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I HATE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO, modified car owners about to become public enemy No.1

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Recently much was wrote about P-plate restrictions on this forum, and at the time I said this would become an issue for all modified car owners, as the do gooders would turn on us once they were done with the P-platers.


In the past week or two I have heard these uneducated do gooder morons call for power caps on cars, speed limiting cars, stopping speedo's from reading over 130km/h, calls to stop people from being able to modify there cars for more performance, blameing legitimate motorsport for our poor attitudes towards driving and my personal favourite, powerful cars and vehicle advertisments (motorsport included) are responsible for road rage.

7 News is airing a special report tonight (during the regular news) on "teen" drag racing, and supposedly has some parent of a victem whinging that police need to get tougher on young hoons.

It seems the mainstream media really has it in for us (not sure why?) and is intent on making all car enthusiasts public enemy No.1, and they don't look like they will stop until they get the government to legislate us out of existance.

So the real question is now, what are we as enthusiasts going to do to stop this from happening?

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what times does the new program start ? coz i hardly watch 7 news. cheers.

hrmmm there is no real answer to ya question, coz ppl will interpret the question differently. well it has been said before, "leave the speed for the tracks".

but gettin the message across to da young p-platers will not be very sucessful.

From the way everything is going i cant see their ever being an end untill a cap of some sort is put on our modified cars.Our society will never be the utopia they are looking for.

They whine and bitch but they have lost someone who is dear to them and in their eyes capping modified cars with power restictions is the best way to overome this problem.

Facilities are a start.It's really a no win situation with anal gov law :P.Listening to peoples cries are all they have to use when all three sides are trying to come to an agreement.

I wonder what will be said.:bs!:

Will comment after the news tonight.


A low power car while on your P's is a good thing.They are often too young have no long term experience in real world bumper to bumper driving and have no regard for driver saftey ie.dui etc...

Ive done it (dui) been caught and it's not fun at all.It's a hassle and what if i had and accident insureance wouldnt cover me.If i killed somebody i would be up for manslaughter.People at that age dont need that kind of guilt on their conscence.

apparently Today tonight is doing a story tonight about trying to ban P-platers from being allowed to use proper dragstrips (and no that isn't a typo).

they should put up the info on the story after they've aired it


Holy shiit, it was Graehm dousset owner of EVL-R34 (not sure how to spell his name properly), the story was on seven news, he wants the state government to stop young drivers from being allowed to use dragstrips like WSID because he thinks they encourage young people to drive fast.

I hate to speak ill of a grieving father who is obviously still angry about what happend, but places like WSID are not responsible for his son's death, usually it's inadequate training, experience and guidence that is responsible for young deaths on the road.

mabbie grahem shouldnt have allowed his son to drive the GTR34 fullstop. not being rude or anything here.

From what I gather in the EVL-R34 memoriam thread, yes, he DID ban his son from driving the R34

As prae said; yes, he said driving the R34 was off limits. But that cant stop anybody from taking the car for a spin. Especially when his father was overseas at the time (or so i have read). No-one can take back time now, what happened, happened. All we can gain from this is to be more responsible of our OWN actions.

Its funny you know to hear about power caps on cars or modifing them. So whats Holden Special Vehicals doing or Ford Perfomace Vehicals ? Oh yeah ! thats right building 250-300 kw killers legally ! Nice ! So long as you got the cash and the government gets its cut its ok. They make me wanna puke with their double standards and hypocrisy. So long as you got the cash its ok. Give me a break. A low powered civic at a 130km/h into a power poll has about the same result as any high performance car. I just love political foot balls.

PLYNX: not all civics are slow... specially turbocharged ones :(

pretty bs, first they wanna ban us from the roads and now dragstrip? o.O i say its the father's fault for leaving the keys home...

i hate our government (: they can die and rot in hell

From what I gather in the EVL-R34 memoriam thread, yes, he DID ban his son from driving the R34

what else is he going to say to the media :(

umm soo what was his daily car ?

apparently he had a gtst (from an interview from dousset himself)

i hate our government (: they can die and rot in hell


good points about local manufactures who seem to be slipping the net.............

it's nothing personal from the media, they're just trying sell papers/get ratings. Contraversy gets just that. it was 4WD's before and that went out with the tide. just wait till some kid on a bike gets hit on his way to school by a 4WD and some expert to say he would have survived if the bullbar was removed then the attention will shift........

i reckon they should have power caps for p's and as a punishment for people who infringe road rules, drink drivers etc........

Im over 18 and I vote

so beware

i agree

personally i couldnt give a **** what they try to do, it wont stop me from driving my highly modified skyline

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