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I HATE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO, modified car owners about to become public enemy No.1

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Yeah most of us have seen the thread, I'm sick of these bloody hero's. If they want to drive like that on public roads then the deserve whats coming. I just feel sorry for the family and friends and the passengers in the car. Flame me all you like, I'm sick of it....

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It's funny how big business, the government, and the media can come together for their own greedy profits, and screw the little guy, claiming it's all for thier own good.

How come when some idiot in a V8 wraps himself around a pole it's just another tragic accident...speed kills blah blah blah, but when it's some idiot in an import, we hear nissan skyline about 15 times in a 2 minute segment.

The only way to really make a difference on our roads is through education.

Proper Driver training (not a 45 minute lap around the block for the "test" and hand over the P's): This should include driving in the wet, how to control a skid (ie if lock it up by accident, which can easily happen to inexperienced driver in wet conditions), Experience in driving in heavy traffic BEFORE getting a license.

But education does not only extend to behind the wheel, it must include a message about attitude on the road.

Also Events such as the Wed night drags here in WA /skid pans/track days/ properly organised drift days, and hill climbs etc should be heavily backed by police and governent so as to encourage motorsport in a safe way.

But when it comes down to it, as we all know, this will never happen, because money talks, and the amount of revenue gained by the current road "safety" plan is far more important to the powers that be than peoples lives.......

Driver education costs money, and things like "terrorism" and "national security" are much more important.

As the world turns slowly but surely we're getting to the stage (and I must say it's the American influence) where we are deemed to be NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS.

We get drunk and walk outside the pub and stack it. Let's sue the pub owner he let me get drunk.

We break into someone's house and try to steal their tv and we get whooped upside the head. Let's sue the home owner.

I'm a man and I ate another mans dick. Let's blame society it's a fashion thing (queer eye).

We put our foot down and we stack it and kill ourselves. Let's blame WSID for encouraging us/our relatives.

I mean .. get a life? The only time you can blame someone else is when you blame the individual for wiping out your relatives. Then it's their fault, not the fact they played mario brothers as a video game which encourages hitting pipes and jumping on turtles. I mean when was the last time you jumped on a turtle, picked it up and threw it at an angry lookin ape and rode off on a little green dragon?

Anyways it's like I was sayin to a co-worker the other day. In Japan you get beer on every vending machine. Yet they don't have the angry pub fight culture Australia has, yet here we have bullshit laws like pub curfews (Manly) and no take out alcohol after midnight and still get alcohol related blues everywhere for no reason.

Same as we have anal laws to do with driving and still have arseholes on the roads, shit roads, shit petrol and shit general attitudes. In Japan they do **** all enforcing of the laws and yet don't have these problems.

Ahh ****it I'm moving to Monaco - where it's not unusual to have a 500hp car it's unusual to have it and not use it as a penis extender. Hay atleast the cops will treat you like royalty (which for all they know you could be).

:D over


More bad news.


Honestly, if those few individuals would lift remove the 100kg anvil from their boots for a few months or so, the rest won't suffer.

My Opinion:

I think the goverments approach is a load of crap as per usual, and i would be prepared to place money on the fact that they dont make their decisions based on what is proven to be best (just take a look at the speed camera saga - (do your research)) but rather do what gets them the most brownie points with voters.

Sure they might lose our vote - but how many of us(p platers), and our older counterparts have been cut off by a lunatic before. As time goes on, we may forget the make of the car that cut us off, and never know how old the driver was, but we think -yeah ltes stop those barstards from cutting us off - then we see the heavy usage of the media in portraying the people at fault as drivers of high powered imports. (this is just one example of how they know they'll secure a positive effect on the next election day).

A serious point i think is overlooked, is the fact that taking someones license away is NOT going to stop them from speeding. In fact, they'll probably still drive - and speed anyway to make sure they aren't on the road long enough to be seen by an officer of the .. law.

