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A friend of mine at work has just heard that the Police, as of 01/0702, will have the power to issue a fine which also has "2 POINTS" off your licence for

1. Excessive Stereo Noise


Now while that isn't new the bit which gets me is that the Police will have discreshionary (sorry about the spelling) power on this and NO metering will be needed.!!! WTF !!!

They also said you can take it to court...BUT, as the reporter said the courts will favour the cops.

THIS is bullshit, as soon as you goto a car meet or something their going to fine you. this is crap.

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your farking kidding, Michael cockface Costa wanted to implement this idea of demerit points being linked to defects however many hoped that now hes out of the picture that this idea would not be acted on...

There will be big problems with cops abuing their power as they do normally.....

this will be interesting

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I'm afraid it's going to get more common this kind of thing - I've seen some police guidelines on vehicle noise from the USA and infringements can be for *any* noise source whether it be stereo or exhaust. I imagine that stuff like this will gradually creep into other countries.

If you want to read more material http://www.nonoise.org/ is a interesting source. I found it while I was searching for info to try and combat the NZ police noise guidelines.

Agree with Urmine - I got heaps of complaints about my v8's, never yet had one for my Skylines.


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I think they have it all wrong, with the exhaust noise thing.

With your Hyundi you cant put 18" wheels because they come factory with 14" fair enough, the law says 1" max increase.

I think there should be a noise increase limit compared to shock exhaust noise.

Ie An excel stock puts out 79db you should only be limited to a 5 db increase.

This would apply to cars who already have a high noise stock figure because they are already high powered cars.


V8's stock 87db

RX7 Stock 89db

Skyline Stock 87db.

Farrari 89db

The guy with the Hyundi can put a 3 in system with a hot dog only and still be legal, while a skyline decent 3" system with 2 big High flow muffles struggles to keep under the 90db limit.

It shits me when a see a loud normally aspirated 1.3lt whose car is as loud as mine and I say why, what does it achieve?

The comeback for the law is their comment anything above 90db is offensive, but it is still discriminatory against high performance cars.

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It's upsetting to hear this stuff because:

1. They still are not going to be pull over

old cars with holes in their exhaust pumping

out well over 90 db. Probably just warning

max. :evil:

2. Exhaust parts wear out in every car hence

making them louder, so more than likely

everyone will be over the limit but they'll just

pull over the ones who spend more money in

keeping their exhaust looking nice. :cry:

Why can't they have a realistic max db level

of something like 95db. New factory cars must

meet 90db. :lol:

Fair enough, some cars are way excessive but

did they not take the above things into consideration?

Rotary fans, will definately be upset.

I guess it will be all about money making in the

end, because if this is how it will be.... there will

be alot of people driving around without a license.

There is no doubt about it and they would have

seen that from the beggining.

Because of all these fines, laws there will be retaliation

more break ins, armed holdups, police violence.

I think it's just the wrong way to go about it.

Sorry, just had to get that all out, i just had a really

bad issue with the cops recently. "Grabs the tissue"

*Sniff sniff* I hate being generalized.

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holy crap...

anybody heard my car? its not too 'subtle' ...

This is ridiculous and I will fight it in court if i get pulled over, i have the advantage of having several solicitors and barristers in my family.

Altho, the odds of me getting pulled over are quite slim... i am a slow ass driver.

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Christian..... you should know its not just driving style that these idiots pull you over for... and yes your exhaust is quite nice (read loud) :lol:

what can you do in court? if you car clearly is well over the legal limit how could you debate a fine??

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i agree with OZ - there should be a set limit. there has to be a line that sez 'this is legal, this is not legal', not this 'at the cops descretion' crap - that is FAR too open to abuse, and we all know the police WILL abuse it, just as they now abuse defect laws, only this will more than likely be much much worse. Why not just leave cops to 'interpret' when they THINK you are speeding? the fine and loss of points is the same, its a joke!

as for stereos - sure excessively loud stereos can be annoying just as excessively loud exhausts can be. But you can play your home stereo as loud as you want up until 10:45 at night..... but in your car thats not the case, even though its not likely to be in one spot long enough to annoy anyone... nope sorry - 2 points and a fine thanks.

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Guest [ryan]


When is it going to stop, and when are cops going to understand? Not all of us are out there to be menaces, not all of us are out there causing trouble. What's wrong with booming your stereo out on the highway or whatever? Sure, in residential areas i can agree with giving people fines it is a pain in the ass when some cockhead in his little gti comes past your house while you're asleep bumping the vengaboys... Loud exhausts, So what? They aren't hurting anyone. I don't know why police have to be so damn harsh on things. It's obviously just revenue raising, and i think it has gone too far.

