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I don't know why everyone thinks the series 2 trim is better than series 1. The series 2 trim only came about due to cost-cutting by Nissan. It's got cloth in the middle which is much cheaper than velour. It may seem to be more durable than velour, but my series 1 trim is 7 years old now and still looks brand new. So while it's personal preference as to which looks better, it can definitely be said that the series 1 trim was more expensive and cannot be said that it isn't durable.

Also, Ex-static's series 1 pic looks a little tame. Compare it with my series 1 in the attachment. Looks a lot meaner with a better grille and bigger front bar doesn't it? ;) Of course it's still personal preference as to whether or not the series 2 looks better, but I think my front end looks mean-as and I wouldn't swap it for a series 2 bar if you paid me (well ok, maybe if you paid me LOTS :))

The series 2 turbo is definitely weaker than series 1 (shouldn't matter if you plan on upgrading it anyway) and I haven't heard of any gearbox changes. My box is fine either way.

Personally I see the last of the series 1's (ie, '95 model) to be the best value. They are a fair bit cheaper than series 2, have the more expensive interior (IMO nicer), stronger turbo, series 2 titanium boot badge (without a doubt nicer than the previous plastic ones), and series 2 wing and larger front bar option (I think earlier ones have the wing and bar options too though). About the only thing you miss out on is the passenger air bag, which is mostly just a gimmick item anyway.

And since they were built before 1996, you can also get away with having too-dark tints on the windows. I don't know the exact laws but I think if you get busted with too-dark tints on pre-96 cars you just get defected with no fine, whereas if it's post-96 you also cop a hefty fine because that's when the new laws came into effect (either way you have to replace it obviously).

Edit: Oh, that missing badge on my grille has been replaced now. Before the respray it had a fugly "NISSAN" badge there, and I got it replaced with a proper Skyline one. But it had to come from Japan.


Ive just PM'd you about my car that is for sale.

Its a series 1 with mods and bodykit.

With the topic: ive also heard that the series 2 turbo is weaker than the series 1 because of some kind of a plastic steel wheel in the turbo, rather than the ceramic series 1 one. (if that makes sense)

And if you like the series 2 better because of the front bar, I reckon you still cant beat the 400R or GTR replica bar.

I heard it was the other way around..

The S2 got some certain thing-a-ma-bob *EDIT* in the turbo */EDIT* which the S1 didn't. I also heard that some part of the turbo is electronic in the S2, but mechanical on the S1.

Pretty vague I know hehe

*EDIT forgot to add the "in the turbo" bit

Originally posted by Timmy G

I heard it was the other way around..

The S2 got some certain thing-a-ma-bob which the S1 didn't.  I also heard that some part of the turbo is electronic in the S2, but mechanical on the S1.

Yesh, pretty Vague Timmy G.

On the series I the turbo Impeller wheel is ceramic.

On the series II the turbo impeller wheel is plastic.

The Series II is mildly weaker ;)

note: I have NO idea what an "impeller" wheel is, if it is even the object in question either...

Originally posted by Timmy G

My friend went to UAS and spoke to John (the guy who owns it) and he said the turbo in the S2 is better, I don't know what the explanation was though.

Probably because it's newer and less worn out :)

I haven't heard anyone say that the series 2 is better. It's got a plastic wheel instead of ceramic, how could it be better? I'm guessing along with with the cloth trim "upgrade", it was a cost-saving measure by Nissan. At only 5psi or whatever the factory boost is, it doesn't matter if it's ceramic or plastic. ;)


you could purchase my car which i've Pmd u about also!!!

its a series 1, with a series 2 front end, which is sort of getting the best of both worlds if we're going with the

"series 1 turbos are better, but series 2 front ends look ssshweet"

Timmy G was referring to what John told me, which was that the 'Series 2 has a better turbo'. He didn't mention anything technical, he just said 'they are slightly more powerful and smoother than the Series 1'.

Unfortunately, that's all I had to go on, not sure whether it is indeed better or not as I have no idea about the technicalities. Could've even been to make a sale for all I know :) but I basically just trusted John on what he was saying.

As for the ceramic impeller stuff, I agree that ceramic would logically be better than plastic. So in the end, I'm back where I started, no idea as to whether a Series 2 turbo is better ;)

But as JimX said, I guess it doesn't really matter at standard boost anyhow, so all is good.

