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Can someone give me some kind of insight on how to get an Extrodinary Licence.

After asking work for a letter to get one - they decided they couldnt be bothered ..... then after i hand in my licence today .... what appears on my desk but an letter to apply for an extrodinary.

Ive got the letter now ..... now what the phuck do i do with it? Who do i take it too - justice dept, police dept, licensing dept?? Ive searched all the above websites with no ansewer! Is there anything else i need?

Also need to find a JP - in the Belmont/morley area.

Also does anyone know how the "time to pay" works with the Justice dept as i have $650 worth of fines and no money to pay it. I filled out the form for it - but its osmething else i dont know where to take.

So to put it another way - i have all these god damn forms - dont know what hte hell i meant to do with them .... and i would liek to know how the hell am i supposed to get them to these depts if they have suspended my licence.

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local courthouse? i know there's one in midland but thats not exactly local for me. Is there one near belmont/morley?

God they dont believe in making it easy do they! and yes i understand its something like 21 days before you can get an extrodinary - its just works told me to get the ball start rolling now.


if you want to ring me i'll explain all your questions because i cant be bothered writing it all down.... :)

i just got mine about 3 weeks ago....

here are the simple bits, want anymore info, ring me 0429883032

to apply u have to wait 21 days

you have to convince the court that if you dont get an e licence your life will basically be shit and you will lose your job and crap like that.

application goes to court house

then 2 weeks after that date you go to court, and argue why you should get one.

ring if you need lauren...

Thanks Fane - yeah work looked into it and said i had to wait 21 days - that was originally why they werent going to bother with me getting one. But yeah they changed their mind .... and ive got their letter- plus i can get a letter from a doctor i have to see once a week supporting my case too :)

Ok so basically i have to wait three weeks .... i have to go to courthouse to sort out these fines in the meantime cos while they are unresolved i cant have any licence :)

Thanks Fane - yeah work looked into it and said i had to wait 21 days - that was originally why they werent going to bother with me getting one. But yeah they changed their mind .... and ive got their letter- plus i can get a letter from a doctor i have to see once a week supporting my case too :)

Ok so basically i have to wait three weeks .... i have to go to courthouse to sort out these fines in the meantime cos while they are unresolved i cant have any licence :)

Thanks for your help gentlemen :grouphug:

Yep and get them to say without it you could possibly loose your job etc, etc. Would help if your boss goes in and says you need to have it etc, etc as well. And the prosecuting seargents drive you crazy with stupid questions the whole time that waste everyones time! Also you have to sit in court all damned day waiting!!! Aaaarrgggghh!

Well ive been give a warning letter from work because of my licence. Second time i loose it they'll fire me.

Oh well no reason why i shouldnt get an extrodinary. Both work and doctor on my side.

Also it's not just whether you get the letter from your boss and you have a valid case for getting one. If they (the plods) can see that you can do other duties at work that don't require a license then they won't give you one. And if the plods are having a bad day.... forget it.

And don't get caught speeding, dd or anything if you do get one, a friend did, and he's up for a year, no if's, no buts.

When I went for mine EVERYONE on the day was approved for their extraordinary liscenses including third time drunk drivers etc.

The opposing coppers sounded like fools with their primary school arguments. :bahaha:

i can get a letter from a doctor i have to see once a week /QUOTE]
I have a way with the police .... the police love me /QUOTE]

Are you a pro ? :D

a pro at dealing with cops. Nah cops are (mostly) always really reasonable with me .... i play the really dumb .... whats a turbo really well. :D

not a pro in ....if you let me off i'll get on my knees and ummm kiss your feet.

hey niz

man we have it easy in perth hey, i learnt that in japan if u drink, drive and get caught then u lose your license and get fined a minimum of (the equivalent of) $3000 or something i dunno... *shrug*...

note: that does NOT mean u should go drink and drive thinking that it's better than doing so in japan :P

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