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Hey hows it going i just got myself a nissan skyline r33 1994 gts25det

it is so ****ing nice and i just got it back from a brand new paint job - black

new GTR body kit

and all this

but the trouble im having is it doesnt like starting in the mornings and as from now it doesnt like starting anytime i have to turn the key and wait like 10secounds

and say for example im driving when i come to a stop the car stalls WTF!!!

before it was just having trouble starting in the mornings now its stalling when i come to a stop... if i dont keep the revs up around 2 the car just dies

and i have to like gear down when stopping and put it in netural and brake with the handbrake so it doesnt stall

i took it to my mechanic he changed the Pod filter, played around with the settings dino tuned it all this shit and said its fixed but when i went to pick it up it was good for about 2hours then just started doing it again

if this helps with solving the problem

when i have the car running if it doesnt stall (cause sometimes its idles and doesnt die straight away it dies after 10secounds

but i was playin around trying to work out what it could be

and if this helps

when i turn the car off with the handbrake off it turns off straight away

and when i turn the car off with the handbrake on it stays on even tho the keys are out... (WTF...) yeah i know i got a turbo timer

but is that set wrong (its a apexi turbo timer shaped like a rechtangle)


its been back for 2weeks and i send it back again 1 more week

OH come pick it up its ready

i come all the way out 40mins drive

and works but then dies 2hours later contiunus

i cant work it out

im gonna try the battery but i dont think its that cause when it cuts out the lights everything stays on like its on acc 1-2-3-4 (2) or start 3 without engine

i dunno cant work it out



I Was tould could be a air flow meter... but today we took off the pipes and used a cleaning agent to try fix the problem but nope could it be the starter motor... but then that would be trouble starting in the morning only, i dunno

when i first got it... it started quicker but it seems like its getting worse and worse

and all this shit started happening when my car pissed out with coolent from the overflow cause the value closed cause the car got too hot or something and then it wouldnt allow me to run the car after filling back up with coolent

and it was running really shit

could it have ****ed the computer or some electrics

i dunno


[email protected]

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Thankyou SAU

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but the trouble im having is it doesnt like starting in the mornings  


I don't like starting in the mornings either but hey who does?! :(

Does sound like a shagged battery though, replace it with a mates and see if that helps, probably the best bet and easiest thing to try for starters...

Stalling/other problems when cold could be the Idle Air Control Valve (IACV) also known as the Auxillary Air Control (AAC) valve, do a search on either of those and you'll find heaps of posts about the problems they can cause and how to fix them.

Also have a look at this site which has info on how to fix them:


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