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i stick by my opinion that multis are a waste of time and only there to make fold if that money went straight back into roads and road safety id be happier if they actually stopped people from speeding and dying id be happier still put more fuzz on the roads i say i mean whats the first thing you do when you see a cop car? you check your speed dont you even if you know you aint speedin but hey stick to the limit and you wont have no trouble

and m roberts your screwed next election you just keep shootin yourself in the foot

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"It strikes me as another revenue-raising exercise and it will only aggravate drivers out there and I don't think it's a smart move - it's actually a retrograde move,"  

Yes I think they've gone a bit far this time..I mean seriously, saving lives or revenue? Come on :)

FSCK Michelle Roberts.

In British Columbia Canada, they finally admitted that the speed cameras were revenue raisers and decided to stop using them.They obviously had some politicians who had the balls to speak the truth. It was mentioned on the site (link below) quite some time ago. Had a brief look but must be somewhere in the forum section from a couple of years ago. Some interesting things on this site.

Read the "latest news" section below the picture of the speed camera and you will see why they want to ban the release of camera locations. Grubby pr!cks they are.


Simple solution-

Basic Hairspray on the number plate

Looks inconspicuous... you could blame it on someone else (Vandals?) and the number plate just shows up as a bright white

hairspray would wash off, try clear enamel with glass that's been ground a lot finer than sand

pffft that's what Bel detectors are for. I never remember the locations.... I hardly ever speed cept for freeways where I sometimes creep over....

a mate of mine has got the Bel with the sensors that mount on the front of the car, althought they're about $1500. Hasn't let him down.He tried the ordinary Bel's and said they were crap with the multanova.


on what kym said, unless if ya numberplate has hair... don't bother with hairspray.... my mates cats dogs uncles goldfishes roomate has it on their car and it works..... pfft... no it don't...

"oh but but i had it on my numberplate and i got flashed and didn't get caught"

I don't have hairspray on my numberplate I have been flashed times before and received nothing.... sometimes perhaps they can't mae out the plate or perhaps your not speeding enough... but it aint from hairpsray!

Can someone explain to me more about these Bel radar sensor thingy majig?

Just a little box thingy that beeps at you whenever it sees a petrol station, supermarket, bike with a tail light, red light, high tention powerline, mobile phone, cat, dog, road....... u get the idea. The high end ones are pretty good, they quiet down after a while so they dont beep all the time. You can get them mounted in ure dash like a stereo and the antenna sits behind the rear view mirror. They are not cheap though.

I figure ure better of either not speeding or keeping an eye out for em. Ive always said if u cant see a speed camera u deserve to get caught, while they are not painfully obvious, you should be able to see them if your paying attention. Just the same as u should be able to see a kid or dog or something on the side of the road jump out at you.

Speed cameras add to the fun of driving as a whole, sure you get caught sometimes but you can only blame yourself.........1 month to go :D

Just a little box thingy that beeps at you whenever it sees a petrol station, supermarket, bike with a tail light, red light, high tention powerline, mobile phone, cat, dog, road

hahah damn right - and after its month of being useless some aboriginal decides to break in your car and steal it :D therefore costing you $250 for a new window ... the amount you wouldve saved for any radars that by a fluke of nature it did pick up.

Yes buy one with a mute button ..... which defeats the purpose really but yes if you have high blood pressure - do not buy a radar detector.

Just do as i do and drive around with no front number plate - did it for a fortnight went past 6 cops and they all didnt look twice :D

went through a RBT station yesterday heading into the city... from the causeway then heading left onto riverside drive....

they had the new meter that reads the plates and then u hit the RBT...

a mates 32 cruising along wth a lady in a landcruiser... she hit the RBT first and had to pull over as she was over the limit...


That plate reader is a good idea. So if someone like me drives past i get highlighted. Seeing as the car is registered to someone with a supended license. Saves them from screwing over cleanskins i guess.

http://www.abd.org.uk/pr/299.htm . Now that you have the link, try bombarding Roberts with letters so that she might be aware that there's more than one person that knows that other govts. around the world have stopped using camera radars because of the obvious reasons. If enough people make the effort something might change. If everyone moans and does nothing, change will never happen.

The link http://www.policespeedcameras.info/ was not posted to start a debate on radar detectors or hair spray, rather for the articles and info like http://www.policespeedcameras.info/laws.html

oh no u can't for like 3 weeks

u poor babies, try thinking of the other drivers out there that aren't as good a drivers as you lot, that don't own a car thats as mechanically sound as yours. u think there all going to be able to stop when u go speeding past them or cut them off, so you can get a clear lane.

yes its revenue raising, but my god your all a bunch of whingers. you want to know why young drivers, car enthusiats get the bad reputation??? look at this thread all negative responces, all complaining you can't speed at will.  

grow up, when u witness, loose someone or die from a crash caused by speeding maybe you'll understand. true the multinova's haven't worked in slowing down drivers or reducing the death toll, i want argue that as i to don't think they have worked.

this is beside the point to me, the part that annoys me about the multanovas is the amount of accuracy they are set for. Going 5 kms over the speed limit on an 80kmph road is really slim pickings on the grounds of speeding. Additionally that cameras fail the ability to make their own judgement. You may be overtaking a car that is going 70 kms in an 80km zone, once you have passed the car you do not immediately change back into their lane, you get a bit of distance ahead first for a safe re-entry. If a camera catches you at that point, good luck explaining that one. So anything else to give them an advantage to make money in this situation is wrong.

On top of that, who says that speeding above anything that the roads department sets as a speed limit is life threatening? I feel that some areas speed limit is getting way too slow (eg. leach hwy (changed to 70 for what?), narrows bridge heading south (still 60 kmph?!?)

In the end i dont really care . i never look at the speed camera locations anyway :) its all a big distraction that keeps you looking between trees on the side of a road rather than on the road...whether you are speeding or not.

grow up, when u witness, loose someone or die from a crash caused by speeding maybe you'll understand.

If I had lost someone to an accident due to speeding, i would know one thing, the multanova wasnt there to stop the driver, the most it would have done is displayed its pretty light at him/her. Maybe a patrol car could have done more?

yeh totally agree wats with lowering speed limits? freeway sections at 60 give me a break!

its been proven that lowering speed limits doesnt save more lives and in some countries they hav actually raised the limit and found no change in the amount of incidents

and i think that speed cameras here are total BS seriously look at the spots they are placed in and tell me if u think they are in those spots to save lives or to raise money? like where the kwinana frwy turns 80 there is always one coz they know they are gonna catch ppl who havent slowed down yet, is this a spot where ppl crash or get hit by cars NO its a place they know they can make money! i think its in the UK where its by law that they can only place cameras in proven black spots i think that shud happen here 2

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