Also, i have lost my license for doing 40+, and will soon do it for 18 over when its finally processed. As a result - i would be considered a 'high risk' driver and further penalized because of this. It is totally unfair, when i was caught doing 40+ it was on a dead quiet road which was as flat and smooth as your local drag strip (i chose this road for these reasons) and i deliberately chose to speed as we were tuning my SU's, and i would rather have tested my car near home, than driven out of town to do it, we all know what can happen if tuning is wrong and our engines lean out. The Second time, was also a total joke, i even knew the policeman was there - but the speed limit was not signed (hence why i'm going to court). But i'm not here to sook, my point is - i will be deemed an at risk driver because of these two incidents - when in reality, i never speed (i am serious), in fact, i'm the one that sits back 30 meters in traffic simply because i want to make sure there is safe distance if the person in front slams their brakes on.

I dont know whether what i have said is terribly useful, but the point is - no amount of laws will fix the problem, people will still go out with no license, and crash their car at 200kph - because they are 'dick-heads'. I think many people have said it, and all will agree - that its attitudes that need to change, and no i dont think that showing gory pictures on the TV will change them(most people my age find it cool to get grossed out by horror movies etc).

I myself would LOVE to find a driver training center around brisbane that lets you use your own car - the only one i know of uses holdens, what good is it learning to drive a modern holden with ABS and no turbo to deal with, when my car has no ABS, and when i'm accelerating through the entire rev range - i dont just happily rev out at fairly constant accleration, i get a turbo that, if allowed to hit at full throttle, changes my acceleration enough to spin the wheels even in a straight line (let alone a corner, and in the wet)

Sorry if i have wasted all of your time with sensless personal opinion - but i do think we need to find a way to change drivers attitudes, not what car they drive.


P.S. - what the hell is with public transport these days, it would cost me 20% more to go to work by train than in my car - and a modified rb20det isn't exactly your 3cyl Echo.!!!!

the Goverment needs to think about its public transport strategy at the same time - why would any of us give up the freedom of our car on the way to and from work (etc) unless it was noticably cheaper!

How come when some idiot in a V8 wraps himself around a pole it's just another tragic accident...speed kills blah blah blah, but when it's some idiot in an import, we hear nissan skyline about 15 times in a 2 minute segment.
I TOLD you... I've said it 1,000 times and I'll say it again:

You are in Macca country. (macca = commonwhore loving, city dwelling redneck) They are irrational, and unfortunately are pandered to by the police, government, media etc, etc, etc.

Every implication that can ever be derived from any import driver harrassment by the authorities can be attributed to the fact that:

You are not driving a Holden, therefore you are not Australian. Period. So GTFO.

Helloooooooo harrassment from all levels...

I live in Japan :)

Yup, pretty much! Bottom line is they don't want them here, it's apparent from the tightening of the SEVS setup and the scrapping of the 15 y.o rule. I don't see power limits slapped on the new 297kw Statesman or the 300kw GT-P but then again when was the last time you heard of one of them being wrapped round a pole. Might have somethign to do with the demographic huh....

I couldn't agree with someonestolecc any more...i have been saying it for ages, it makes me sick. When i do somethign wrong, i take the responsibility. When i hear those stories about people suing maccas for getting fat etc it makes me sick.......If a was a judge and a lawyer tried to bring that bullshit in front of me it would get thrown out in a second.......and i would give the lawyer a subtle hint that if he brought bullshit claims like that forward again, he might need to consider a career change.......that's of course if u had powers like that being a judge, which i doubt :)

Yes rezz i know that.......i gotten it all my life with a second name which contain 10 letters, and a massive football fan (it's not soccer) :D, but the point i'm making, is that that is not the only reason, the influence that government and business has on the media in this country is massively underestimated

Might have somethign to do with the demographic huh....

Might have something to do with the fact that those cars cost a shit load of dosh :), and the people that are in a position to buy them are experienced drivers who have been there and done that, and know the limits on the road

Might have something to do with the fact that those cars cost a shit load of dosh :), and the people that are in a position to buy them are experienced drivers who have been there and done that, and know the limits on the road

Exactly my point....

