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My car got stolen today

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if I thought it would work it would be worth while

but you know that theives have more rights then the victims these days and they could turn around and sue you

(If they try to sue) Nah mate, we were never in the area, we were all at a friend's house playing poker.

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geez sorry to hear that mate, but i find it so hard to believe everytime i hear about someones car/ car stereo system being stolen so one seems to see anything... and seeing as u said around 4pm it wouldnt of been hard for someone to see someone break a window (let alone hear it). Were there many cars parked around yours or was it a pretty empty time of day (i wouldnt know anything about that shopping centre)?

I hope u get it back mate.

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you poor bastard. Crimes against cars are worse than crimes against children...cars can't fight back at all.

I hate it when people say "you shouldn't have parked there without full comprehensive insurance, a 6 way immobiliser and satellite tracking" should be able to park your car with the windows down and keys in ignition (in a perfect world).

Hope they find it and the dirty lowlife who stole it. Good luck dude

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That sucks. I feel for you, it has to be one of the most depressing things to happen to you. Saving up money, EARNING your car, to have it stolen from you from some pitiless low life, especially when the car came straight from the mechanic

I hope the thief dies a slow painful death.

Good luck to everything going well I hope your car is in one peice.

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I was informed of some new information today from a member of a forum.

Basically what Rugal has told me is he saw it on Fourth Avenue in Austral. At around 6-7 on thursday the 6th.

The guy whom i might have seen as well at the car park, was a australian looking guy, mid 20s/30s and had a beard.

There was a guy with a utes bonnet open a few cars up from mine who looked like this when i last saw it but i payed no attention to him.

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I'm at home now on the south coast.

and I just called Liverpool police station, they said an informant had located the car, though the report wasn't finished, so they couldn't give me any information, and i have to wait till the constable who did my report gets back on monday.

So as of now i have no idea of what condition it is in.

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are you for real???

you have to wait till monday???

and what they mean by located? do they have the car in their possesion or is it sitting in an alleyway?

that's the thing, i don't know, that's all the information they gave me

right now i'm just going to listen to the police radio incase i hear something

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that's the thing, i don't know, that's all the information they gave me

right now i'm just going to listen to the police radio incase i hear something

Id ring em back and demand that they tell you if they have found it or not.... man u shouldnt have to wait for some seargent to verify it.

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