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hello every1, im very stuck atm im just about to get my stock turbo on my nissan skyline r33 gst-t series 2 HIGH FLOWED. Just wondering how much power should i get off it?and how much boost can i run thought it, i have sein 16-18psi?am i correct? IMPORTANT NOTE CAR IS AUTO!!!!!

My car mods are so far:

3.5 exhaust from the turbo

Apexi Safc

Dump Pipe

Pod Filter

600horse fuel pump (i think)lol

Stock Ecu

Stock Turbo (high flowed very shortly, also just about to put either a dual stage boost conroller in with switch or apexi avc-r )

without high flow turbo bein told by a mechanic to expect 260-280 horsepower with boost controller?correct?

PLUS getting stage 2 done on my auto box as we speak!

The mechanic wants me to just get a bigger turbo and all that coz more $$$$$ for him but i dont want a full out race car, im 17 and i just want sumfing to blow off commodores v8's and club sports 1995 club sport and and 2004 ss?will my car be able to do this or will i neva be able to do it?Plus i will need this car for day to day so i will run it on 7psi?and have whateva the top boost is for high flow or bolt on????which would be??

what type of power will i need to do this goal?and will a high flow let me do it? how much power and boost will a high flow give me at the wheels, with those mods?also i dont wanna get my ecu remapped unless i really really really really have to and even then im not sure if i will jsut dont understand it fully and dont wanna risk ****ing my car?

I only want to high flow i dont want a big horse turbo jsut want more power with the high flow?would 350-400 horse be out of the question?Unless there is a cheaper way or even a direct bolt on that will fit in stock housing?that will give me more power/psi then high flowing?examples price? Keep in mind im 17 apprentice. If i go bolt on i dont wanna change anything unlees i have to?which if i do can i get examples and prices?) i dont want huge horse jsut wanna do my goal!

and any other cheap mods which u think would help me out in my goal plz give exaamples,specs,prices thankz every1 for your time

My email is curly_fry_44@hotmail.com if you need more information to help me out thankz p.s my name is chris



(if there is any1 in gold coast/brisbane/towoomba that would be able to help me or even be able to help me out or met up or anything email me thankz)

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Get a fmic, u won't get any hp without a good big fmic.

Hiflow is a good stepping stone, 250+rwkw, bolt on power and reliability but still a street machine. if you want to hose off every car you meet then I agree with Steve, buy an am turbo [although a 2535 is probably too small for big power numbers].

Benm - Auto = no PFC.

Why would you high flow your turbo and run 7 psi through it?

I have just put my stock turbo up to 12 psi and I can beat anything local and unmodified.

If you get a boost controller and your SAFC tuned again you don't even need to upgrade the turbo to get what you want out of it.

Sell the safc and buy a pfc with avcr meal combo..mmmm... with the upgrade turbo.Pfc are cheap these days not like a year ago.You can squeeze a little more outa it and maybee get better fuel economy....

Can someone confirm that fuel eco is better with a pfc compared to safc...

What else do you plan to do in the future or are u stopping there for a while?

What kind of STAGE 2 Auto mods are you putting in?

Trans cooler and valve body change?

thats all getting done!!!!

well baically im saying i will run it on 7psi for driving to work but set it up so if i wanna race i can!!!! like with what the max psi is i can run???i wana as much power as i can with what i have and what im getting to blow ss and clubsport! will i need to high flow or will 280 horsepwer at wheels be enough to do it? or what will i need? to do the job???

basically i dont know what to do aye, im like stumped what too do! i jsut wanna get enough poweer to blow of my freinds and enemies comordores but i dont know the cheapest and quicest mods (im not after high power just enough to do the goal) does any1 have some more ideas? of what i should do and what i should pay for things and what things to buy (ITS AN AUTO)

hey mate, give GCG a call, they will put you in the right direction, as i am also have the same delema as yourself, also your car with the mods it has should blow off a vr-vs clubbie easy, and give a new ss a run for its money, have you raced any of these cars that you want to beat? Also i spoke to GCG and they said that they make the turbo as good as a gt-30 and can make up to 260rwkws with injectors, and after market ecu. And thats like 350hp at the wheels, which would put you into the medium to high 12 bracket, which would garentee an ass whopping for any HSV up to date for sure. Oh and GCG number is 1300 887 267

hey mate, give GCG a call, they will put you in the right direction, as i am also have the same delema as yourself, also your car with the mods it has should blow off a vr-vs clubbie easy, and give a new ss a run for its money, have you raced any of these cars that you want to beat?  Also i spoke to GCG and they said that they make the turbo as good as a gt-30 and can make up to 260rwkws with injectors, and after market ecu.  And thats like 350hp at the wheels, which would put you into the medium to high 12 bracket, which would garentee an ass whopping for any HSV up to date for sure.  Oh and GCG number is 1300 887 267

thankz for ya help man!!!! also im hoping to get a emanage and and iw ill call those people 2mw and see what they can do!!! any1 got suggestions for injectors?????size????????? brand????

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