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Hey everyone,

Just thought I would post something up here in regards to something that happened to me the other night in Northbridge.

Anyways, its quite lengthy but I need to know where I stand.

The other night my girlfriend and I drove into Northbridge to pick up some take away food. So I parked the car in a car parking lot right near Auto Masters in Northbridge. This specific spot was a five minute park area so I thought I would leave it there because I was just going to pick the food up and come straight back. No harm in not paying the additional money for a ticket right? Also seeing as it was nearly 10pm and Northbridge wasn't busy because it was on a Monday night.

Anyways as we are walking back there is a young contracted parking insector (non city of perth parking inspector), standing right beside my car. I approached the man and he basically got shitty with me and asked if the car was my car. I said yes, so he cracked the shits and tore off the ticket and threw it on the ground. I thought he was such a rude &^%$, but I got over it and picked up the ticket he had thrown away as rubbish.

Anyways the next day I thought I had better actually call up and find out if this ticket was going to actually be processed (just incase this prick was to hand in the copy of the ticket to try and have me shafted). They basically told me that they will call me back.

Three days later and no call.

Buttonight I thought it better be chased up. So my girlfriends dad phoned them up and asked what the **** was going on. Basically, the story is as follows.

The company was aware that this parking inspector had done the "wrong" thing by littering and getting all narky with me on Monday night, so they were waiting for my fine with my rego to be processed. In the end it did, so they caught the fine and asked the parking inspector what was going on. Anyway, he came back stating that he had a shitty day because his motor blew up in his car, and then decided to try and **** me over by "disposing" of my copy of the ticket, so I wouldnt be aware of the ticket, and thus not pay for it. He then went on saying that he did this because if I hadn't of paid the fine, the next time I would go to park there I would have my wheel clamped or the car towed. Obviously costing me a shitload of money (not sure how much) to actually get the car back. He then went on to say that he "didn't like young carnts like me driving cars such as mine".

This person from this company gave this information to my girlfriends dad.

Where do I stand with this? As this idiot has blatently tried to **** me over bigtime, and it has backfired on him. I obviously have legal grounds because this is in no doubt harrassment. **** these jealous idiots!

P.S The bay was for five mintues, but if I was actually more than that time specified, it wouldn't have been long at all, two mins tops. Sorry to those involved if I was....But this isn't my point.

/END RANT! :Bang:

from what I red above, you cant do anything until they send you letter for something in writing...

I dont expect that the fine (if they send you one) no more than $100.

when you get it, you can take it and contest regarding the circumstances... and 'he said' 'she said' hearsay wont stand up in court...

so if you want to done something about it, Do it your self. ask them or send them a letter saying that you want expalinatoin (on the phone) in writing if not you'll write to council of north bridge.

wait and see...

I think I know the dickhead you are speaking of , Wilson parking, I have parked behind the car park behind connections its a wilson park to goto the kebab place and the clubs and shit as its close to everythign, occasionally I pay but when I dont I usually get a ticket, so far I have had 3 tickets each for like $70.00 I have never ever paid them as they can stick there tickets up there ass, I once got fined for parking there on ANZAC day by well im not trying to be racist by a TURK ON a public holiday there was like 2 cars there, so **** him , As for this guy he drives around in a sort of 4wd cab thingo with a video camera and he has slihtly longer hair , he told me if I ever came back he would clamp my car and i said thats ok becuase I carry around an angle grinder in my boot that runs on petrol and if he clamps my car i will simply remove the clamp , anyway he rubbishs on a bit more about criminal damage rah rah rah talking through his ass so i just told him to go **** himself :D

anyway enough of my rambling, ignore the ticket its not official city of perth and it cant goto fine suspension , as for the dickhead I wouldnt go through the hassle and cost of getting a lawyer or going to caught in the end it will cost u more in legal fees than the ticket, It is a common myth that if you win a case the opposiing party pays your legal costs, this is a crock of shit you still have to pay a quarter

So dont worry about him, dont give them the satisfaction of paying his wages with your hard earned cash, instead next time you seehim call him a white dog **** toss him an empty bottle of goon and tell him to go **** himself with it ;)

  G0DF4Th3R said:
sleep with his sister and then with TJ  

seriously tho, *** them over and make it known to public.. expose!

Love the sister part haha , as for mak ing it public i dont think anyone would really give a shit, it would just end up as 'young hot head with fast car' as it usually does... and ignored everyone knows there scum

hmmm i duinno i'd still talk to someone just to see what can be made about it.

Cause you do have proof enough that the carpark place told all this stuff to your gf's dad so i'd be pretty sure they would have made a report out of it.

If it can take you anywhere i'd make a deal outta it cause this "he didn't like young carnts like me driving cars such as mine". shit is in plain response to the discrimination that the police/government is making with the hoon law shit.

Hey if it was a muslim thing you could imagine that it would be on all the news channels and someone would be made a scape goat outta it.

I had this once too - was in a loading bay - loading my car with reams of paper in west perth.... hazard lights on, boot open etc.

Parking inspector see's me and runs across the road and immediately starts punching in numbers on his city of perth fine printer thinggo...

I get in my car, and he yells this is a loading zone dickhead! So full-well ignoring him, I got in my car and drove off as he's holding a printed ticket in the air....

....never heard from them again! go figure!

  Strich9ine said:
I had this once too - was in a loading bay - loading my car with reams of paper in west perth.... hazard lights on, boot open etc.

Parking inspector see's me and runs across the road and immediately starts punching in numbers on his city of perth fine printer thinggo...

I get in my car, and he yells this is a loading zone dickhead! So full-well ignoring him, I got in my car and drove off as he's holding a printed ticket in the air....

....never heard from them again! go figure!

are you serious what an asshole , some people really should have been drowned at birth like this parking inspector. I wouldnt givge him the time of day what can he do, maybe it was the same parking inspector strich thatlost his job and stzrted workin for this other lot that harassed you in the car park boosted26 .. jxl braught up a good point if u donjt want to ignore ticket just make a big deal out of it with the company and cause as much shit as u can and annoy em to hell

yeh i agree wit markr33

if its a private car park and not council parking u dont have to pay it trust me ive had heaps which is why they usually prefer to wheel clamp you

ive heard its sumthin to do with them not being allowed to look up private info like addresses and stuff

so just dont pay it and count yourself lucky

and believe in karma :P

Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm just going to give the idiots a call once everyone is open again and just try and get an explanation, because at the moment, I am still unaware if they have or haven't actually issued me with a fine?

I really don't give two shits about the fine, it's the issue about the jealous ****wit who was abusing his power. Have to see whats happened on their end before I go doing something about it though.

I'll keep you all posted :P

By law they are allowed to fine you for not complying with the conditions of entry. They are however not allowed to retrieve your info from the dept. of registration. So basicalli they can fine your arse, but they'll never kno who you are. Just make sure you dont give out your address or anything if they ask for it. Cuz thats how they'll get you. <---Got told all this by the perth mayor when i enquired abt a parkin fine from wilsons parking

I thought they could only really ask you to leave, and if you don't then get the cops to tell you to leave and if you cause any damage then you have to pay for it. If it were me, then I'd just let it go, if they send you a fine, then explain that the inspector tore it up and threw it down and you reasonably assumed that it was therefore invalid.

so then which car parks in northbridge can we park in without getting fines?? the private ones... which are they...

I beleive this to be true! we own the carpark out the back which every wank*r in WA uses..... i can hire private security to stand there and stop people coming in coz its private owned but apparently i can't issue fines...... am workin on it though :-)

By the way SUE THE F*CKER! speak to a solicitor and go from there......

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