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stuff idiots say about skylines

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I was unfortunately involved in a conversation at a party last night where some idiot who apparantly knew everything about cars started to voice his opinion.

I'll save you the dialogue but some of the vomit that left his mouth included:

"300zxs look like taragos"

"The r35 GTR. Now THATS a car"

"Oh you have a r32 GTR? Pfft they are old buckets of crap now.. been there done that."

"He should buy a Magna"

He wouldnt tell me what car he drove but my g/f said before I got there he let it slip that he was a corolla driver.

Needless to say I didnt feel that it was worth my energy to step into an argument with someone who is clearly gifted.

Whats some stupid things you've heard people say about skylines/imports?

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amateur, amateurish, awkward, bungling, bush, bush league, clumsy, disqualified, floundering, helpless, inadequate, incapable, incapacitated, ineffectual, inefficient, ineligible, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, insufficient, maladroit, raw, skill-less, unable, unadapted, uncool, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, unhandy, uninitiated, unproficient, unqualified, unskilled, untrained, useless

Yep, that seems to just about cover your average GTR driver!


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I had a guy last nite in a magna try to drag me so i gave it enough to beat im lol shhh. Ayways at the lights he said ohh thats a good skyline is it a gtr i said no is a gtst and then he goes ohh so its a non turbo, i said no its a single turbo, this was when the stupid comment came but u said it wasnt a gtr only gtr's have turbos in skylines, and he called me a stupid bastard who doesnt know anything about skylines so i shouldnt be driving one and drove off?

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last year i was at the lights in my r34 and sum guy emptied his drink out on my car thinking he was "hardcore"..

he didnt even have to say anything but i saw red :fight!: with fist clenched i got out and headed his way real quik, he drover over 3big curbs and thru a park, he wee'd himself.

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Leaving Autobahn after getting some cleaning products one of the staff members followed me outside and asked......."Is it turbo?" to which i replied its a GTR mate......he gave me a puzzeled look and i said its Twin Turbo (ya dickhead i thought to myself). I hopped in the car and drove away laughing at the incompetent guy who sells car products and yet knew nothing about cars.

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last year i was at the lights in my r34 and sum guy emptied his drink out on my car thinking he was "hardcore"..

he didnt even have to say anything but i saw red :fight!: with fist clenched i got out and headed his way real quik, he drover over 3big curbs and thru a park, he wee'd himself.

LOL... Once I emptied my Mcass Coke once. This lady was tail gaiting me for few hundred meters... then I stop @ light on Yellow, she Locked up big time (thinking that I probably take off on yellow light)

almost kissing my Exhaust... I was WTF? so I gave her cold drink to cool down. Coke cup hit her wind screen and SPLAT!!!. she didnt move when Light changed to green.

I do not condon my behaviour but she deserved it as far as I'm concern.

ps. on my last comment I was refering to some of GTR drivers, most of them are fine drivers. Its the others who trying to Drag GTR causes accidents or Drifting on GTR...passionate Kiss with *(insert any obstacles on the road)* most likely Gutter, tree, street sign, Bus Stop...etc..pppttff.:)

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another one...

A:What car is this?

B: Its Tommy Kaira

A: Who's that?

B:Name of Company who makes car...

C: Nice car Its got GTR stuff on it right?

B: yeah... pretty much

C:2.6 ltr twin turbo V6! wickid...

B: who is Tommy K? again? is it same dude who makes Clothes?

I'm thinking * You dumb asses"

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some rat-woman in some piece of shit car threw her cigarette butt onto my bonnet as i drove past her at a set of lights once.

Luckily it rolled straight off, although i don't know what it would've done if it had stayed on there as thats never happened to me...

I slowed down but she swerved behind me into a servo.

I get heaps of rednecks giving me dirty looks also...

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ive been driving to work one morning, sensibly... doing the speed limit in the left lane... some knob in a bunky pulls out in front of me jjust after the traffic lights and yeah... still plenty of room between me and him, but i was gaining quickly (obviously his car was a bit of mud and wasnt going anywhere quickly...) Well as i was coming up and went past he had his finger up at me... i was just like... WTF... i didnt even know the guy....

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I was waiting at a busy stop sign a few months back and finally saw a small break but with enough room to sneak in.

I Briskly accelerated to the speed limit in front of the old guy i pulled out before.

He drove a Camry Sportivo

A few moments later he came up beside my window screamin and waving a pad of paper at me saying that he was going to report me for dangerous driving.

I told him to go fu(k himself.....

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Coming out of Bunnings not long ago a guy asked me-

"Is that one of them Skylines mate?"

"Yep" I says.

"I hear there pretty powerful" he replies.

"Yeah there ok, about 250 horse power( mines a R33 GTST )

"Hey thats not as much as a 185kw Clubsport is it ?"

Then sigh to myself and say, "Nah mate the Clubie's got more grunt I think"

And then he tops it off with " What kind of V8 has it got in it ?"

By this time I couldnt help myself anymore and hit him with-

"Its just one of them Nissan ones" And walked off.

Then found a convienient wall to beat my head against.

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I get these guys in commodores revving it up when they go past me, hahaha, stupid auto statesmans, oh and this other dude who has a bodykitted honda accord does the same thing, it sounds like a mosquito with a microphone hahahaha. And once this camry pulled up next to me in car park and wanted a drag, and i just ignored him, then he proceeded to do the worst burnout ive ever seen, i was LMAO.


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