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stuff idiots say about skylines

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Two fairly funny/stupid ones : Sitting in an office lobby and one guy says to his mate "Thats a nice Skyline out there" his mate says " Ahh theyre more common than Holdens these days" I was thinking if that was true you wouldnt even be having the conversation- my car was parked behind a Commodore and it didnt rate a mention. Another guy told me he could buy an R34 for $11,000 so I said "buy it then thats really cheap - it woud be a 1998 model at the oldest" he said "they are cheap cos there's so many of them around , more than Holdens " I said " how many Holdens do you see in that carpark? The only Skyline there is mine"

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I get the usual;

"what boost you runnin?" to which I always will reply "just standard". I figure if they know anything about skylines then they would know what "standard" is and if they dont, and are truly intersted, then I will tell them.

Also get the typical "smoke em up!" to which I never do.

One time this bogan came up to me and said " yer noice car moite", so I reply "cheers" and he says " yer I used ta flawg these cars moite" and I say "no shit! mines hooked up pretty good" I also tell him "I got sat track, viper alarm, 6 point immobiliser, proximity sensors and that code paint stuff" and hes like "fwooaar - Im not faaaarkin with your roide moite"

Truth is back then I didnt have shit - not even a 3 point immobiliser!

Always get paid out at work by all the commo driver rednecks - always tellin me I got my car to show off and be noticed - Im like "yeh and....?" They think Im a poser so I go along with it for a laugh cos they've got no idea.

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I was in my brother's Skyline while he was parking in the city. A guy in a Holden ute was yelling at us because he couldnt get passed until we finished parallel parking. In frustration he yelled "learn how to drive yeh ******* asians'. His expression changed when he drove past us only to see two white faces and a powerful 'stare down'. What a racist ****.

After parking.

Some kid.

'oh..its ONLY a gtst. Those suck compared to a GTR'.


"where did you learn that? Gran Turismo?"

Little bastard didn't know what to say.

Comments vary depending on the area you live in with the most obscene occuring usually in outer suburbs. Nothing pisses me off more than racists and assholes who cant tollerate another persons preference in cars.

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I've been looking all over the back of my car to try and find the big "RACE ME" sticker, but I can't find it. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

I've had my (white, admittedly) R33 GTS-T 2 bloody days, and I've already had a knob in a half-crashed Supra try and race me on the way to work. Gheeesh!!

I just accept that the roads are full of spazoids trying to have an accident one way or the other. Road Ragers (some dudes are just NUTS!), people half asleep, half-crazed Taxi drivers, who think they're still driving in whatever 3rd world country they just emmigrated from, etc. etc. etc. etc.

-you know, the usual.

I guess I've got years of prejudice and abuse to look forwards to! Thankfully I've only had mates and genuinely car-savvy people talk to me about it. (so far)

p.s. - It's no coincidence that the boy-racers who buy a turbo-import to street race are also the ones getting clocked at 180km/h, and wrapping themselves around hard, pointy, non-moving things. I couldn't really give a stuff about the silly pricks, except it makes it realy hard for Me to insure a Skyline, and screws up their family's life. I waited till I turned 25 to get the 'line - SCREW paying $3800 /yr insurance!!!! It also makes jap-turbo drivers an easy target for police, politicians and worst of all - the media, who have alot to answer for, the scapegoating bastards.

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i've got to say that anyone not owning a skyline reading this thread would think we are all pompous jackasses, but anyway funky ur gf's brother is a champ

Haha so true.

Nah anyone with anything decent gets shit its so annoying.

The posts on here are so funny. Im having a good time reading it.


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Guy says,

"Dude, you got something wrong with your BOV?"

me "Um, dunno. Don't think so. Why?"

Guy "'Cos its not makin' that squeek noise, or spitting blue flame like that orange supra in Fast and Furious"

And this from a guy wearing mechanic's overalls, standing outfront of a tyre shop. Obviously all the vehicles spit blue flame in his workshop.

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There is a few here that sound similar to my experience the other night.

I was stopped at the lights at the top of Wheelers Hill and a full VS Commonwhore with P's pulls up next to me. Anyhow I'm sitting there chatting to the Mrs when I hear a "Thats fu(ken weak" come from the guy in the back seat right before he sinks down in heis seat to hide from me"

I was pretty calm, just said "Thats cheap coming from a drunk backseat driver of a Commonwore huh!" His mate in the front just shook his head with embarrassment as I putted off.

I don't understand what it was all about still.........:)

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This is all a part of the fact that our country is very ignorant and insular, regardless of what people try to say about our country being multicultrural/friendly/open etc.....

i particularly find this true of people who are 3rd generation or more australians, people who are 1st or second generation australian (children of immigrants) seem to me much more open minded, and realise that there is a whole world out there besides australia (and not everything that comes out of this country is great....by any means)............that may be a generalisation, but thats just what i've seen, and in my experience it is true.

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Does 'what kind of skyline is that?' count as a stupid question???

I wouldn't consider this as a stupid question. Believe it or not, there are people who are genuinely interested in learning more about Skylines and other cars.

Can you tell the difference b/w a N/A and a TT Supra? Can you tell the difference b/w a series 1, 2 and 3 VX Commowhore? It's the same for people out there who can't tell the difference b/w a R33 GTS and a GTS-T.

I have time for people who don't know but I have no time for people who are ignorant.

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The question was rhetorical.

It was from a punk ass kid hangin in a group that i pulled up near.

He says sarcastically (although he probably didn't know) Hey mate what kind of skyline is that? Then turns to his mates and laughs.

I say its a good one and walk away...

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i own a r33 s2 gtst, ive had the people telling me my car was still turned on and people telling me there over rated before i whip there ass when there driving a pulsar (oldie)!! the other day 2 kids were riding their bikes in the middle of the road towards me and they gave me and bit of room to get past and their like 'nice car mate' sarcasticly and i go yerh tell ya mum that! ha that put em bac in there place and i hate V8/ aussie car enthusiests who think they no everything and that V8s r the real deal when they want even give the imports a go because well.... they know there better!!! :headspin:

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was that a sarcastic comment about what happened to me? / / /

or has this actually happened to someone else?

No, this happens to me on a semi-regular basis, although not so much anymore as I only drive my car on weekends now. Ciggies, and other general bits of rubbish get lofted out of jealous ba$tards cars... Someone should design a front bumper out of a wheelie bin, they'd make a fortune...

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hey, funny thread..

i find with most commodore ppl(who are serious about modifying) are fine with my skyline, and talk sense.

the thing that sh1ts me is those 18 y/o(no nothing) with a set of rims on his VS ecogay or the old blokes who have just earnt the money to buy a hsv(still no nothing)thinking there rides are top and skylines suck.

when it comes to the lights they are left in smoke...

(i am 18 but am open to different cars, and dont pretend to know everything)


the other day i was driving down the street and saw a bloke i knew who had just moved to adelaide, so pulled up and started talkin...(i have a '33 gtst)

bloke: i see heaps of better cars than yours in adelaide!

me: wat are they?

bloke: dunno, but there all way better than yours..

me: thats nice for them, but hey? what car do you drive again? (drives a real old ford laser with faided paint and rust holes= an absolute sbox)

bloke: walks off


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