My Opinion:

I think the goverments approach is a load of crap as per usual, and i would be prepared to place money on the fact that they dont make their decisions based on what is proven to be best (just take a look at the speed camera saga - (do your research)) but rather do what gets them the most brownie points with voters.

Sure they might lose our vote - but how many of us(p platers), and our older counterparts have been cut off by a lunatic before. As time goes on, we may forget the make of the car that cut us off, and never know how old the driver was, but we think -yeah ltes stop those barstards from cutting us off - then we see the heavy usage of the media in portraying the people at fault as drivers of high powered imports. (this is just one example of how they know they'll secure a positive effect on the next election day).

A serious point i think is overlooked, is the fact that taking someones license away is NOT going to stop them from speeding. In fact, they'll probably still drive - and speed anyway to make sure they aren't on the road long enough to be seen by an officer of the .. law.

Also, i have lost my license for doing 40+, and will soon do it for 18 over when its finally processed. As a result - i would be considered a 'high risk' driver and further penalized because of this. It is totally unfair, when i was caught doing 40+ it was on a dead quiet road which was as flat and smooth as your local drag strip (i chose this road for these reasons) and i deliberately chose to speed as we were tuning my SU's, and i would rather have tested my car near home, than driven out of town to do it, we all know what can happen if tuning is wrong and our engines lean out. The Second time, was also a total joke, i even knew the policeman was there - but the speed limit was not signed (hence why i'm going to court). But i'm not here to sook, my point is - i will be deemed an at risk driver because of these two incidents - when in reality, i never speed (i am serious), in fact, i'm the one that sits back 30 meters in traffic simply because i want to make sure there is safe distance if the person in front slams their brakes on.

I dont know whether what i have said is terribly useful, but the point is - no amount of laws will fix the problem, people will still go out with no license, and crash their car at 200kph - because they are 'dick-heads'. I think many people have said it, and all will agree - that its attitudes that need to change, and no i dont think that showing gory pictures on the TV will change them(most people my age find it cool to get grossed out by horror movies etc).

I myself would LOVE to find a driver training center around brisbane that lets you use your own car - the only one i know of uses holdens, what good is it learning to drive a modern holden with ABS and no turbo to deal with, when my car has no ABS, and when i'm accelerating through the entire rev range - i dont just happily rev out at fairly constant accleration, i get a turbo that, if allowed to hit at full throttle, changes my acceleration enough to spin the wheels even in a straight line (let alone a corner, and in the wet)

Sorry if i have wasted all of your time with sensless personal opinion - but i do think we need to find a way to change drivers attitudes, not what car they drive.


P.S. - what the hell is with public transport these days, it would cost me 20% more to go to work by train than in my car - and a modified rb20det isn't exactly your 3cyl Echo.!!!!

the Goverment needs to think about its public transport strategy at the same time - why would any of us give up the freedom of our car on the way to and from work (etc) unless it was noticably cheaper!

exactly what ive always been saying.

I think there are some sterotypes and generalities (if that's even a word) being thrown around here.

Looking in todays news the words "Toyota Camry" and "Holden Commodore" were used to describe similar accidents. The difference was just that there was no implication of racing probably because there was no inference available to make.

I saw a little while ago the result of a new Monaro (dunno which model exactly sorry) that left the road at 250+ km/h.

All it takes is a dickhead doing what dickheads do.

We are up in arms because our reputation will be tarnished by this.

We have to do more than curb our own behaviour if we want to be left in peace to enjoy our hobby and I think this forum and others are helpful in this regard. Just don't forget to tell your friends if you think they are being dickheads. Better injured feelings than the alternative.

I think there are some sterotypes and generalities (if that's even a word) being thrown around here.


