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Fu@knig @ssholes


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:cheers::) I Just bought my dream car 3 weeks ago (r33) i drive it to work this morning 4am (baker) and parked it at the back dock as i always do

when i go to move the car some fcuk witt has driven his fcuking truck up the rear side panel then pissed off :):mad:

The thing that really pisses me off is i have to talk to these guys every morning (as they are bread vendors) and it pisses me off to know that im talking to one of these pricks that has done it and they will be talking to me as if nothing happened knowing full well they did it :mad::mad:

Yeah it's insured but why the frigg should i have to pay for it :mad:

Sorry for the rant but i had to tell some one who knows how annoying it is

Spose i will get over it...............FCUK IT ;)

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Yeah they only reason I take mine to work is because I can see it the whole time.

Even then some dick once backed into and tried to take off, but I managed to run outside and catch him before he drove off, he was like sorry I didn't even know. (he knew alright and this guy was driving an SLK Merc and still didn't want to own up to it)

Some people are assholes who won't take responsibilty for their own actions.

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Does the same guy deliver the bread each day if so tell the insurance company it was them cuz u do know that it was them and you shouldnt have to pay the excess. Or just pick a bread truck number plate and say it was them

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Negative, you will never get over it.

I never have...a friggin truck backed into mine and fully smashed up my spoiler and boot lid and tail light then drove off.

I couldn't do anything and what was worse was my employer couldn't give a sh1t about it and did nothing to help me find out who it was.

If I were you I would approach the company, not the person and tell them you are sending them a letter of demand as one of your staff witnessed the incident. Then just grab one of your staff and get him or her in on it. They WILL cough up the bikkies.

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Just look for the truck with something smashed on it, or something new on it that shouldnt be, then confont them, and tell them that you have already contacted the bussiness. Hit and runs are really not nice. If you want to drive your car to work you should be able to and not be in fear that some knobhead is going to hit it.

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yeah I would be doing as dave has said keep a eye on the trucks that come in of a morning if the guys use the same truck all the time u should be in luck, get the truck number & rego & go to the top with it

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Yeh for sure, find the marks (he may have tried to clean them up a bit) and what truck its on

- then call the truck company and find out who was driving the truck at the time/place of accident

you could even call the company just to find out who actually did it (by finding out who the driver was), then confront them about it

this is assuming the truck company will give you the info, u may need to tell them what happened and hope for the best, that or make up some bs :(

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Just wondering are you sure it was one of the trucks and not someone else who may have been in the area at that time(for whatever reason)????

Also, I am thinking of being a baker what's it like to get up at 3am and work to 11(that's what I was told)?? You'd have to goto sleep at 8pm??

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i worked for a night with my bro... started at 12 ended at 7. was dieing by the time i got home -,-' i'd say DON'T be a baker unless ya really wanna... its real stressful, my bro owned a store for bout half a year and stopped.... he almost crashed once on tha way home - lack of sleep

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