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Speed cameras?? Robin Hood to the rescue!!!


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On my day off yesterday I was returning from buying some new tyres with a mate. We were on Bulleen rd North Balwyn at about 5pm when someone gave us a highbeam signal. Lovely i thought - warning us of an upcoming speed camera. We drive up the road looking for the bastard.

Finally we spot it, a magna with the camera setup. Lil bastard we thought! We did u turns for about 30 mins highbeaming everyone! it was great because we did u turns and started heading the other way down the road and other people were highbeaming us back so we had started a nice chain. It was working but not everyone highbeams so we thought how can we do this more effectively?

With home only being a few streets away, we booted it back home, coming back sporting a home made sign. We cut up a nice big box and got the spray paint. 'SPEED CAMERA AHEAD' in massive, bold visible characters.

We grabbed our sign and got to work! About 15 metres from the speed camera setup in the magna, we were showing the sign to all the motorists warning them of the prick waiting to snap anyone doing over 4 km/h over the limit. The public support was outstanding, people beeping, yelling, waving, thumbs up, you name it. Several people did U turns to come back and commend our work! Others were driving past throwing coins/5 buck notes out the window in appreciation!

The dude in the magna with the camera set up had seen our scam in action, all the motorists were doing 20km/h past the camera, and were highbeaming the crap out of the otehr side of the road warning them. I got the sign and showed it to the guy in the magna and making hand signals of 'slow down' and he proceeded to take several pictures of us haha.

He then got out of the car and started running over, we ran around the corner to our car, and booted off around the block to the other side of the road to launch another attack on this ****roach.

The stand off lasted about an hour, every time he got out of the car we just pulled our position back a few metres. He didn't want to look like a knob chasing us down the street again! haha.

Eventually he gets out, grabs his gear and starts packing up. we were laughing and shouting at him, we waited until he got all his gear into the car and started driving. We then started walking back to our car which we had hidden a few streets away. THe guy pulls up to us and winds down the window

speed camera guy - 'i've taken ur photos'

-big fkn deal....what are you going to do with it? go pull urself over it? whats my name then??? you cant do shit u rodent

speed camera guy - 'awww well......but....err...

-dont come back into our area u scumbag

speed camera guy - 'i'm coming back tonight'

-yeah?? where abouts we'll make sure we come down aswell

at which point he started to drive off as we were pissing ourselves laughing. in the hour or a bit longer we must of cheated him out of say 50 or more people doing a couple of kays over the limit... how much is a fine these days? $150? , well 50x$150 = $7500+ dollars loss to the speed camera guy. I felt like a modern day Robin Hood - stealing from the rich and giving to the poor! I bet he got his arse kicked when he went back to head office they probably thought he was sitting on his arse all day doing nothing!

The best thing about it is that its not illegal! haha. Next time i have nothing better to do and i come across one of those revenue raising bastards i'll be sure to pull over and give him a hard time.

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yeah i have done that before.....i posted pics of the event!!!Another old favorite of mine is to park directly in front of them and put the bonnet up....once a guy at a servo came out and started laughing...he then gave me a lift home (just down the road)and i left the car there :)

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LMAO i did something similar but not as funny or drastic :)

Every now and then theres a camera setup on east boundary rd in east bentleigh... so i have a sign i made up saying SPEED CAMERA SETUP AHEAD!!! SLOW DOWN!!! and stappled it to a post right next to the road just down from the car.

i do it everytime i see a camera setup and now carry spare ones in the car with tape and a stapler so i can do the same :D

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yeah i have done that before.....i posted pics of the event!!!Another old favorite of mine is to park directly in front of them and put the bonnet up....once a guy at a servo came out and started laughing...he then gave me a lift home (just down the road)and i left the car there :)

LOL nice one troy.

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Guest RedLineGTR
yeah i have done that before.....i posted pics of the event!!!Another old favorite of mine is to park directly in front of them and put the bonnet up....once a guy at a servo came out and started laughing...he then gave me a lift home (just down the road)and i left the car there :)


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hahahaha thats great.... and saving lives not revune raising if more people did this in their spare time we would have less speeding on the roads as people would slow down and check their speed if they lose attention of their speed, instead of having to dig into their pockets which dont sotp them anyway... good work guys....

Inark can we get a template of ya sign lol...

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Oh i cant believe i missed that..... I drove to my GF place about an hour after he must have left.... i would have definately given you guys money.... or even manned the other side of the camera..... we should pass the word round so that maybe in the future, when smackies need change for their hit they could do speed camera blockades for tips instead of messing with your windscreen at the lights (usually just after you have washed it)!!!!!

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brilliant, always wanted to do that, just never had the time too...

and what Troy did too, wanted to pull over in front of the camera so it blocks its view...

A mate saw one about 1/2 a km from his house, when he got home, he walked back to it, (no one in the car) turned the box around in front of the car - its the flash i think? i thought that was great as well....

I agree, the more people that do it, the more people it will give the idea to and hopefully end up with speed cameras being marked...

But i don't think i would of run away when the speed camera guy ran towards you... like you said what can they do? just sit there and laugh at him - they are just private citizens aren't they?

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hmm its illegal to flash your lights for no reason isnt it?

I think they get you for using high beams in a built up area / within 200m of other traffic...

The trick is to say it wasn't your high beams, it was your low beams, and you just switched them on then off to confirm they were working...


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Theres a road in Perth where there is ALWAYS speed cameras set up, directly infront of a huge tree (so the camera is harder to see as it blends in)

So someone painted the bottom of the tree white and wrote "phuck off cops"

Apparently the police painted it brown again... so the person came back and did it... again and again and again

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My brothers mates were walking past a speed camera car and came up with a BRILLIANT idea to sneek up and pinch the guys rear number plate... The took off back home and grab a 10mm socket and 1 guy went behind the car and unscrewed his plates whilst my brother and another mate went to the guys passenger window where he was sitting and had a chat to him for a few minutes about how it all works and how to calibrate the machine and blah blah blah... Troy snuck off with the number plate and my brother and his other mate said goodbye to the loser in the car and walked back home...

Then the fun started, they put the speed camera cars number plate on Troys HSV clubsport and went past the camera car doing 100kmh in a 60kmh zone and a few different speeds...

The guy would have been real pleased with a good days work having caught a clubsport doing multipule passes infront of his camera... he would have been rubbing his hands together with all the money he made untill he found out it was his number plates.... Hahaha Speed camera guys as the devil.... Just fark off

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if i lived in melb i would go around all day just looking for the ****ers

im sure bracksie would make a law against telling people about it

prob sue u for loss of income or something

oh well i reckon u guys are doin a good job for vic... the resistance is becoming greater and the hatred for this government is starting to become obvious not just on this forum :) keep up the work guys :P

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