, they are like your parents...

keep shopping for insurance u might end up with the price ur happy with.



Dreamer 33 - Imported it myself as it was my car in the UK. I like the every other young person have had insurance trouble with quotes on cars but thought I was virtually past all that, seems not with some companies.

Anyway got a quote from RACV on an Integra Type R 2000 model. They will insure that and for $500 extra on my current premium. Could be the way to go.

Ring Racv about once every 30 minutes and ask the same question and you will get a different answer everytime!!! They have no clue

that is so true

anyways - RACV - all import insurance has to get refferred to the underwriters who then decide if they will take it on or not.

it is completely a case by case basis (different for each person/car) - BUT IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THEM TO INSURE SKYLINES!!

keep trying them - when you do get a quote they are much cheaper than anywhere else.

beefy - dont have the R34 yet and at this rate might have to wait another year until I am 25. Just cars probably would insure me but I have several different policies with RACV and they have been very good with discounts etc.

If you are over 25 I wouldn't go anywhere else but Shannons.

I'm a lot younger then 25, and can get full comp as the 2nd driver for my fathers 911 with $25k+ worth of aftermarket rubbish.

I have found it really depends on the car... if your young. They wont insure my R32 under my name.. But they will under my fathers.. Yet I can get insurance on a euro worth 4 times the amount then my skyrice :rolleyes:

I'm a lot younger then 25, and can get full comp as the 2nd driver for my fathers 911 with $25k+ worth of aftermarket rubbish.

I have found it really depends on the car... if your young. They wont insure my R32 under my name.. But they will under my fathers.. Yet I can get insurance on a euro worth 4 times the amount then my skyrice :rolleyes:

Thats coz insurance companies consider skylines the car of choice for hoons!!

They obiviously watch way to much Today Tonight

Its not a turbo is it?  

As soon as you mention turbo the conversation always turns sour...

Yeap, it's an N/a. BUT... It's a Genuine RUF model.. quicker then a turbo as well :kick:

I just don't understand some one insuring a rare car with a young driver.. but not a $16,000 Nissan :rolleyes:

Ah well, as soon as Today Tonight start doing storys on young P platers driving euro's it'll all go out the window.

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