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childrens week is for priests........ >:(

easily destroyed razerfen downs last night and won my dagger in a roll. nice quest reward as well...i think i will run it til i hit 44 and then i will get me a phantomblade :P

and yes i find that it IS worth paying per month. guild wars may be free, but from what i've heard and read from others...it aint so good

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...*cough*rogues are cheap*cough*.... and dont deny it, the move CHEAP SHOT gives it away, but yeh they are quite a good class for solo cheapness 1 on 1, no match for hunters though!

my friend had a 42rogue and he couldnt RUN SOLO VC, i was 40 with my hunter and i could do it fine. I think its the leather =P

I was about to get ganked by a 54 hunter (i was 49) we both had pets, but i had the skill, he HEALED 1200 - 1500 or wotever that big potion in the 1k's is and i still WHOOPED HIS ASS. i couldnt believe it myself! he had 2 shitty level 20 rogues with him that i killed in 1 shot of a arrow lol, but its all about whos playing behind the character and if you know wot your doing! ALSO: can we compare Honor Kills? How Many Do You Have? Atm i have 352, not bad seeing as i didnt know that the new patch did that till 3 days ago, so ive joined every raid out there! AND SO SHOULD YOU!

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being in a raid group cheapens the pvp. wheres the skill in 40 ppl zergin a group of 5 or 10.

and ur friend was doin something wrong in VC if he couldn't solo it at 42.

me i've only got 243 HK's but i'm still a Master Serg. U get more contribution points if u kill 1v1. also u get more if the player u kill is a higher rank.

oh and don't tell me rogues are cheap. if u play ur hunter right u'll never get hit unless a pull goes wrong. and u guys are easy targets in pvp

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VC is damn easy, especially at 44 with phantomblade and gaz'rilla's tooth (dagger).

apparently the horde instance thats like alliance VC (as in lvl20 mobs etc) you can make a lot of coin. a guildy managed 17g in one run? its opposite razerfen downs so might check it out tonight if im not gonna be questin to hit 45 (not too far off)

oh and in STV a lvl50 mage decided to bust me down so i vanished and CS, as combos went up i hit KS (plus my poisons were going nuts on him) all of a sudden his lvl 38 UD rogue pops out and CS me! haha i was pissed but i managed to stay alive long enough for my Prep to cool down the last minute, i finished the mage off then chased the rogue away. to which he was at the bad end of a kitty formed druid.

nice HK points as well. im only rank 1 so i may go join a raid group in SS and just stay on my mount collecting points. its the most honerable thing to do

.... :D

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Okay i see no one goes on gorgannash so i moved servers... AGAIN, well not moved but i made a alt on Warsong i think it was called, go SHAMMY!!! =P~

is Blackrock high, coz im trying to move to a high server and i see many of the people here go onto Blackrock so yeah maybe ill move there...

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BR is definately high pop. join us will ya :P

just a tip though, on the BR forums dont post that you are new to the server because...well...everyone on blackrock are arseholes

if you need any help with early instances (if you roll alliance) than im here to help ya :D (Doxximar, lvl45 NE Rogue)

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ok i have been delayed with makin an alt as i now move foward to getting my 51 hunter to 60 lol, but never the less i will msg you wen i do make an alt, im expecting some VC,SM,Uldaman,ZF runs =P~~~~ thanks!!!! ^^

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well i've hit 46 now, i should be running ZF constantly for the xp (quests were done at 44) but now im questing in maraudon which is a weird looking place, got my thrash blade and just gonna finish the rest of the quests in there then go back to ZF.

PM Doxximar when your in game after about 8:30 or 9:30 and i should be on, i'll help you with VC and stockades on my own easy, but for harder stuff i can get a guildy or 2 to help

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well like i said im on hold as im trying to get my hunter to 60... been doing ST(sunken temple) tried doing it twice, once our 58 pally left and another wen our 49 priest got dc, no luck with that, anyone got any idea how hard it is inside? i still havnt gone in the instance lol... =

Uh also, the other day a ROGUe tried ganking me, although i saw him on my mini map, now as a hunter i see within a good radius on that mini map and there was only a rogue, now i was kicking him coz i got first hit which crit for 1400, but wen i wing clip and got him immobilised, next thing i knew i got hit by EARTH SHOCK, yeah im 100% a ROGUE hit me with the shaman move 'Earth Shock'. Me vs Rogue + earth shock. Ive heard theres a bug that lets shaman give +1000stats to all members, and the guy who told me this said, im sure they cant do it wenever they want, as i replied with they shouldnt be able to do that at all... if they can do that, well its a load of "POO", and something is really wrong with blizzard.

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  • 4 weeks later...

60 rogue 35 shaman on BR

horde styles.

yeah tdawg kinda with ya there on being boring.

I know i had the same prob with my rogue, took me a while to get tehre, then i finally get there, play a bit with BG and ya release ya class is pretty useless. Especially as a rogue, youre not a vital class to a group like a mage, so its hard to find groups who will take ya, and there are way too many rogues you have to fight over gear in raids and stuff, which makes it impossible to get a whole set of epic gear because its all spread out by the existing rogues.

rerolled a shaman now, it makes the game much more appealing when u try another char, especially a class thats different than your original char.

i know ppl who just play this game 24/7, crazy shit.

i have backed off the game a bit as it can get scary with the addiction. havent played properly in a few weeks.

sorry, but alliance = christians ^-^

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rogues not much use? you have to find yourself a good guild that takes mostly members on their runs. im about to do ST soon and been getting a heap of help from guildies.

unfortunately all the officers of The Divine Hand (guild i was formerly in) left so i have joined a real small close knit guild called Azeroth Response Group. all from perth, only melbournian haha but they are helping me a shitload with quests and such so we can have a full small guild of 60s

i also just made 51 last night, have my wicked leather gaunts, gloves and headband :D. but i dont have much gold :~(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah nice, i had a frenzy mania time yesterday.

I got Beaststalkers Belt, Cap and, AND Boots. Today im trying for the rest haha, 58 hunter and getting there!

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awesome :)

i sorta cooked my old amd xp1700 so decided to buy an amd64 3500 which should make life easier now :D

problem is, maintenance tonight, and its been getting earlier and earlier

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