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Well im actually curious about this. coz i've never owned a sports car in my life and i was wondering do u encounter problems daily ?(not mechnical problems)

problems like, getting random strangers following you to your house, gettin random visitors, increase risk to your home and family members or basically dangering yourself to unwanted attentions.

i dont mind if someone comes up to me and complements my car or asks for a run near the lights.

the reason i ask this is becoz im gonna purchase a skyline in the future, and im just abit worried about the risk. even though these problems shouldnt block me from driving my dream car.

please be honest and everything.

thnx ppl

Dude i wouldn't worry about it. If it was that much of a hassle no one will be driving sports cars. Yes you do hear alot about sports cars getting stolen, keyed etc, but the thing is even crappy cars get stolen, you just mainly hear about the nicer cars though.. plus reading a Skyline forum, you're gonna hear alot of things happening to a skyline.

I'm sure most members on this forum haven't had anything happen to their cars.

Well i haven't had anything (touch wood) and i live near Cabramatta... oh actually i got my valve caps stolen once when i parked at Cabra.

Sometimes you worry about where you park it etc.. but the joy outweight the woes!!

What are you buying? A 32? 33?

Every scumbag and his dog has one.

I drive a fairly plain looking one - used to be pretty sad with the full on bodykit but I'm over that shiat.

The only very weird things I can remember are:

- the neighbourhood kids standing outside my gate and staring in. I talked to them and they ask me jackshiat about "Stage 2" turbos and other crapola they heard from Gran Turismo. So I said 'hey dudes, it's FWD and it's a triple rotar'.

- some people in a plain Commodore snapping pix of my car in a highway and at the lights. I thought it was a speed camera flash! This also happens at shopping centres too. WTFBBQ.

- I had maybe half a dozen under 10 year olds point it out to their mothers at a carpark. Their mothers were not impressed esp. with the wonderful reputation the media has given our cars.

I expect that this sort of thing will go into hyperdrive when I finally get that 34 and say a Porsche or Ferrari to go with it :P


lmao boys in blue, i dont mind gettin attention from them hehe. :P

yeh, i know about the parking, keyin etc. those dont worry me, insurance will deal with that. but stealing a skyline with a toe truck does raise abit of concern. :D

but i dont want some jealous fark troubling me at my house just becoz i own a nice car. if u get what i mean.

other than that, theres nothing else that worries me.

thnx for the advise, preciated :).

keep them coming

hey tonyGTSt, my ride will be a R34 GT- Turbo. thats why im abit concerned. if it was a R32 or 33 i wouldnt be that worried, coz as above. every1 owns one.

haha, snappin pics, nice. well im gonna get a standard rego plate so that shouldnt be a worry.

i've had a bloke stop at my house and ask if i own a 'line. it turned out the guy was a fellow owner but it really freaked me out.

the boys in blue drive past my house lots slower now (god knows what i'm gunna do in my garage) other than that they tend to leave me alone. thank goodness.

the strangest thing is no-one ever eggs me on at lights when i'm in the 'line but the second i get in the ol' 'rolla everyone wants a race (maybe people only wanna race people they know they can beat.)

  myR32 said:
it turned the strangest thing is no-one ever eggs me on at lights when i'm in the 'line but the second i get in the ol' 'rolla everyone wants a race (maybe people only wanna race people they know they can beat.)

i experienced that too. people only want to race when they know they can win..

i used to have a swift gti before my gtst and heaps of people always wanted to have a go all the time.. lots of stupid civic ppl got owned..

anyway, when driving the gtst barely anyone wanted to have a go, the only one i remember was a wrx ( i thought i was gonna get chopped it was a modded rex and my gtst was pretty stock and even a stock 99 can chop a stock gtst) which i kept up with side by side. (on a private road)


if your set on getting a skyline, go for it =)

sure, you do get stares at red lights.. sometimes complements, other times, disapproval due to current media

havent had any major probs with the "boys in blue" yet.. just be polite and dont drive around like a manic 24/7 and you should be fine

overall, the feeling of getting into my car after a long day of work and cruising with some nice music outweights all of the above =)

edit: viscount, your insurance is 3800? should give famous a call..

me started the policy when i was 21/0%/GTT = $3200

Occasionally you get treated like a hoon.

1- cops give you crap for no reason

2- idiots like to race you in their shitboxes when you're just trying to enjoy your day with your girl

3- idiots reckon it's full sick to tell you to bag it up ("i'm not wearing the right shoes" usually shuts em up)

4- then there are the usual haters that look at you and tell you you're a dickhead (like yesterday)


When i owned my XW GT everyone loved that. If you want a popularity car get an old one. You wanna thrash the track get the liner.

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