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Has anyone recently tried buying from an o/seas supplier lately.

I have just recently purchased a Trust/GReddy inlet plenum from Nengun @ AU$1267.52, 100500 yen including postage.

I could have bought the exact same item for approximately $1400.00 from any number of Australian based imported parts houses.

My saga began when I received a notice that a parcel, an xmas gift was being held by Australian Customs, Sydney Gateway Facility at Granville 1st December 2004.

They needed to know a value as there was no declared value on the parcel, the parcel was opened and no value (receipt or invoice) inside parcel, so I was requested by customs to provide a declarable valuation or proof there of.

I emailed Nengun for an invoice with a value of about 20000 yen, as the first AU$200.00 for an unsolicited gift is duty & GST FREE.

I received my invoice for 22000 yen AU$275.00 and the clearance process started.

I recently 13th December received a notice that my parcel was being held at Campbelltown post office for collection, BUT! a fee of $91.70 was payable, for customs duty & GST. Wait for it, GST is calculated on 1. Value + 2. Duty + 3. Cost of transportation to Australia and then at 10% which meant $275.00 + 15% duty = $316.25 + $188.45 = $504.70 @ 10% GST becomes $50.47.

The initial deal with Nengun is "Delivered door to door" for AU$1267.52 and now plus $91.70, making a total of AU$1359.22 and a whole sh!t load of AGRO & Deception that I don't think is, or should be necessary.

Look at the facts and play it by the book, NO SHONKY STUFF.

Original cost from Nengun AU$1267.52. Duty on car parts is 15%, so take our original $1267.52 + 15% duty ($190.13) = $1457.65 + 10% GST ( calculated on value + duty + freight) $1267.52 + $190.13 + $188.45 = $1646.10 + 10% GST = AU$1810.71.

The legit price including all related charges from Nengun is now AU$1810.71 when it could have been purchased from ADVAN, among others for AU$1400.00 cash money, no eftpos or credit cards etc.

GO BUY LOCALLY AT THE BEST DEAL YOU CAN BEG, BORROW, STEAL or MUSTER as in the end, the o/seas supplier doesn't give a stuff, so long as he gets his bit and he doesn't loose as he has his money up front and he knows your up for all these extra charges, but doesn't tell you.

They are charlatans to say the least, and unless an extremely low price can be organised I think they are best stayed away from, or remember to do all the calculations before entering into the deal.

When advised of my plight today, I sent another email off to Nengun for assistance and received this reply:


I have done my best with that part. I mean it was wrapped in Xmas paper, an invoice was supplied saying it was a present. If I write you a letter via e mail how can you prove you didn`t write it yourself.

They cost $1267.52 delivered X 25% tax $316.88 AUS and because it is over $1000 They usually make you get a broker which is about an extra $200 to $300

Really, it is not a present is it? So you should be paying around $500 Tax $120 is not bad



THEY or at least this one DOESN'T GIVE A STUFF as he gets his money up front.


Shell, you asked recently in a letter "do we use our sponsors?"

With sponsors like this, how do we have them at all.

Cheers & merry christmas to all,

Dennis :ghost:


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Yes I totally agree!!

These guys play the odds, give a bit of easy service here and there and bugger the rest. How many are hanging out right now for parts in the hope that good old Brent will soon supply. Do you complain on the forums and run the risk of never getting the goods? It's not as if you can go talk face to face with him.

If you can't afford to lose the stuff then you shouldn't buy from net suppliers.

Go local. You'll even get a REAL guarantee. You only pay when you see the goods and you might even give a local a job.

As for these fraudulent delivery dockets and false price statements, why get involved when there are honest traders right here?

I know there are some very happy customers out there and good luck to them. But I won't waste time or effort on forum thieves.

Fair enough your pissed off that you had to pay more than you expected but keep in mind the following points:

1) you still did'nt pay what you should have as far as the australian government is concerned.

2) I'm pretty sure Nengen would say that you did not enter into a "deal with Nengun is "Delivered door to door" for AU$1267.52 "

3) You are breaking the law.

4) I thought the website made it clear that there could be duties, taxes and fees to pay.

5) Sounds like Nengun made a pretty good effort at reducing the cost to you, by sending false invoice and sending it as a gift.

Your right sometimes it is probably a better option to just buy parts here, paying more up front but avoiding fees, taxes, duties, long waits, risky transactions, etc, etc... Then again I have got some great deals from similar importers, but I would make sure I had done the sums before I purchased anything over about $500.

