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  • 1 month later...

I got a level 48 human warrior with plenty of epic equipment on Kil'Jaeden but havent played for a very long time.

My little bro just sold his account with 3 level 60s on eBay for nearly $500

WoW rocks full stop

I'm a lvl 13 (undead mage) n00b atm on Blackrock so if someone wants to help me out (Currently doing pine forrest quest's) Then gimme a PM.

Just need some help doing some quest's

Tell me when you're in STV, i'll...help...you out.....

STV? Sorry i'm a noob lol

I'm at crossroads atm, been told to head there to lvl quicker.

He's NE ( night elf ) you're undead.. he's going to.. kill you lol

He can't help you out anyway what so ever heh :P

You should have rolled on frostmourne.. aussie server or barthilas, new aussie server..

I plan to return to Frostmourne after my exams are over, ( 60 lock )

STV? Sorry i'm a noob lol

I'm at crossroads atm, been told to head there to lvl quicker.

STV is a lv 39+ area just south of duskwood.... its a major ganking area, me friend loves to go around there and gank hordes..... I have a lv hrmm.. 20? undead mage on blackrock as well, but been ganked to death around ashenvale by lv 50+ gives me the shits and I ended up just sticking with proudmoore...

Anyone on proudmoore?

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I've got my rogue on Lightbringer, never really had time for alts...

She's got 8/8 nightslayer and 5/8 bloodfang atm, we've been working on nefarian for 3 weeks (HES NO PICNIC!!)

Here's us enjoying the lab packs in BWL....

WTF Winter...

Tis Arduous/Scarletdeath/Ladyinred/Jelinda


Anywho, i xferred off that Lightbringer Rock. I'm on Khaz'Goroth now, with my 60 Warrior Arduous (i still have my 60 mage and rogue as well).

Raiding Naxx now, AQ40 is done (C'thun is such a fun fight - any guild that skips it is only hurting themselves).

Guild is called Eternity, we're not the top on the server, but we're in the process of restructuring to catch Time and these new upstarts ReBorn (who seems to go through members like i do tires....).

  • 1 month later...

Lvl 60 Paladin on Tichondrius - Clerion

Lvl 60 Mage on Frostmourne - Frozenova

Guild cleared ZG/AQ20 - Cleared MC and BWL - Up to Twin Emps in AQ40. Currently 80% of guild attuned for Naxx :laugh:

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