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Nasho runs 0wn j00!!!

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Hey peeps,

We had a awesome time, for all those that wanted to go the city?


Nasho runs was awesome, hehehe a few hairy moments,

DFL4SH around the 25/km hair pin

POPGUN....nah i won't do it :D but nice job correcting it.

GTR80Y you are rice on wheels =)

XCUZME you are a habib =) did ya get ya tommys kebabs in the end?

Marvin your car is lethel man, something animalistic , that external wastegate could make the deaf hear =)

the turn out was very very impressive thanx to all those that turned out it was awesome.

You ppl rock ;)

Minh you missed out hard =) but u will be there next time man, it was awesome i think it would be agreed that we all had a blast.

Look forward to future cruises with your bois and girls,

O yeh no more dirty looks round cabra/canley heheheh just gimme the WEESSSTTTSIIIDDDEEEE !!!!!! sign


PS. Yeh its tru the west know how to party :D

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yep!! great night!!!

i think i will drive my car next time we go on twisty roads i dont care if its a bit slow it'll be fun :D

donnie how scary was it when we herd those sirens while waiting at the lights?? hahaha :lol: :lol:

not many of my pics came out tho ;)

hard to zoom when the car is bouncing everywhere!!

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what a night ;)

donny bro where were you at the end? naughty marvin had a few runs at chipping norton hahaha, we gotta teach that boy how to launch...he got beaten by a 2 litre lancer gsr :D

that damn feeldg guy was tryin to run me when we were leaving, gunnin it next to me and slowin down, then doin it again, im just shakin my head goin nooooooooo way man im not even gonna try haha

can't wait for next time and MINH YOU'RE COMING NEXT TIME!!

oh yeah, and next time i wanna say let's cruise to the city? just ignore me and start heading for the nasho :D

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Yeah man that was the best cruise ever! ;)

I am so proud of the organising.

That was one damn big turn out. CLose to 40 cars easily.

Thanks to Xterc for bringing out his crew too!

Thanks to all you Westside Peeps who showed up too.

I know your lurking there and only reading posts as usual.!


Cant wait for the next one.

That would of eased up the Cabra Tension abit. hahaha

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Originally posted by XCUZME

what a night ;)

donny bro where were you at the end? naughty marvin had a few runs at chipping norton hahaha, we gotta teach that boy how to launch...he got beaten by a 2 litre lancer gsr :D

that damn feeldg guy was tryin to run me when we were leaving, gunnin it next to me and slowin down, then doin it again, im just shakin my head goin nooooooooo way man im not even gonna try haha

can't wait for next time and MINH YOU'RE COMING NEXT TIME!!

oh yeah, and next time i wanna say let's cruise to the city? just ignore me and start heading for the nasho :D

Hey man it was finally good meeting you! hahaha.

So FeelDG Came after all? Damn I missed it. I was dying to see that car!!!

So did everybody stick together?

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Originally posted by tactic

feeldg raced us coming back

we had a head start and he flew past!!!!!!

then he pulled up next to us smiled and hit it again hehe **** i love that car!!!

Damn man! That car has got to be one of the baddest GTR around cabramatta besides BEWARE?

TACTIC where were you last night? You should of came and said hi!

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Originally posted by tactic

yeah i was their in my friends familia gtr.. all i can say was i was teh tall white guy in the car ;) :lol:

and all the asians would of made you look even taller! hahaha.

Honestly yuou should of came and said hi.

I wanted to meet everyone from SAU.

It was a fantastic meet up hey? Such a large meet up!


The Cabra boys know how to have a good time!:D

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