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hey ppls,

Does anyone here play initial D?

Whats your Car, Best Track and time?

Initial D's the Bomb if you dont actually own a car (like myself -_-")

My car WAS (before it was stolen) Yellow EvoVII 12 stars best track irohazaka

but now for id3 i have Black EvoVI and best track akina snow

let us now what the rest of you ppls get

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ey i got many cards but i got the best time in melbourne on myogi in version 2 =] at 2:56 with a R32 14 stars. i have transfered it to version 3 now so i need to race 1 to get 1 upgrade at a time, pretty sucky, also i have a white R34[ver2] with 1 star, a MR2 thats stock purple and only 2 mods[ver2] , a red S15[like in D1] =D with around 4 mods - 3 step[ver3]. but my mate has a yellow fd like K.T, cept faster and hes got like 19 battle level... hes a ass and a cheater =]

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