G'day All,

Firstly let me thank you for all your replies and valued input. So let me get this right? Series 1 and 2 both have their pros and cons. Well, in that case, I'll err for the series 1 as it is cheaper.

But let me ask you, can I confirm, if I change the front bar, front lights and rear spoiler, exterior wise, it will be the same as a series 2? Is that correct? Or is there anything I need to change. Just that the bonnet also looks different. How much would all this stuff cost?

Many of you mentioned that the series 2 involved a lot of cost cutting. Therefore did the series 1 dating back to 1993 have a more expensive interior than the Series 2. Or put in other words, is the interior of a 1993 the same as a 1995? If not, what differences are there?

Anyway, thank you all for taking the initiative for me to review their vehicles for sale. I am definately interested in several, however need to see them personally to make a final decision.

Again, please advise and thanks for your input

Don't ask me why.. but UAS ( www.nismo.com.au ) have aftermarket front bars and specify to fit "Series 1" and "Series 2" seperately.

One thing which I don't think anyone mentioned.. the S2 console and door plastic is improved (more durable). They found that it was scratching and stuff with S1 (there was a thread on here about it - and they were talking about painting it).

Also, I wouldn't mind knowing the reason for John's comments about the S2 turbo being better than the S1 - perhaps BY BY could tell us because he works at UAS with John.

I'm going for an S2 myself because a newer car is going to cause less problems and have less kms and I *personally* like the look of it better - but each to their own.



Originally posted by Scotty

But let me ask you, can I confirm, if I change the front bar, front lights and rear spoiler, exterior wise, it will be the same as a series 2? Is that correct? Or is there anything I need to change. Just that the bonnet also looks different.

No, you need to change the bonnet too.

Many of you mentioned that the series 2 involved a lot of cost cutting.

I think one person mentioned that the interior is supposedly more expensive.. I don't think this is a particularly huge issue personally.

Considering the series 2 has standard dual airbags, a rear strut brace, they're hardly just cutting costs!

Originally posted by Phil

I think one person mentioned that the interior is supposedly more expensive.. I don't think this is a particularly huge issue personally.

Considering the series 2 has standard dual airbags, a rear strut brace, they're hardly just cutting costs!

The interior isn't a huge issue, but it's something to consider. I know a few people who think the cloth trim cheapens the whole look of the interior of the series 2, but it's just a personal opinion.

And of course they're not "just" cutting costs. They have to cater for the market, which at the time they decided dual air bags was necessary. But that could be one reason why they decided to cut costs in other areas (ie turbo and interior), to help keep the price down for the new standard features.

Personally, I think a passenger airbag is next to useless anyway based on most of the crash reports I've read. If your head was close enough to the dash that it would hit it you'd probably be more concerned about an air bag inflating in your face. In all the tests I've seen, when a passenger is sitting a normal distance away from the dash, their head slides forwards and down and hits their knees, and the air bag does jack-all. This is why passenger air bags didn't come out at the same time as driver's air bags. The manufacturers knew it wouldn't be nearly as effective as a driver's air bag so they never bothered developing it, but after a few years the marketing people decided to add in passenger airbags just to help make it look like they were improving vehicle safety and help win the market with a gimmick. Side air bags would have been a much better thing to have developed earlier IMO.

I don't have anything against the series 2. If it was a more reasonable price I would have bought one instead, just because it's a newer car. But the price is usually artificially inflated, mostly because of the passenger airbag and what most people perceive as better styling, plus the "it's a series 2, it must be better" mentality, in the similar way that all series 1 Commodores are duds. The only series 1 R33 issue I can think of is the peeling door handle trim, and that's hardly in the same league as what series 1 Commodores have had wrong with them in the past.

I'm glad I prefer the series 1 styling and don't attach any value to a passenger airbag, because that means I win all round :P


did you get my PM? Im selling my series 1 with a full bodykit, mods, immaculate condition and for a fairly cheap price. Im urgently wanting to sell it because I need finance for a GTR so I am also open to offers. Have a look in the for sale section if you are interested.

Hey Guys,

Well, its a sad day today. I just found out how much it will cost me to ensure a GTST. Given my driving record blah blah blah blah, it will cost me $4,025. *sob*

Looks like the dream of owning a R33 is gone. I just can't justify that annual cost. :(

If anyone else has an idea, it will be appreciated, however thanks again for your help.

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