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Crashed My Car On Boxing Day...

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oh heres the story my friend was driving my car takeing me and a friend home around 12.30 and while taking a corner a bit to fast the rear end kicked out and what can i say...

we went straight onto the and over the gutter and the rear end passenger side took out a tree..luky we werent killed :blah: :blah:

(No insurance 3rd party)

now i need to find a repair place that does good jobs fixing skylines and is not going to rip me a new asshole

im located in Melbourne, VIC

can anyone reccommend me anyplaces to get my car fixed

[email protected]

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on the basis that you didn't die, AND don't have insurance

you are a dickhead

haven't seen those crashes on the news recently?

maybve u should post this in the melb section.

im assume ur the biggest **** head ever (GTS_DUY).... i do have insurance but 3 rd party and u dont even know the whole story or what the damage is

so am i asking for u for what ou think about me..NO

and yes my friend is paying for it hes a good friend of mine hes doing all the organising to get ma car fix as possible already got the money lined up to pay for repair.. but im trying to help him out buy finding the best place possible to get my car fixed. so id rather some constructive information please.

the main problem is probarly fixing the chasis theres minmal body damage but he gutterd the car and bent the rear wheel.

do you own a 33 or a 32? or a 34?

if its a 33/32, it might be more worthwhile to sell the car as a wreck, and get your mate to pay you the amount of money required for a repair or at least the difference btw the mkt value of the car less scrap value. Reason being- given the high cost of repairs here in aussie, the final amount might be more than what u initially paid for the car.

i.e cost of r32 - 12k

cost of repair - 8k

value of wreck(half cut) - 4k

might as well write it off and get ur mate to pay you. U can then go look for another car then. After all....bent chassis...even when repaired, might not be as good as new, and u'd have problem selling your car in the future cos pple dont like buying bent cars.

Guys, why are you being so harsh for?, he wasnt even the one driving. Just how fast did he take the turn? why wernt you driving?

he was taking the corner at around 40-45 km.. but as we were coming out of the long turn he hit full boost and then laters to rear end kicked out. and laters.

oh yeh it was a r33 gts-t 1994

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