If i had a liscense and a car i would definately be getting something going here, some sort of movement. Hell women did it to get their voting rights, i think we, the motoring community, should get together to fight it so we can have our innocent fun without having to worry about getting defected or fined for basically nothing! It's gone too damn far!


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Guest [ryan]

Oh and just to add to this, just a little story.

About a month ago we were crusing, Cruised to this nice little spot at the rocks it's used as parking and industrial. Anyways, We pull over there to wait for some others to catch up. Just standing there chatting. Anyways, we were in a Sonata, Laser, Statesman and a stock MY00 WRX, Nothing special just boring cars. Three of us were sitting there, The statesman, Sonata and laser whenn the WRX pulls up with a cop car behind him flashing the lights! Anyway, Tony wasn't speeding or booming or anything just cruising along. The car is dead stock. Anyways, Tony gets out of the car to find out what the hell is going on when a bitch gets out of the police car and screams at him to get the hell back in the car,

At this moment i ran back to turn bens sonata off, and run over to a dumpster to releive myself i was busting, anyway im running over, and the bitch started yelling and screaming at me. Anyway i go to the toilet and come back, And another cop car pulls up. This time it's the commander guy, and tony asks him why he has been pulled over. Anyways the Commander was a smart c**t, Says "EXCUSE ME, WOULD YOU LIKE A SPEEDING FINE WITH THAT? IM HAPPY TO STAND HERE, AND WRITE OUT DEFECTS, SPEEDING FINES, PARKING FINES WHATEVER UNTIL YOU GUYS GET THE DAMN MESSAGE. IS THAT CLEAR? I'M HAPPY TO WRITE OUT TICKETS BY THE THOUSANDS AND DEFECT YOU FOR ANYTHING I CAN. NOW GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I DEFECT YOU ALL"

Anyways, We ended up having like 4 cop cars pull over to us, and eventually we drove off and lost half of the people on our cruise with us! It's f**king pathetic. That cop was damn rude, and he was going to defect STOCK cars. That's damn rediculous. What's the world coming to? I think we're all going to have to buy camrys.. And don't dare change the hubcaps, They might defect you for it.

Nick (BY BY) This is the night i SMS'd you saying to stay the hell away from the rocks, and that's the reason why..


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ii dont think its revenue raising as much as its politics - whoever thought this bullshit up is out to please the old people out there who make 'bringing young hooligan whippersnappers to justice!' their own personal vendetta. Plus its also another threat cops have to use against people, no doubt not only will you hear 'you wanna go away or do you want me to defect your car?' but also 'i heard your stereo going mate, and that exhaust 'looks' loud, either move away from here or i'll fine you for it'

my theory that the cops dont want anyone under 40 drivin on the roads after 8:30 PM is holding out pretty well i think, but as matboy says - would they rather us spend money doing up our cars or would they rather we purchase guns and drugs?

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the absolutely sad thing is that with the rate things are going now.. in five years the modified car scene will be dead..

other people must realise this... what are all the performance shops / manufacturers doing? ... they won't be able to survive if this keeps heading in the direction it is heading now.. it is not only the younger drivers out here that will be effected.. a whole industry will be!??!!

WTF is happening? i can understand the problem at brighton.. but this is just rediculous...

does anyone know of a petition or something that can be signed up.. surely we could get enough signatures (remember that most of us vote and that is all they seem to care about these days?!)

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Khughes Quote :the absolutely sad thing is that with the rate things are going now.. in five years the modified car scene will be dead..

I think thats pretty much the whole idea. Modifiying a car is considared Anti-Social, its also a good way to pick up votes.

The heart of this would be laying with the local councils, who needs to be seen as proactive and lobbies the State Government to introduce these laws. Of course a new era of Police Force has just come in too, so it would be a a good strong voice for them and the actions can be seen on the side of the street while Mr and Mrs Vote-Alot roll past in their Conformadore or Careful Camary.

Unless a oraganized group could be formed or sourced to voice or opinon we have no voice. Food for thought...

I just hope their going to have some morals on this one...use it for the people who deserve it...Plus you know when it'll be used....when people rev at lights to race and see a cop at the last second and pull out of any drag/contest...the intend is there but the cops couldn't do anything...Now they can get you with this...


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