Looking in todays news the words "Toyota Camry" and "Holden Commodore" were used to describe similar accidents.  The difference was just that there was no implication of racing probably because there was no inference available to make.


I saw a little while ago the result of a new Monaro (dunno which model exactly sorry) that left the road at 250+ km/h.  


All it takes is a dickhead doing what dickheads do.


We are up in arms because our reputation will be tarnished by this.


We have to do more than curb our own behaviour if we want to be left in peace to enjoy our hobby and I think this forum and others are helpful in this regard.  Just don't forget to tell your friends if you think they are being dickheads.  Better injured feelings than the alternative.

What Bob said!

Legislation/ regulations etc will not change this - peer pressure has a much better chance.

In addition to your comments about demographics:

I Always think, now hang on - the goverment is going to stop the majority, or at least a large portion, of the people who would ordinarily buy performance parts and have their car modifed, from being allowed to do so. You can guarantee half import mechanics around are going to dissappear as their business dries up.

However, you are exactly right - nobody says anything as HSV slowly push the power up, (there was however debate about FPV's 330kw car). And for good reason, Holden and Ford both make their cars here in australia. We inevitably get our skylines out of a factory in japan.

No need to waffle about the point, it may be poorly worded - but everyone can see where its going:)... it all comes back to votes - the goverment is not, wasn't, and never will be here for 'our betterment' they are there to make sure they keep their votes, and they keep getting paid - everyone should know that!

Yeah, the bad thing is that we (import drivers) get most of the sh!t stick to us even for d!ckheads in "sporty looking" cars.

There was some complete knobhead in a tiburon (gag, choke) trying for about 20km of motorway yesterday to get me to race him. You all know how it goes, zoom up behind, drop back, zoom up (we are talking relatively here as far as zooming) then pass at 120kmh, pull in front and slow down to 90 then pass again after you pass them etc.

In the end he pulled up along side and as he looked over I pointed at his car and held my nose. somehow I think that upset him...

The point is, anyone (uneducated Joe Public that is) who saw this behaviour would have lumped that heap of crap in the same class as my line and thought "bloody import drivers street racing"

The point is, anyone (uneducated Joe Public that is) who saw this behaviour would have lumped that heap of crap in the same class as my line and thought "bloody import drivers street racing"
The POWER of Hollywood...

...and another thing.

I think we (import drivers/car enthusiasts) should make a complaint to the broadcasting council (or whoever you complain to) EVERY TIME we see a car advertisement for a local sh!tbox with a performance "theme" to the ad.


The whole Mazda "Zoom Zoom" campain.

Toyota ad where the Camry driver is in the helecopter looking for a piece of road to do a "Mountain Run". are we supposed to believe that he went to all that trouble to drive that piece of road at the posted advisory speed of probably about 30-40kmh???

The holden ad with the dunnydoor ute doing burnouts and circlework (and I don't give a sh!t about the "private property" sign at the start of the ad.

Any ad where they claim "class leading power" like Patrol or Elantra.

If Performance and/or power is such a bad thing, these pricks in the local car industry shouldn't be allowed to polute the airwaves with these ads which will no doubt encourage people to Zoom Zoom along the nearest stretch of winding road and do a burnout at the end of it.

If you lot are serious about deflecting some of the heat then LET'S GET SERIOUS and start dishing up some sh!t on other "bad influences" out there.

hmmm I might put a bit of thought into a form letter that we can use and if I'm still fired up at the end of the day I will start a campain to get this idea posted on as many car forums as possible.

I am sick of being picked on when I drive a car that is safer at 120kmh with 4 wheel multi piston ABS vented discs and high performance tires, than some clapped out rust bucket VB commonwhore with rear drums and bald 185's would be at 90kmh.

But guess who would get the ticket and a lecture from mr plod about road safety?


hmmm I might put a bit of thought into a form letter that we can use and if I'm still fired up at the end of the day I will start a campain to get this idea posted on as many car forums as possible.
Leave that too me...


Still fired up???

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