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hahah I gave up this game ages ago... expension f**ked it up. Since I bought my S15, I rather cruise around than playing hours on this game.

BTW, if anyone wants to buy lvl 70 shaman let me know :) it's at Blackrock server with 4 banker characters ( could be 5, i can't remember )

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying to quit, account ran out the other night and i am leaving it for a while. I really want to sell the account to someone and get it out of my hair as i have been stuck on the game since early 2005... It would be nice to say bye bye but i think it is not as hard if i know i do not own an account anymore instead of saying... oh how sad it is sitting there inactive...all alone!

So if anyone is interested in an account let me know =p

Characters on the account that matter:

70 Rogue


(wearing pvp gear atm) 1765AP in pve gear un buffed.

Armory doesn't seem to be working properly at the moment but there is also a 56 Undead Warrior and a 19 Twink Warlock (still needs a few enchants)

Edited by D-G

Came across your little forum and thought I would leave a few words...

Left WoW about 2 months ago. Have about 12 months of playing all up, quitting twice in that time. Have a 70 rogue with flying mount and a 62 mage. Will return one day to have a bit of fun with new content. Until then, I'm playing Teamfortress2, best pvp game ever!!

Best part about WoW for me was leveling up (experiencing the game) and playing the expansion. Expansion is the best part for most players. Blizz have learned what is good and bad in the game 'experience' and it shows. [Need lev58 to enter the expansion area.]

I wouldn't recommend playing WoW if you have a 56k modem or a crappy computer. Game shines with adsl and a decent comp. You can get an 8meg connection for about $60 these days. 1gig of RAM also helps a LOT in WoW. After that, a good vid card is recommended.

WoW is also the most popular MMO out there, but its not the best. The game is old and shows once you have played some of the newer MMO games out there. Its by no means the worst MMO either and I did find it fun, although it has many aspects that I don't like.

$15 a month to play this game isnt much. Its very expensive for a games company to run such a game and a large portion go's into keeping the game running and updating it. You can quit playing, come back 6 months later and have fresh content to play with.

Words of Wisdom:

I tell new people to pick 3 classes to play and get each one to level 20. After that pick your favorite and play ONLY that character to 70. The reason being, there are many aspects in the game that you HAVE to do, and can be rather repetitive or annoying at times. Best to have one character, play till your bored then choose another game.

With WoW based on a "reputation" system, getting your rep up with more then one character can be VERY annoying. Having played a few MMO games, I think this is not a game to have more then one toon.

One more thing, I find pvp servers for hardcore players only. The amount of time you spend 'dead' can be a lot and a waste of good playing time. You need the best of everything to win most games so Normal servers are the way to go. Use Battlegrounds if you want to pvp. Its a lot fairer and no ghost walking!!

My 2 cents...

I completely disagree with "Expansion is the best part for most players."

Most people quit when expansion hit the stores, it ruined every single Rank 14 PvPer's dream of having unique gear. Every single High Warlord i knew on my server (and Grand Marshal) all quit when they got rid of ranks and added the honor for Rank 14 stuff. The expansion ruined a lot of peoples fun including mine, the only reason i still play is because i am hooked, but i cant stand TBC. No more 40 mans sucks, free gear around every corner sucks. People no longer have to work for gear, you just get it handed to you for little to nothing. More tiers have come out in 11 months then WoW did in over 2 years and every tier now comes with a new season of arena gear making the previous season bought from Honor points which can be 5/5 bought in a week of farming. (Honor caps 10k a day - 65k all up)

Leveling now can be done 1-60 in a week even by noobs just starting out, 60-70 took me 3 days after release, how challenging is that? Personally before the experience buff last patch my 56 warrior had 3 days /played that includes grinding mobs when bored of questing and using him as a temporary low level bank before changing my mind.

The game really turned to shit when they released the expansion and will only burn out extremely soon, if i had another MMORPG to play that met the graphics and control of WoW i would no hesitate to play it instead, thus why when Aion comes out, it really is finally time for me to move on. The most fun times i have ever had playing the game was when i first started out, people weren't f**king morons, people were ready to put in extreme amounts of effort to get what they deserve. Now it is completely opposite and i hate it.

there already consider another expansion to stuff wow up and theres a new class called death night or something and to get that class u have to sacrifice a lvl 65+ toon. knowing wow players they have like 4 or more

there already consider another expansion to stuff wow up and theres a new class called death night or something and to get that class u have to sacrifice a lvl 65+ toon. knowing wow players they have like 4 or more

i got 6 at my disposal

1 is in tier 6

1 is in tier 5

1 is in tier 4

1 is kara ready

1 is pvp arena 2 gear

1 has nub gear

I dont play hardcore anymore now, last time i got on was i think 4 days ago ( considering i use to run a end game raiding guild and was on 7 days a week and updating content for my guildies during work hours....4 days is a lot)

Now i hit the gym and get out more.. feels great.

I've sadly started up again haha. Levelling an undead lock on Frostmourne. Name is irtehpwn. My previou chars included a 60 mage, 50 pally, 51 hunter.. They are all alliance chars on Blackrock. If anyone wants to swap accounts let me know, cbf levelling a char on Frostmourne to be honest, but I've got friends on there that want me to come.

I agree with SKY RYAN, all i logon my rogue to do now is pvp... pve is useless and time wasting, also puts you in a lot more of a stressful situation (to be on time, know strats, have mods and all that). Since BC release i could tell that raiding would never be the same. Can only imagine what the new expansion will bring =p

God bless my new ps3!

I havent had the time to play recently. Have a 70 Druid on Windrunner.

Was raiding naxxramas pre-expansion, got to 70 (which I hated as my gear that I worked so bloody hard for become worthless). Nonetheless, now I just dont have the time to play like i used to, so I only log on occasionally for a bit of PvP or to catch up with friends.

Game requires a lot of time and I started in November 2004 and played alot until mid 2007. Anyone around here on Windrunner?

  • 4 weeks later...

I got a 70 shadow Priest and a 70 dps MS warrior full S2 and some S3 from khaz goroth as alliance, Ill be on tonight if u want to have a duel lol. cjpwrx and whiteclover pst me if u have a player on this server we can chat ingame...

  • 4 weeks later...

haha ^^^

Yeah I used to play ages ago like 05 early 06. Had a 60 rogue.

Quit for a few months then started playing again. Got a lock to 70. Quit again for a few months. Now I'm playing again. Got my shadow priest to 62 on Thaurissan then realised shadow priests got pwned in group pvp haha (not talking about arena). They're good fun pve but yeah the whole 'every spell is on a huge cooldown' thing really annoyed me so retired that and leveling up another rogue.

BTW hunters are op

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