Did Brent specifically state that the price was to your door, or did you just assume it was to your door as this was the price he was advertising the product + shipping for? If this is the case, it is your fault it was pulled up by customs, not Brents. The onus is on YOU to check with customs regarding items you are looking at importing.

Why should Brent play a part in your dodgy tax evasion schemes? He does his best but hey, some times s##t happens.

Its been said before, if you dont want to run the risk of having to pay duty + gst, dont purchase items using this method and get them locally instead.

The taxes you mention are not 'extra,' nor is Brent hiding behind them. If you asked Brent for an invoice of 'about ¥20,000' then it is YOU who are breaking the law, by asking him for a false invoice to avoid paying the required duties and taxes. Just remember that.

You all miss the point,

1. I know what I did and since have found an easier way to and have a higher percentage chance of avoiding them in future. I also know that I would do it again if the need arises.

2. I have never imported car parts from anywhere before excepting a few small items off ebay coming ex USA.

3. I never expected the dramas I had.

4. I would assume that your all not so self righteous that you also would do the same as I did to avoid any duty & GST that is due or not. And your all so hypocritical and expect me to believe you haven't broken the law some time in your life.

5. Some of the things I read on this forum from a lot of people just shows how hypocritical you all are. Like driving back from Wakefield Park with no brakes, the guys that suggested this are also very stupid, for about $20 a cheapo set of pads could be carried as spares.

6. You all just want to stick it to me, read what I said and you will see that I'm pointing out the pitfalls of importing performance parts from Japan as individuals. I'm not trying to justify what I've done. I know and understand the possible short comings of my actions.

7. You all want to stick up for Brent at Nengun, what has he done for you all that's so bloody fantastic that you think the proverbial rising sun shines from his ass. At the death he virtually told me to get stuffed, that he had done all he could and was not prepared to do any more. Why should he I suppose, he's got his money, why should he care?

You all must think your god or something??????

$120 AUS extra

On every e mail going out it has this written

Nengun performance is not responsible for any taxes that may occur in your place of origin. Quotes are good for 48 hours.

Even before the purchased I told Dennis ( ghostrider ) to go to Advan

From Dennis 3 months pior to Purchasing of nengun

When I made the initial enquiry it was including the throttle adaptor, but then it was AU$1150.00 delivered, AND the exchange rates were a lot worse than they are now.

I can't believe you think it's going to cost AU$300.00 to post from Japan, what's wrong with part of a container, as there must be dozens coming to Australia every week.

And Advan is $1300 over the counter incl GST, so it certainly is a misconception that you are cheap, or cheaper than most.

I was told by quite a number of people on forums to get in touch with you as your margins are so much better than others. It is obviously a big mistake eh!

A custom made item is cheaper by about $200.00

I will get it from Advan, thanks for nothing.

Hello Deninis

Then buy it of advan + GST . Also included is the throttle adapter. That is why it is more expensive.

Has anyone recently tried buying from an o/seas supplier lately.

I have just recently purchased a Trust/GReddy inlet plenum from Nengun @ AU$1267.52, 100500 yen including postage.

I could have bought the exact same item for approximately $1400.00 from any number of Australian based imported parts houses.

My saga began when I received a notice that a parcel, an xmas gift was being held by Australian Customs, Sydney Gateway Facility at Granville 1st December 2004.

They needed to know a value as there was no declared value on the parcel, the parcel was opened and no value (receipt or invoice) inside parcel, so I was requested by customs to provide a declarable valuation or proof there of.

I emailed Nengun for an invoice with a value of about 20000 yen, as the first AU$200.00 for an unsolicited gift is duty & GST FREE.

I received my invoice for 22000 yen AU$275.00 and the clearance process started.

I recently 13th December received a notice that my parcel was being held at Campbelltown post office for collection, BUT!  a fee of $91.70 was payable, for customs duty & GST. Wait for it, GST is calculated on 1. Value + 2. Duty + 3. Cost of transportation to Australia and then at 10% which meant $275.00 + 15% duty = $316.25 + $188.45 = $504.70 @ 10% GST becomes $50.47.

The initial deal with Nengun is "Delivered door to door"  for AU$1267.52 and now plus $91.70, making a total of AU$1359.22 and a whole sh!t load of AGRO & Deception that I don't think is, or should be necessary.

Look at the facts and play it by the book, NO SHONKY STUFF.

