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recently my r33 gtst, the auto window doesn't wnat to stop when going up but when going down it's fine. i think it's to do with the auto window relay.. but i couldn't find it! could anyone pelase help to point me out where to find the relay control unit or any suggestion would be very much appreciated. : :cheers:

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the control box is behind the door panel its about 10cmx4x3 and when you wind the window down it clicks.

if it will not stop winding up but can wind down id suggest that when its at the top touch the down button real quick to make it stop or you will burn out your motor

if your in Sydney you can get them from SSS auto in Giraween thats where i got mine from.

if you open up the auto control box and the contacts separate when you let go of the button then its your auto wind up switch .

if it is sticking dont poke with screwdriver cause it will short heaps of stuff.

hope i helped

the control box is behind the door panel its about 10cmx4x3 and when you wind the window down it clicks.

if it will not stop winding up but can wind down id suggest that when its at the top touch the down button real quick to make it stop or you will burn out your motor

if your in Sydney you can get them from SSS auto in Giraween thats where i got mine from.

if you open up the auto control box and the contacts separate when you let go of the button then its your auto wind up switch .

if it is sticking dont poke with screwdriver cause it will short heaps of stuff.

hope i helped

is it the control unit where all the buttons/latches are? I have tried my friend's controler unit and it still does the same thing! :Oops:

note that now it basically stop half way until i help to push the window up, then at top where i have to stop it from grinding the gear (by pushing down).

I would think that the limit switch that does it!! i'm still trying to locate the switch! :)

the auto switch control box is directly behind the drivers side arm rest

the clutch in the motor is plastic so id say if the window is not going all the way up now you need a new motor aswell.

if you trace the neg and pos powerwire for the motor and try connecting both ways to a 12volt battery ie.

connect neg and pos one way and then the other way.

if it doesnt move up one way and down then the motor is broken.

The switches that you use for controlling the window are seperate to the control box.

The auto switch which locating directly behind the driver side arm rest is working fine! i have tried with my friend's auto switch! I have also tried to supply 12V to the motor and it's used to go up all the way to the top and grind, and now it starts to grind ie. stop and mid way untill help to push the window up and when it reaches to the it grinds again untill i push the switch back down.. :P is there a limit switch within the motor or something? thanks

in the automatic switch box there is a regulated cutout as the voltage drops telling it to stop

if you need to be able to feel 2 clicks pushing it down and up

1st click is for manual 2nd click is for auto wind.

if the switch box does not have the clicks when pushing down and up or if you are able to push the switch down with no resistance then its the switch

if you pull out the switch box and take of the buttons and plastic cover you will see there are very small little plastic notches that are the switches make sure they are lined up with the switch itself

the auto switch is fine! i have used my friend's auto switch and it still does it!! there are 2 clicks one for manual and the other for auto.. even when i try with the manual but when it reaches half have the motor grinds, to wind further i have to assist by pushing the window up!! it must be the motor or something!! :)

the auto switch is fine! i have used my friend's auto switch and it still does it!! there are 2 clicks one for manual and the other for auto.. even when i try with the manual but when it reaches half have the motor grinds, to wind further i have to assist by pushing the window up!! it must be the motor or something!!  :)

i had the same problem about 2 months backs ,tried everything and turned out it was the motor ,it would get stuck half way up or down and make the most gut renching grinding sound

the gear on the moter was clicking and just stripped it self

i was lucky to find one out in tyhe stiks fo $80.00

wasnt to hard to reinstall just fidgety

hope this helps

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