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Hi all!

My first post as have just joined,

Have been looking at getting a Stagea for a while and stumbled across this site when I googled 'Stagea'!

Had a quick skim through the threads in this section and there is some great info!

Now to the point... what are some things to look for when buying a Stagea?

I have found one I really like.

1996 RS4

Auto (of course!)



Immaculate cond


They had only just taken the plastic covers off the rear seats and headrests as the owners in Japan left them on!!

Does this sound alright?

He will do it for round $25 with my R31 Silhouette as a trade-in.

Any help/advise will be appreciated!



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I looked at this car too, and took it for a drive. I wouldnt consider it to be in "Immaculate condition" but it is quite clean.

We were offered the car for $26000 without a trade in (no haggling or negotiation at that stage so I am sure Michael would go lower)

I thought it was a bit too expensive, and for the prices you are better to go Queensland or WA.

Yeah mate as the others said that is way too much - I am getting my 1998 Stagea with the Neo6 R34 engine (205kW from factory) and tiptronic auto (steering wheel controls) for $28,000, negotiated before they gave me a dam good price on my trade in as well. 2000 models are just starting to come through for low $30k's as well. Prices over here for a 96 model with that low kms is about $24,000.

Oh and was speaking to a couple of RAWS who said they will be looking at the first 2001 35 model Stageas (current shape) in about 18 months or so - so might be some nice trade-in possibilities for those of yas looking to have owned your Stageas for a couple of years by then and wanting an update! :)

Ok thanks guys.

I had a look at autotrader and yeah he is asking way too much. Also I noticed the car doesnt have the sunroofs, which I want so im looking elsewhere now! :)

There is a very nice Series 2 1998 C34 for $28990. Tiptronic and Neo engine.

This is a bit off topic, but whats the diff between RS4 and C34? I had never heard of the C34 before...



C34 is the model number, shortened from WGNC34. it's the same as the designation of R33, R34 for skylines. RS4 is the version of the Stagea, it tells you what options the car comes with. RS4 V is the top model, then RS4, then 25X, then 25G... and so on. i hope that helps

C34 is the platform designation for the fairly ugly Nissan Laurel, from which the Stagea is derived. The R33 is also based on the same floor pan apparently, part of Nissan's mid-90's cost cutting.

If you have a look at the C34 Laurel, you'll see where the WGNC34 Stagea styling came from:


Ok thanks again!

Went and had another chat to Mike, and had a close look over the whole car. He would only go to $25,000 with no trade in, which I still think is to expensive, as you can get the same car with a body kit, leather int, dual sunroof and 18" GTR rims from QLD advertised for $22k (so they should go even lower as I've never heard of anyone paying full price from a car yard!). Also I noticed about $400 worth of little imperfections in the paint and some small tears in the drivers side arm rest just where your elbow goes in the vinyl skin. So Im definatly going to look elsewhere.

He also said (Im very much inclined to think its just salesman talk here) that regency is very picky when checking the VIN numbers from import cars that are from QLD as 'apparantly' there is a lot of dodgey re-skinning of cars over there. He had an example the, a lexus 4WD, which he showed me so I believe him in this case, where Rengency had unscrewed the compliance plates and impounded the car, cause they THOUGHT it had been reskinned and they dont have to prove a thing. The only way you can ever get the pates back is going through court. Whether he is just trying to scare me or not I dont know. Anyone heard of this happening before?

Man... what an essay! Sorry, but I dont wanna spend that much money on a lemon!


My Stagea was complied in Queensland and it got the full xray, sonic, on hoist, under car testing by the RTA before rego. Every single low volume import gets that in NSW. I asked the inspector how many they "catch" and he said never on low volume imports, but lots of local car rebirthing is attempted.:(

the problem with low volume imports is there isnt an easy way to get the cars into the country and the cars need to be cut in half in a way that they cannot be put back together if they are for parts or not sutiable

sounds like a bunch of bs hes using to get you to buy his cars

Thats what I thought, but doesnt hurt to check!

Anyone here live in Melbourne close to Cheltenham that wouldn't mind checking out a car for me? Its sounds pretty sweet, and the salesman seemed honest enough, but hes still a salesman, so I would like an honest opinion...



For the difference in price I'd take a trip to QLD, spend a week or two there kicking back and relaxing, check few car yards out.

Just try and narrow it down to a few cars before you go - the internet is great for that :(

If you find one you like get it shipped back or drive it back yourself.


Yeah that seems like a good idea.

I found pretty much exactly what I was looking for in Brisbane....

White, dual sunroof, sweet rims, very nice bodykit and low ks. These are the main 5 things I want...

But it had sold basically straight away :( QLD is about 2-3k cheaper than ecerywhere else though.

Just remember that all Stageas come from either Queensland or WA, as they are the only places that can comply them.

It is true that regency will inspect any vehicle from interstate (import or local) prior to issuing rego and numberplates. And you probably know how tough regency can be on imports, so at least get the car in stock trim prior to its inspection (i.e. no window tint, boost controller, front mount etc.) then put all the good stuff back on.

From my experience, and what I have heard, don’t take the car there if you are young. Its much better to get your old man to take it down (and act as if its his car) or if you are a bit older, get the wife to go and register it (with the kids in tow). You are much less likely to get a hard time if you follow this advice.

Just remember that all Stageas come from either Queensland or WA, as they are the only places that can comply them.  

It is true that regency will inspect any vehicle from interstate (import or local) prior to issuing rego and numberplates. And you probably know how tough regency can be on imports, so at least get the car in stock trim prior to its inspection (i.e. no window tint, boost controller, front mount etc.) then put all the good stuff back on.  

From my experience, and what I have heard, don’t take the car there if you are young. Its much better to get your old man to take it down (and act as if its his car) or if you are a bit older, get the wife to go and register it (with the kids in tow). You are much less likely to get a hard time if you follow this advice.

All the non standard stuff has to come off for compliancing anyway.:D

Just rang regency.

If it was complianced under the new RAWS scheme (i.e. has a burgendy not a green compliance plate) then it only needs a ID check, not a roadworthy.

So I dont think you would need to take any non-stock stuff off in that case.

Though knowing them, they would probably slap a sticker on it anyway for some dumb thing and get you to come back for a roadworthy anyway! :S

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Otherwise it will make unearthly noises when you press the clutch pedal as it says on the little installation sheet in Japanese. Also, on both initial disassembly and assembly you must follow torque sequence for the pressure plate bolts. For some reason the Nismo directions tell you to put in the smaller 3 bolts last. I would not do this. Fully insert and thread those bolts to the end first, then tighten the other larger pressure plate bolts according to torque sequence. Then at the end you can also torque these 3 smaller bolts. Doing it the other way can cause these bolts to bind and the whole thing won't fit as it should. Hope this helps someone out there.
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