Original cost from Nengun AU$1267.52. Duty on car parts is 15%, so take our original $1267.52 + 15% duty ($190.13) = $1457.65 + 10% GST ( calculated on value + duty + freight) $1267.52 + $190.13 + $188.45 = $1646.10 + 10% GST = AU$1810.71.

The legit price including all related charges from Nengun is now AU$1810.71   when it could have been purchased from ADVAN, among others for AU$1400.00 cash money, no eftpos or credit cards etc.

GO BUY LOCALLY AT THE BEST DEAL YOU CAN BEG, BORROW, STEAL or MUSTER as in the end, the o/seas supplier doesn't give a stuff, so long as he gets his bit and he doesn't loose as he has his money up front and he knows your up for all these extra charges, but doesn't tell you.

They are charlatans to say the least, and unless an extremely low price can be organised I think they are best stayed away from, or remember to do all the calculations before entering into the deal.

When advised of my plight today, I sent another email off to Nengun for assistance and received this reply:



I have done my best with that part. I mean it was wrapped in Xmas paper, an invoice was supplied saying it was a present. If I write you a letter via e mail how can you prove you didn`t write it yourself.    


They cost $1267.52 delivered X 25% tax $316.88 AUS and because it is over $1000 They usually make you get a broker which is about an extra $200 to $300


Really, it is not a present is it?  So you should be paying around $500 Tax $120 is not bad




THEY or at least this one DOESN'T GIVE A STUFF as he gets his money up front.


Shell, you asked recently in a letter "do we use our sponsors?"  

With sponsors like this, how do we have them at all.

Cheers & merry christmas to all,

Dennis :ghost:  


quit your wingeing ghostrider... you are wingeing because you got taxed as per Australia's customs laws that you failed to find out about yourself?

Sure, I can see you are trying to educate others from making the mistake.. but anybody buying from overseas should ALWAYS be weary of extra charges charged by our GOVERNMENT .. not this guy.. Its been this way for decades.

Ghostrider: Im strumming my violin for you, really I am.

Im sure you are not the complete bafoon that you appear, you deliberately ordered from Nengun to try and get your parts cheaper by evading taxes and duty etc. Everyone whos orders parts from overseas knows the risk, and knows that by doing so you are taking a gamble and there is always a chance, particularly on an expensive part that you might get stung for extra charges, thats the bottom line.

The fact that you have taken the gamble, and been unlucky enough to get stung, but then turned around and opted to bitch about Brent here is nothing short of lame.

Oh, and before you use the "sun shines out of his ass" line again, let me tell you I havent yet purchases from Brent however I will have no hesitation doing so when the time comes. :thumbsup:

The extra effort Brent went to in order to help your chances of avoiding additional charges is evidenced by your own comments and with the added fact that you requested an invoice showing a lower value than the true worth of your parts leaves you without a leg to stand on.

Get over it

I cannot believe this thread. Stop trying to stir shit, and like everyone has said, get over it.

I'm sure Brent tries his best (the fact he wrapped the goods in xmas paper is proof of this alone), I mean shit, I will back him up because he and his business has saved me thousands of dollars in regards to modifying various bits and pieces on my car. Additionally, every part of mine has come through with no problems what so ever *touch wood*, but even then, I am aware of the potential "penalties" I could incurr.

You tried to get the goods cheaper, and I don't blame you for that; however you WERE informed about the potential penalties and you decided to continue with the transaction.

Your profile says your 54, don't you think it's time to stop your whinging and grow up.....just a little?

/Rant off.

A lot of the people on the forums here support Brent and will do so in the future. You will probably complain if it was from another supplier also and i dont see why you have to put the suppliers name in this post.

Brent/Nengun hasnt enuff time to be defending/posting to threads like these.

You really should be taking it out on customs and not Nengun.

i dont know if the loop hole still exists but generally if your stuff was invoiced for heritage purposes ie we used to mark stuff was for an antique ford or chev the duty often would get waved due to some loop hole that used to exist but i dont know with te new tax system..... this is just to hopefully help people in the future!!!! But i agree you know the risks and no one complains when it goes with you not against.

Hi Ghostrider, welcome to Australia. Did you know we have customs laws here?

I wouldn't bother listening to Ghostrider he's an old whinging bastard. Looks like nengun did everything they could anyway.

I've seen him on the forums before being an angry mofo.

exhibit A: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=49228

Ghostrider at the post office


whats your address so i can send you a box of tissues

tax free, ill even wrap them in xmas paper, and send an invoice for $0

remember you are the one breaking the law. you got stung. live and learn

you complain because all they want is their end?

last time i checked nengun was a business not a charity

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