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Over the last half century the NSW population has doubled, the number of licences has increased sevenfold and the number of vehicles in 2003 is more than nine times that for 1949.

Well how about that, that's what should be in the news, why don't they ever report the good bits?

i think the thread has gone a bit off topic ... we want to stop P platers making news in the paper ... dont' care about the oldies ... nothing you can do about them LOL ... they'll tell the law makers off ...

something needs to be done about the little shits ... i think maybe very strict rules ... very harsh penalties for infringments ...

i know... dont watch the news.. and ban a current affiar

problem sloved..

dont know if penaltys will do anything the whole problem in the first place is cause we do this shit without any thought.. and i havnt fully checked the stats but i dont think its any worse than before..

im fully over any media report or hot story about p plate driving, unless it doubles in the next six months forget about it... put the money into driver traning and pay some people to think up an affective strategy if we want to make a difference - revise the licenscing system.

the penatlys are harsh enough at the moment you can loose your licence on your p's for just waking up in the bloody morning - 2 points just for not having ps on the car... on green ps u get 7 points and in double demerit time u pass a truck at 120 move on the overtaking section drivin the pac highway home and the feds would have your licence and be all singin.... naaahh naaah. naah nah nah naaahhh sayyyy aaaa goodbye... as you walk your bitch ass home for christmas

"the fatality rate for 17-20 yearolds was 3 times the fatality rate for the entire population"

that was in the Qld report..................MAYBE THAT'S WHY THEY'RE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT P-PLATERS

Revhead had a good comment on how it dosent take driver/passanger deaths into account but i think that just strengthens the argument for restricting the number of passengers in a car on p's...........

.................actually i read further down the report, it breaks up who got killed. drivers, passangers, pedestrians etc.........more passangers than drivers

another interesting note is that most of the accidents happened on saturday night, which has the highest rate of fatalties and 6-11pm the time when they occured the most. 2nd was 12-5am...............


For once we don't get a mention! lol

Although they don't bash these people as much as they would have if it was another skyline driver.

That's cause that's the SMH, and not the Daily Telegraph

They're just interested in selling papers and don't care about the news or consequences.

Not only do printing front page storys like they were doing(guess they found something better, they go in crazes, p platers, shark attack, sydney to hobart, very late reporting of the tsunami(I work in a newsagents)) to attract the attention of the oldies to say, "oh bad young skyline drivers" but also, to grab people like our attention, get us pissed off, and end up reading the article to see how much they bag you, sucks but it worked on me.

They mention 3 incidents with fatalities, 2 involve skylines and one a 'sports car'. As mentioned before people can and will speed in whatever they are driving if thats what they want to do. What about all the fatalities from road accidents in everyday cars, like commodores, falcons, magnas etc. Why dont they have some sort of statistics in the paper of fatal accidents alongside car type. It's hard enough for us to take our 'lines for a drive now without being watched, followed or spot checked by the police.

There are as many idiots out there in gemini's and excels causing havoc on the streets...and just as easy to speed in them. Just takes a bit longer to get there, but they can all exceed 150km/h

.................actually i read further down the report, it breaks up who got killed.  drivers, passangers, pedestrians etc.........more passangers than drivers

another interesting note is that most of the accidents happened on saturday night, which has the highest rate of fatalties and 6-11pm the time when they occured the most.  2nd was 12-5am...............

every state has a road or 2 where if you go for a drive on a friday or sat night u will see some stupidly rediculous cars and stupidly rediculous driving by P platers ... now its always made me wonder why cops dont' concentrate on these roads at these particular times?? sometimes i see cops ... but i always see dickheads going at 100+ in a 60 zone ... and they never ever get caught ... everytime i see it without fail ... thats what pisses me off the most ... the last time i saw a cop pull someone over at that time and place was a 200sx and he wasn't even doing anything ...

All the hype abt skylines is becos there is a general impression against these cars.

If you guys want to effect a change, form an offical lobby group and go public. Guns kill the most pple in the US every year but it will never be outlawed....why? becos the gun lobby groups are strong and have a significiant presence

LOL, dude ive done 170 on my 1989 holden barina 1L engin, (well just 1s around 3 in the morning, no cars nuthing).

and yeah its just that modified cars stands out from all the other normal cars. (totaly agrees with REPRAZENT)

and the media!!! URGH. its funny whn some thing like this happns, the always point it out "a nissan Skyline", ive heard so many other accidents on TV, not involing skylines. and they allways say "a sedan" or "a car with xx people" or "the mortor vehical"... its funny how they always clearly say "a skyline" or a "wrx"...

oh and yeah. its stupid the speed, i mean big time ( i had my share of this and ive learnd my lesson)

I know of an accident where the vehicle was an HSV clubsport (a couple of years ago) where 2 people were killed, and the media just said a high performance vehicle. No mention at all of the vehicle type. It really pisses me off at the attention us 'line owners receive when a 'high performance' car is involved in road deaths! Like a couple of months back with the twin turbo IS200 conversion accident when 2 people where killed. I know people that knew the owner, and that accident caused us 'high performance import' owners so much grief.

If you look at the latest HSV, FPR products, they produce in stock for more horsepower than any import does (in stock form) and yet there is no uprising against that at all. I know of a ford performance guy, that owned a ftr T50 that made over 600 horses. There is such a negative image of 'grey imports'. It really shits me!!!!

i think the thread has gone a bit off topic ... we want to stop P platers making news in the paper ... dont' care about the oldies ... nothing you can do about them LOL ... they'll tell the law makers off ...  

something needs to be done about the little shits ... i think maybe very strict rules ... very harsh penalties for infringments ...

Quote " Something needs to be done about the little shits".....

Again i'm going to have to pause and try my best to work out what the f8ck your smoking!

Are you telling me you were never a P Plater?

Or is it that you have never broken any road rule? (Caught or not)

Do you own a HPI?

Im trying my best to work out how anything you have said is constructive! What is your solution? Harsh penalties??? Like what? And does this mean that once your finished on your P's that the penalties should be any less? How is that fair? So if your 35 and you get caught doing 150 down the highway you should be punished less than the 18 year old you were racing???

The "L" and "P" plate system is supposed to be a way of introducing new drivers on to the road! Now your saying that because you have finished your introduction that all those who havent are just stupid "little shits"? So when can I expect my "Graduated from being a little shit" membership card in the mail? I finsh my third year on my P's in a couple of months! Guess what: I have never lost my license! I have never been booked in my Skyline! In fact my biggest ticket was for not signaling, I was driving a 91 Civic! The biggest accident I have ever had was in a commodore and that was when I cliped a gutter at a low speed!

So please let me join! I dont want to be a "little shit" anymore.............

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